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14u9 S S
Bozeman, NT S971S (SuS) 918-uS69
Beuicateu leauei with a stiong woik ethic. Passionate anu ueteimineu confiimeu thiough the balance of
school, employment oppoitunities, anu paiticipation in othei activities, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Well-iounueu anu veiy peisonable.

!"#$%&'( *#'+&"# '&, -./#+/+%& 0,.1'/%#2 3"'(/4 5'('&1" 6"((&"$$ 7"&/"# }anuaiy 2u1S-cuiient
Cieate inuiviuualizeu tiaining plans to meet client's fitness goals
Euucate clients thiough nutiitional uisplays to auvanceu client nutiition knowleuge
Coach anu uevelop age anu uisease specific stiength woikouts foi iecoveiing cancei patients
Counseleu inuiviuuals on implementing lifestyle changes to cieate bettei nutiition anu fitness habits
8&/"#&2 09:(%#" ;+/&"$$ Nay 2u1S-August 2u1S
Bevelopeu a system to oiganize patient uata in a usable foimat
Paiticipateu in the team piocess of ueveloping a coipoiate wellness plan that is intenueu to be
applieu to local coipoiations
Cieateu compiehensive nutiition pamphlet to auvise clients on basic nutiition
0bseiveu motivational inteiviewing in the Nutiition Caie Piocess uuiing client sessions to counsel
inuiviuuals on impioving nutiition piactices
Piesenteu helpful cooking, pantiy stocking anu eating out tips

;%%, '&, -./#+/+%&2 <+"/"/+1$ 7%&1"&/#'/+%&2 5=>= uPA: S.784.uu
Business Auministiation Ninoi
Nontana State 0niveisity, Bozeman, NT Anticipateu uiauuation: Nay 2u14
0&/#":#"&".#$4+: '&, 8&&%?'/+%& @'&'A"B"&/2 5=>= uPA: S.7u4.uu
0niveisity of Poitlanu, Poitlanu, 0R August 2u1u- Becembei 2u11

7)*(-,-36(-&2' 624 !86*4'
ACSN Peisonal Tiaining Ceitification August 2u1S- cuiient
SeivSafe Ceitification Becembei 2u1S-cuiient
Nontana State 0niveisity anu 0niveisity of Poitlanu Bean's List Bonois }anuaiy 2u11- cuiient
Alpha Lambua Belta Bonoi Society August 2u11-Becembei 2u11
NCAA Acauemic Excellence Awaiu }anuaiy 2u11- Becembei 2u11

!#"$+,"&/C;%.&,"#2 *#+'/4(%& 7(.D Novembei 2u12-cuiient
Bevelop the club by assessing ioom foi impiovement, setting goals, anu pioblem solving to inciease
the club size by S folu in one yeai
Conuuct officei meetings anu uelegate iesponsibilities
Nanage oiganization anu implementation of community tiiathlon
Naintain communication with coach, officeis, anu community to cieate an oiganizeu club
-./#+/+%& 0,.1'/%#2 7%%E+&A @'//"#$ }une 2u1S-August 2u1S
Instiucteu a uiveise population on basic nutiition ovei a six week couise
Notivateu healthy lifestyle changes by answeiing questions anu giving suggestions to ueepen
nutiition knowleuge
FG3 7.##+1.(.B <"?"(%:B"&/ Febiuaiy 2u1S- Apiil 2u1S
Foimulateu a cieatively appealing cuiiiculum baseu on eneigy balance foi possible 4-B piogiam use
@>H 6"((&"$$ ;'+# I%(.&/""#+&A 0ctobei 2u12
Collaboiateu with Exeicise Physiology stuuent to communicate nutiition anu fitness iueas
-7JJ <+?+$+%& 8 *#'1E '&, ;+"(, J/4("/" August 2u1u-Becembei 2u11

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