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Argumentative Paper: A controversy today in society is the rights of the marriage to LGBT , which is an acronym to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

and Transgender people, or also nown as !gay marriage laws" are debating to be put into action in the #nited $tates% &t's a rather old topic, but has spar ed the interest of this generation of America% (ne )uestion has been rattling many American's minds, !$hould gay marriage be allowed in our states*" +any states have already passed the option for LGBT people to get married, but many states are still on the fence about it or against it entirely% $o far, according to news, at least nine states have lifted the ban of gay marriage, and it's being debated by all of the united states, and many states have considered lifting the ban% The whole debate, overall, is to actually ,ust let all the states have gay marriage as a country% There are many reasons why it's banned in states, including religion, population, and- or among other trivial factors% The ban should be lifted all over the #nited $tates because love shouldn't be illegal, &t's discrimination. ta ing rights away from potentially harmless humans who ,ust want to be with their lovers, and it's natural for humans% Love is !affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests or the an assurance of affection," according to /ebster 0ictionary% 123 $o the )uestion is: why is expressing love illegal for the LBGT community* /hy can't they share their lives together li e a traditional married couple* +any people may argue that !LGBT" love isn't love, but a sexual attraction as one would be as a one night stand, and though this may be true for some cases, that isn't the attraction of what love is% That is lust, and lust can happen to anyone since lust is !intense or unbridled sexual desire%" They are two completely different definitions, and many people seem to get them confused when tal ing about members of the LGBT community, implying they can only feel lust for each other, which is certainly not true for every couple% Love is the affection and benevolence for a significant partner, which can be the same gender% &f the same sex couple cares enough about each other to get married, why should

they be banned from that* Because it's not !normal*" 4ifty years ago, a blac man- woman could not marry a white man-woman because of common excuses for what is being used today. such as its immorally, religion, the Bible, God, etc% Today, this is considered to be !normal" for society% Though it may be a stretch, that type of love was considered immoral bac then, as it is considered today for the LGBT community% 5omosexual couples are considered to be immoral, horrible sinners to the sight of God, and are damned to the depths of hell for eternity, especially by those who are religious% But they claim they are in love enough to get married, why should it be illegal* They want to be together, so why is it illegal for them to be* Love, as different as it may be, is not only between ,ust a !man and woman%" Love can be viewed as a chemical reaction% As 5elen 4isher described it, !1Love3 is due to the dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine we're releasing% Dopamine is thought to be the 6pleasure chemical,6 producing a feeling of bliss% Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline and produces the racing heart and excitement% According to 5elen 4isher, anthropologist and well7 nown love researcher from 8utgers #niversity, together these two chemicals produce elation, intense energy, sleeplessness, craving, loss of appetite and focused attention% $he also says, !The human body releases the coc tail of love rapture only when certain conditions are met"" $o if this human for us to feel love, can't we express that with anyone, regardless of gender* /hat if our !love chemicals" go off with someone we truly care about%%%and they are the same gender* &t's not a bad thing that happens, it ,ust can happen% The love between two people, overall, is no one's business except their own% &f they want to get married, we should ,ust let them get married% &t will effect no one besides, truly, them, because they are the ones in love% 0iscrimination is the !treatment or consideration of, or ma ing a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit%" 123 This harsh form of hatred can be shown in many

colors, such as race, religion, but it's currently pretty prominent in the terms of homosexuality% Though it is o ay for an individual to disli e a person because of personal reasons, it should not be acceptable that they hate a certain group because of who they are% The idea of discrimination is dar , but it happens practically all the time, in the form of homophobia% !5omophobia means fear of homosexuality% $ome people may feel threatened by people who have sexual preferences other than their own% They may express this fear in a variety of ways ranging from subtle discrimination to overt violence%" Though this is a common form of discrimination, another un nown form isn't commonly stated, but they are highly related% !5eterosexism is the belief that everyone is, or should be, heterosexual and that other forms of sexuality are unacceptable% This belief may underpin a range of areas 9 for example, health policy, health services, welfare and education services 9 and can ma e gay and lesbian people feel invisible%" This is a hugely debated topic that needs to be fully eliminated since every homosexual couple who is together deserves the rights heterosexual or other couples have% &f we, as a community, eliminate discrimination from the community, and let LGBT people have our rights, it won't really affect us individually% 0iscrimination is unnecessary, and if we, as a community, accept them as human beings, we can eliminate the hatred they get from people% &t is a personal attac of people that they attac er personally does not now, ,ust a general assumption of stereotypes they have heard over the years about the LGBT community, some of which may or not be true% &f we allow them to get married, then this would probably eliminate a lot of discrimination to unsure people who are so called homophobes and hopefully ma e them reali:e that change is not such a bad thing% &s homosexuality not normal* /ell, according to science and research study, it can be% !Sexual expression, whether it be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, is an orientation, not a behavior, not a preference, not an addiction or a lust. Sexual orientation defines the consistent emotional, romantic and sexual attraction a person has for the opposite sex, same

sex or both sexes." 8ecently, in a church ministry called Exodus International has revealed in their ;< years of teaching homosexual people on how to be heterosexual from the president Alan =hambers, admitted even with the therapy, that he still was homosexual, and )uoted, !The majority of people that I have met, and I would say the majority meaning 99.9% of them have not experienced a change in their orientation or have gotten to a place where they could say that they could never be tempted or are not tempted in some way or experience some level of same-sex attraction. I think there is a gender issue there, there are some women who have challenged me and said that my orientation or my attractions have changed completely. Those have been few and far between. The vast majority of people that I know will experience some level of same-sex attraction." &t is also shown through the brain that homosexuality can be developed in the fetus and an alternation of the brain, researcher 0an >den was as ed to loo at the scientifically new evidence for homosexuality as a whole, and found a fact in the brain that was triggered, !5omosexuality is a congenital condition much li e being 6left handed6% Before you dismiss the analogy remember there were times in history when being left7handed ?the archaic meaning of 6sinister6@ meant you were possessed by evil% Aou could have been hanged, burned, stoned to death or buried alive% 5aving personally lived in an Arab country, & can assure you that being left7handed was something that & did my best to hide% Today we now that left handedness is the result of excess testosterone slowing the growth of the left7hemisphere in the developing fetal brain%1B3 &t's not a choice% &t's a condition%" And it's not a bad condition, either% &t's the natural attraction of that certain person will probably get when they are born, be it their own sex or the opposite sex% +any people may also argue it's not natural because they cannot produce offspring, li e a normal heterosexual relationship can% That's true, but they can as a couple also adopt children or become a sperm donor% /ords from her article, Pheobe Pi e, writes about the reproduction problem, !The world's population is growing everyday% &f it continues to climb, there will not be

enough room or supplies to support the people% Because of our modern medicines and other advancements in buildings and weaponry, we live longer and natural selection isn't touching us li e it might have a thousand years ago% People worry about gay couples not reproducing* They worry they will not continue the human species and that more people will become gay% Let me first say how silly that is% The fate of man ind is not based on gay marriage% &f a person falls in love, they fall in love%" The thing Pi e explores is that the world is growing everyday naturally7 there's at least seven billion people on the planet% The wrap up to this is that homosexuality is normal% $o if something that is natural to humans can't be stopped, then why are we banning some of the most natural feelings of humans* /hy, us, as a society, hate the LGBT so much for something they probably can't change* /hy can't they act upon their own feelings to each other and seal a commitment to each others' lives* 5omosexuality is normal% &t's love% And no matter how much you loo at it, if you try to tear it down, it's discrimination% The LGBT are humans, ,ust li e the people in society today% Banning something li e marriage because it's an only heterosexual thing probably pains the community so much% They want to have that benefit and commitment to each other as much as any heterosexual couple does, maybe even more than most% +arriage is almost ta en for granted in today's society% &t's a way to be with someone, true% &t's a way for financial covers, true% But some people today do not reali:e what marriage actually is and why homosexual couple want it so badly% /e, as a community, should give it to them% Give them the benefits we have% &t's not going to hurt anyone or the society as a whole% $ure, it might offend some religions, but you now, if they don't want their followers to get married, then they don't have to mention it% 5omosexuality is normal to the human body, mentally, emotionally, and physically% 5omosexuality is love% They truly care about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together% And bashing on it, hating the !fags" and !)ueers" is discrimination, no matter what your argument for that may be% Let's do ourselves a favor as society, and ta e off

this silly ban from not letting homosexual people get married%

/or s =ited +any Authors, BC2;, Merrian and Webster's Dictionary This is the official online dictionary, that goes through accurate definitions about many aspects of life% Australian Government, (ctober BC2B, Gay and Lesbian Issues, http:--www%betterhealth%vic%gov%au-bhcvB-bhcarticles%nsf-pages-GayDandDlesbian DissuesDdiscrimination

This article explores what the LGBT community has to go through, in forms of supposed homophobia, discrimination, and sexually transmitted diseases% This website is showing what the LGBT community in Australia have to go through every day from their community% &t is supported by the Australian Government% !=anyonwood" Eathy, BC2B, Six things Straight people should stop saying to gay people. http:--canyonwal erconnections%com-six7things7straight7people7should7stop7saying7about7gay7 peopleThis article explores the mind of straight writer, who is accepting of the LGBT% Through her experiences, she has learned to accept the LGBT, and reali:ed the stereotypes she used to once have% $he writes a heartfelt argument to hopefully end the LGBT discrimination%

>den, 0an, BC22, What Science Knows about Ho osexuality

This is an article where sexologists ?Aes, that's actually the name for the study of sexual

activity@ put their thoughts in about it% This one is partially why homosexuality is actually normal% Pi e, Pheobe, +arch 2F, BC2B, Ho osexuality is !atural Though this may only be a hub, Pi e certainly has a great argument for her defense% As a blogger, she explores the side of homosexuality on her blog, explaining it's not !curable"

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