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CITY POWER WORKPLACE City Power Johannesburg (SOC) Lt is a !

uni"i#a$ entity who$$y owne by the City o% Johannesburg& City Power "o!!en"e o#erations on '( January )''( an is res#onsib$e %or e$e"tri"ity istribution within its area o% su##$y in the City o% Johannesburg& The Co!#any #ro*i es ser*i"es to a !i+ o% a##ro+i!ate$y ,&) !i$$ion #eo#$e& APPLICATIO-S ARE I-.ITE/ 0OR T1E 0OLLOWI-2 POSITIO-3 /esignation 2rou# /i*ision Re#orting to 4 5anager3 Asset 5anage!ent 4 0inan"e 4 Asset 5anage!ent 4 253 Asset 5anage!ent

C$osing ate Cir"u$ar Re% To A##$y

- 14th February, 2014 - 008/2013 - 002 - Kindly forward your detailed CVs to re ruit!ent"finan e# ity$ower" o"%a &uotin' the $osition a$$lied for and referen e" (n ase of further infor!ation re'ardin' this ad)ertise!ent, $lease onta t* +ana'er* ,alent - &uisition .- tin'/, 0hilli$ 1iyane on* - 011 420 3403 - 011 420-3402

Te$ 0a+

City 0ower 5or6 0la e 7esi'nation 8 +ana'er* -sset +ana'e!ent 0a'e ( of ,

,o a ount and !ana'e o!$any fi9ed assets and to ensure a urate re$ortin' of fi9ed assets in the finan ial state!ent and to !onitor a$ital $ro:e t e9$enditure and assets under onstru tion to ensure that assets are a$itaised on ti!e and a urately a ounted for in the boo6s" Key res#onsibi$ities ;nsure that the asset re'ister is !aintained a ordin' to o!$lian e re&uire!ents +ana'e the i!$le!entation of $ro edures to !onitor asset a &uisition, transfer and dis$osal ;nsure $ro$er a$italisation of all assets ;nsure $ro$er $ro ess flow for all a$ital $ro:e ts ;nsure that all a$ital $ro:e ts are transferred to the asset re'ister at o!$letion +ana'e and ensure !onthly re on iliation $ro ess with the <eneral =ed'er and Fi9ed -sset >e'ister +ana'e detailed $lannin' of asset re&uire!ents for the di)ision , in ludin' on-'oin' !aintenan e of su h assets +onitor $ro ure!ent of assets, utilisation and $rodu ti)ity of all assets $ro ured >e o'nise ris6s to assets and identify orre ti)e !easures to redu e asset losses ;nsure Ca$e9 lai!s are $ro essed ti!eously +onitorin' of a$e9 $ro:e t e9$enditure to ensure ti!ely a$italisation u$on o!$letion ;nsure loadin' of bud'et on a$ital $ro:e ts as $er the a$$ro)ed $lan ;nsure a urate $hysi al )erifi ation of assets ;nsure o!$any assets and $ro$erties are $ro$erly a ounted for ;nsure all assets are ta''ed with referen e to fi9ed asset re'ister -ssi'n res$onsibilities to !ana'ers and tea! leaders as ustodian of their own assets +ana'e annual assess!ent of assets to deter!ine the ondition for $ossible i!$air!ent

Co!#eten"ies3 <ood Verbal and written o!!uni ation s6ills" >e$ort writin' s6ills <ood analyti al s6ills" -bility to o!!uni ate at )arious le)els" ;9 ellent inter$ersonal s6ills" Co!$uter 0rofi ien y

/esire 6ua$i%i"ation3 -ote3 City Power is an E!#$oy!ent E7uity E!#$oyer8 there%ore #re%eren"e %or this #osition wi$$ be gi*en to "an i ates whose a##oint!ent wi$$ enhan"e re#resenti*ity (es#e"ia$$y 2en er an /isabi$ity)& I% you o not hear %ro! us within ) !onths o% the "$osing ate9 you !ay assu!e that your a##$i"ation was unsu""ess%u$" A##$i"ants !ust note that %urther "he":s wi$$ be "on u"te on"e they ha*e been short$iste an that their a##oint!ent wi$$ be sub;e"t to #ositi*e out"o!es on these "he":s9 whi"h in"$u e 7ua$i%i"ation authenti"ation9 "ri!ina$ re"or s an #re*ious e!#$oy!ent& ?ational 7i$lo!a - ountin' or e&ui)alent" @ 8 10 years e9$erien e in finan ial or a ountin' en)iron!ent"

City 0ower 5or6 0la e

7esi'nation 8 +ana'er* -sset +ana'e!ent

0a'e ) of ,

City Power reser*es the right not to %i$$ the #osition or to re4a *ertise it " Where a##$i"ab$e9 "an i ates !ay be e+#e"te to un ergo #sy"ho!etri" assess!ents& It is the a##$i"ant<s res#onsibi$ity to ha*e their %oreign 7ua$i%i"ations e*a$uate 6ua$i%i"ations Authority (SA6A) an to #ro*i e the e*a$uation resu$ts& P$ease in"$u e "o#ies o% your 7ua$i%i"ations with your a##$i"ation& by the South A%ri"an

City 0ower 5or6 0la e

7esi'nation 8 +ana'er* -sset +ana'e!ent

0a'e , of ,

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