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Lab Report Write-Up: Lactase Inquiry Format - Write in Times New Roman 12pt font only.

Use standard margin size. Do NOT double space. - Each section listed below should appear in bold. Keep the sections in the order listed and write the name or initials of the person/people who contributed to each section in parentheses next to the bold heading). 1. Title of Experiment: Use the format What is the effect of IV on the DV?. You may also include a more creative title, but only in addition to the formal title above. 2. Background Information: In about 2 paragraphs, describe The role of lactose and lactase in the human body, and how common lactose intolerance and persistence is in the human population. Also describe the structure and function of enzymes, enzymes as they relate to proteins, and chemical reactions. Cite at least 3 references used in the creation of this section and make sure you are using entirely your own words. You may also include diagrams. 3. Question/Problem: Write the question you investigated with your experiment. Explain why you chose that question. What made you think of it? What is interesting about it? Why should other people find it interesting? How might your question relate to the use of lactase in the real world? 4. Hypothesis: Write your testable hypotheses. It can be in the Ifthen format, but does not need to be as long as the IV and DV are clear. Be sure to include both a null and an alternate hypothesis. Null hypothesis states what would happen if there was no real difference between your experimental groups. The alternate hypothesis is what would happen if your independent variable does significantly impact the activity of lactase. 5. Procedure: Write detailed directions in list for describing the steps of your experiment. Your procedure must be clear and specific enough that another group could take it and replicate your exact experiment. Make sure specific types, names, and volumes are listed, and make sure the order of steps is logical. I will be very critical of your procedures- so make sure they are reproducible!! 6. Data: Recreate your data table. You can use a snapshot from the google spreadsheet you make showing the raw data, or you can create a new table in the document. 7. Results: a. Describe what happened in your experiment WITHOUT INTERPRETTING THE DATA!! (I know that is hard to do- but make sure you only say what happened, not what it all means) b. Include your graph and write a paragraph explaining what the graph shows. 8. Conclusion: (Make sure all answers are in complete sentences) a. Accept either your null or your alternate hypothesis b. Use specific data/results from your experiment to support your acceptance of a hypothesis. c. In your own words describe why you think you got the results you did. d. Discuss the larger set of results provided by the rest of the experiments in your class. Which other results support your own conclusions? Why? e. Answer the fundamental question of these experiments What do your results suggest about how lactase and other drugs work in different conditions? 9. Sources of Error: It is important that scientists admit to mistakes in their experimental procedures, unexpected problems that arose during an experiment, and identify circumstances beyond their control. All of these factors would decrease a scientists level of confidence in their results. What sources of error did you encounter in your experiment? 10. Future considerations: When you think about further research, you can usually divide it into two categories. Include your plans for the future for a. Fixing your same experiment to avoid some of the sources of error you had to deal with. b. Planning a new experiment to further investigate a question that came up as you were running this experiment. i. Describe the new experiment- identify the IV, DV ii. Explain how the new experiment builds on your current experiment iii. Explain why you are interested in the next experiment. What will it contribute to our understanding of how digestive drugs work.

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