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KYLYNS RIDGE HOME-OWNERS ASSOCIATION Meeting minutes of regular monthly board meeting Location @ Kylyns Ridge Call to order

12:12pm on 11-23-13 1. Roll Call: a. Tim Popplewell............... Present b. Chris Funkhouser ........... Present c. John Hunter.................... Present i. Determination of quorum = Quorum Established 2. Approval of previous meeting minutes i. October 2013 Minutes were approved 3. Treasurers report i. Financial statements were reviewed ii. Review of delinquent accounts. 4. Old Business a. Landscaping Maint. Review i. Contract for 2014 Landscaping Maintenance was reviewed. CF will send out for bids before end of month. b. Management Company i. Motion by CF to give notice to Park Management to terminate their contract as of 12-31-13. Second by TP. Vote viva voce: All in Favor. TP will draft termination letter and send to Park Management ii. Motion by JH to engage Maximum Property Management (MPM) in a one year management contract effective 1-1-14. Second by CF. Vote viva voce: All in Favor. JH will contact MPM. 5. New Business i. No new Business 6. Additional Business a. Next meeting to be held on 12-9-13 at 6:00pm at Old Second Bank 7. Adjournment i. Motion by JH to adjourn meeting at 1:20pm. ii. Vote viva voce: All in Favor Minutes by JH 11-23-13


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