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Real numbers - counting numbers 0, 1, 2... Integers - ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... Primes - only divisible by 1 and itself, 1 is NOT a prime number Even integers (include 0) Odd Integers Positive Integers Negative Integers 0 - Neither positive nor negative integer Place Value fractions - add, subtract, multiply, divide convert improper to mixed fraction convert mixed to improper fraction Order of operations - PEMDAS Scientific notation - (a number >= 1 and < 10) times 10 to the power something average = sum / count sum = average X count Arithmetic sequence - has common difference Special arithmetic sequence - some negative numbers , 0, same positive numbers - have average and median = 0
an = a1 + (n-1)d, Sn = 2 (a1 + an),

Geometric sequence - has common ratio

an = a1 x r

Sn =

a1(1-r )

Percentage problems 3 common styles - convert to fraction fraction 1 = fraction 2 where fraction 1= percentage/100 and fraction 2 = is number /of number 3 common styles are as below: What is 15 percentage of 250? 30 is what percentage of 250? 6 is 15 percentage of what number?

Sale price / discount problems

Remember that sale or discount is on original price. Also note whether the discount or the sale price is being given in the problem.

Problems Involving Ratio by converting to fraction Problems using base of reference value as 100, and then converting using ratio Problems where 2 percentages of the same number are involved - write as common ration
Example: If 15 percentage of a number is 13, what is 45 percentage of the same number?

unit conversion - make ratio s direct variation y = kx where k is a constant

inverse variation y = k/x where k is a constant

Solving equations Use factorization Use properties of equalities to isolate x

an x-intercept is a point on the graph where y is zero, and a y-intercept is a point on the graph where x is zero.

Midpoint formula. The formula for coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment between any two points ( x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is:

Distance formula. The formula for the length of a line segment between any two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is:

Circle formula. The formula for the equation of a circle of radius r centered at the point (h, k) is:
2 2 2

(x h) + (y k) = r

Permutations and Combinations

See if the problem places significance on the order or not.

Combinations (Order does not matter) Permutations (Order does matter)

Once you know if it is combination or permutation, use calculator to solve quickly.

System of equations - solve by substitution System of equations - solve by elimination System of 3 equations w/3 variables - convert to 2 equations using substitution then solve System of equations in slope intercept form or x = something form Matrices Dimension Adding matrices of same dimensions - add corresponding elements subtracting matrices of same dimension - subtract corresponding elements multiplying matrix by a scalar - multiply every element by same scalar Cramer's rule - for solving system of equations

For each variable, the denominator is the determinant of the matrix of coefficients, while the numerator is the determinant of a matrix in which one column has been replaced by the vector of constant terms.

Quadratic Equations The Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation looks like this:

where a, b and c are known values. a can't be 0, and x is a variable.

The "solutions" to the Quadratic Equation are where it is equal to zero. There are usually 2 solutions (as shown in the graph above). They are also called "roots", or sometimes "zeros" There are 3 ways to find the solutions:

You can Factor the Quadratic (find what to multiply to make the Quadratic Equation) You can Complete the Square, or You can use the special Quadratic Formula: Solve quadratic equation on graphing calculator - find zeros

Do you see b2 - 4ac in the formula above? It is called the Discriminant, because it can "discriminate" between the possible types of answer:

when b2 - 4ac is positive, you get two Real solutions when it is zero you get just ONE real solution (both answers are the same) when it is negative you get two Complex solutions

Laws of Exponents

Laws of Radicals

NOTE: Square root is same as power 1/2

Exponentials and Logarithmic functions

The exponential function with base b is defined by

The domain of a function are the possible x-values while the range are the possible y-values.

Change of base formula:

Solve exponential equations 1. Make base equal, then jump base 2. Make exponents equal then drop exponents



Six trig ratios:

Formula for radians:

Five trig identities:

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