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White Paper

Oracle 11g RMAN Active Database Feature

By, Vishal Thammali Joseprakash Vincent Y!DATA Team

Yahoo! White Paper

Introduction Oracle 11g offers new features for creating a hysical !tan"#y "ata#ase an" clone or refresh from the acti$e pro"uction "ata#ase% This can #e accomplishe" using &'A()s D* +,-AT. /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. feature%

An enhancement to the "uplicate "ata#ase feature is that the physical stan"#y or clone "ata#ase has a "ifferent "ata#ase i"entifier 0DB,D1 from the source "ata#ase which remo$es the hassle of registering this "ata#ase in &'A( catalog% 2e can "uplicate a "ata#ase in two ways3 1% Acti$e "ata#ase "uplication 4% Backup5#ase" "uplication Acti$e "ata#ase "uplication copies the li$e target "ata#ase o$er the network to the au6iliary "estination an" creates the "uplicate "ata#ase% The "ifference is that we "on7t nee" to ha$e the pre5e6isting &'A( #ackups since the files of the acti$e "ata#ase are copie" o$er the network% The "uplication is performe" #y the au6iliary channel%
+et)s "iscuss in "etail a#out the two features of Acti$e "ata#ase "uplication%

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Part I !reating Ph"sical #tandb" $sing RMAN D$P%I!A&' FROM A!&I(' DA&A)A#'* 'nviron+ent rimary DB8*(,9*.8(A'.3 #fora:4t8#f1 !tan"#y DB8*(,9*.8(A'.3 #fora:4t8sp184 Data#ase (ame3 #fora:4t rimary host3 #f15ora"#5::;<5=>%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com !tan"#y host3 sp15ora"#5::?%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com Oracle software $ersion3 Oracle Data#ase 11g .nterprise ."ition &elease 11%4%:%4%: Note This "ocument is prepare" #ase" on the fact that primary "ata#ase is using spfile an" (OT pfile% Overvie, 1% 'ake the necessary changes to the primary "ata#ase% a1 .na#le force logging@archi$elog mo"e% b) -reating the passwor" file an" copy to stan"#y if one "oes not e6ist% c1 -reate stan"#y re"ologs% 4% .nsure that the sAlBnet connecti$ity is working fine% a1 -onfigure tnsnames%ora on rimary an" hysical !tan"#y "ata#ases% #1 -onfigure listener%ora on stan"#y "ata#ase an" start@restart the listener% c1 !et the ser$ice8names parameter an" check the connecti$ity C% -reate the stan"#y "ata#ase o$er the network using the acti$e 0primary1 "ata#ase files% a1 -reate the initialiDation parameter file for the stan"#y "ata#ase 0au6iliary "ata#ase1 #1 -reate the necessary mount points or the fol"ers for the "ata#ase files c1 !et the en$ an" startup nomount on stan"#y% "1 -reate the input file with the reAuire" parameters to #e set on physical stan"#y in a config file% e1 &un the stan"#y creation O( !TA(DBY #y connecting to primary as target "ata#ase% 0The actual &'A( D* +,-AT. /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. comman"%1 <% !tart the 'anage" &eco$ery rocess 0'& 1, check for the log shipping an" apply%

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#tep b" #tep procedure 1% repare the pro"uction "ata#ase to #e the primary "ata#ase a% .nsure that the "ata#ase is in archi$elog mo"e an" /orce +ogging .na#le"% ,f not set those $alues appropriately% The e6pecte" O@ shoul" #e3 !9+E select log8mo"e from $F"ata#aseG A&-H,V.+OI !9+E select force8logging from $F"ata#aseG Y.! #% -reate the passwor" file on the rimary an" !tan"#y host -opy the passwor" file from the primary FO&A-+.8HO'.@"#s an" rename it to the stan"#y "ata#ase name% The username is reAuire" to #e !Y! an" the passwor" nee"s to #e the same on the rimary an" !tan"#y% The #est practice for this is to copy the passwor" file as suggeste"% The passwor" file name must match the instance name@!,D use" at the stan"#y site, not the DB8(A'.% orapw" passwor"JKsyspasw"E fileJorapw#fora:4t1 forceJy ignorecaseJy Note .nsure that the same passwor" is use" as the on stan"#y use" while creating the passwor" file on the rimary host% -reate stan"#y re"o logs appropriately as reAuire", if not alrea"y present on primary DB% 4% .nsure that the sAlBnet connecti$ity is working fine% a% A"" the following entries to the tnsnames%ora file on #oth rimary as well as !tan"#y hosts%

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#fora:4t8#f1 J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5::<5 $%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5::=5 $%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0+OAD8BA+A(-. J on10-O((.-T8DATA J0!.&V.& J D.D,-AT.D1 0!.&V,-.8(A'. J #fora:4t%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com111 #fora:4t8sp184 J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J sp15ora"#5 ::?%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0+OAD8BA+A(-. J on10-O((.-T8DATA J0!.&V.& J D.D,-AT.D1 0!.&V,-.8(A'. J #fora:4t%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com111 #% On the !tan"#y host, a"" a static entry in the listener%ora file an" reloa" or restart the listener% +,!T.(.& J 0D.!-&, T,O(8+,!T J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J sp15ora"#5 ::?%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=411111 !,D8+,!T8+,!T.(.& J 0!,D8+,!T J 0!,D8D.!- J 0I+OBA+8DB(A'. J #fora:4t8sp1841 0O&A-+.8HO'. J @home@oracle@pro"uct@11%41 0!,D8(A'. J #fora:4t1111 c% The "ata#ase initially ha" a ser$ice8names $alue of 7#fora:4t8sp1847% 2e ha$e "efine" the network configuration files using "istinct ser$ice names to match the "#8uniAue8name $alues on #oth rimary as well as !tan"#y locations% 2e now nee" to change the ser$ice8names parameter an" then we can test connecti$ity from the stan"#y using the T(! aliases that we set up in the earlier step% !9+E alter system set ser$ice8namesJ7#fora:4t8sp1847 scopeJ#othG !ystem altere"% !9+E show parameter ser$ice ser$ice8names string #fora:4t8sp184

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On sp15ora"#5::?%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com 3 5#ash5C%4F sAlplus sys@BBBBL#fora:4t8#f1 as sys"#a !9+B lus3 &elease 11%4%:%4%: ro"uction on 2e" Oct 1M 4131C3<N 4:11 -opyright 0c1 1MO4, 4:1:, Oracle% All rights reser$e"% -onnecte" to3 Oracle Data#ase 11g .nterprise ."ition &elease 11%4%:%4%: 5 ?<#it ro"uction 2ith the artitioning, &eal Application -lusters, O+A , Data 'ining an" &eal Application Testing options !9+E select host8name from $FinstanceG #f15ora"#5::<%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com C% -reate the stan"#y "ata#ase o$er the network using the acti$e 0primary1 "ata#ase files% a% -reate an initialiDation parameter with only one parameter DB8(A'. On !tan"#y DB Host3 c" FO&A-+.8HO'.@"#s $i init#fora:4t1%ora DB8(A'. J #fora:4t ,nsert this parameter #% -reate the necessary "irectories in the stan"#y location to place the "atafiles an" the trace files in the FAD&8HO'.% c% !et the en$ironment $aria#le O&A-+.8!,D to the stan"#y an" startup (O'O*(T the stan"#y5instance%

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5#ash5C%4F e6port O&A-+.8!,DJ#fora:4t1 5#ash5C%4F sAlplus @ as sys"#a !9+B lus3 &elease 11%4%:%4%: ro"uction on 2e" Oct 1M 4131N34N 4:11 -opyright 0c1 1MO4, 4:1:, Oracle% All rights reser$e"% -onnecte" to an i"le instance% !9+E startup nomount O&A-+. instance starte"% Total !ystem Ilo#al Area 41N1=N?C4 #ytes /i6e" !iDe 444=:?< #ytes Varia#le !iDe 1=MCO?N14 #ytes Data#ase Buffers =:CC1?<O #ytes &e"o Buffers =41<4:O #ytes "% -reate the input file 0acti$e8stan"#y%rc$13 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ cat acti$e8stan"#y%rc$ D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. /O& !TA(DBY /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. DO&.-OV.& DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7 ! /,+. !.T DB8*(,9*.8(A'.J7#fora:4t8sp1847 !.T +OI8A&-H,V.8D.!T84J7ser$iceJ#fora:4t8#f1 +I2& !Y(- &.I,!T.& VA+,D8/O&J0online8logfile,primary8role17 !et !TA(DBY8/,+.8'A(AI.'.(TJ7A*TO7 !.T /A+8!.&V.&J7#fora:4t8#f17 !.T /A+8-+,.(TJ7#fora:4t8sp1847 !.T -O(T&O+8/,+.!J7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:4% ctl7 !.T -+*!T.&8DATABA!.J7/A+!.7 !.T +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7 (O/,+.(A'.-H.-R G

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e% /rom the rimary host, run the following &'A( comman" to create the !tan"#y Data#ase3 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ r+an target s"s-...../b0ora12t3b01 au4iliar" s"s-...../b0ora12t3sp132 c+d0ile5-ho+e-oracle-active3standb"*rcv log5cre3actv3stndb"*log '4a+ple Output The #elow is the log file generate" #y the a#o$e comman", which shows all the acti$ity "one #y the &'A(3 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ cat cre8act$8stn"#y%log &eco$ery 'anager3 &elease 11%4%:%4%: 5 ro"uction on 2e" Oct 1M 1?3:434M 4:11 -opyright 0c1 1MO4, 4::M, Oracle an"@or its affiliates% All rights reser$e"% connecte" to target "ata#ase3 B/O&A:4T 0DB,DJ4O?:1O4N411 connecte" to au6iliary "ata#ase3 B/O&A:4T 0not mounte"1 &'A(E D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. 4E /O& !TA(DBY CE /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. <E DO&.-OV.& =E DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7 ?E ! /,+. NE !.T DB8*(,9*.8(A'.J7#fora:4t8sp1847 OE !.T +OI8A&-H,V.8D.!T84J7ser$iceJ#fora:4t8#f1 +I2& !Y(- &.I,!T.& VA+,D8/O&J0online8logfile,primary8role17 ME !et !TA(DBY8/,+.8'A(AI.'.(TJ7A*TO7 1:E !.T /A+8!.&V.&J7#fora:4t8#f17 11E !.T /A+8-+,.(TJ7#fora:4t8sp1847 14E !.T -O(T&O+8/,+.!J7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:4% ctl7 1CE !.T -+*!T.&8DATABA!.J7/A+!.7 1<E !.T +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7 1=E (O/,+.(A'.-H.-R 1?E G 1NE !tarting Duplicate D# at 1M5O-T511 using target "ata#ase control file instea" of reco$ery catalog allocate" channel3 O&A8A*S8D,!R81 channel O&A8A*S8D,!R813 !,DJ1C= "e$ice typeJD,!R

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contents of 'emory !cript3 T #ackup as copy reuse targetfile 7@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@orapw#fora:4t17 au6iliary format 7@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@orapw#fora:4t17 targetfile 7@u:=@ora8"#s@spfile#fora:4t%ora7 au6iliary format 7@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfile#fora:4t1%ora7 G sAl clone Ualter system set spfileJ 77@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfile#fora:4t1%ora77UG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript !tarting #ackup at 1M5O-T511 allocate" channel3 O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 !,DJ1C<= instanceJ#fora:4t1 "e$ice typeJD,!R /inishe" #ackup at 1M5O-T511 sAl statement3 alter system set spfileJ 77@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfile#fora:4t1%ora77 contents of 'emory !cript3 T sAl clone Ualter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77#fora:4t8sp18477 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set +OI8A&-H,V.8D.!T84 J 77ser$iceJ#fora:4t8#f1 +I2& !Y(- &.I,!T.& VA+,D8/O&J0online8logfile,primary8role177 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set !TA(DBY8/,+.8'A(AI.'.(T J 77A*TO77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set /A+8!.&V.& J 77#fora:4t8#f177 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set /A+8-+,.(T J 77#fora:4t8sp18477 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set -O(T&O+8/,+.! J 77@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:4%ctl77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set -+*!T.&8DATABA!. J /A+!. commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J

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77@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG shut"own clone imme"iateG startup clone nomountG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript sAl statement3 alter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77#fora:4t8sp18477 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set +OI8A&-H,V.8D.!T84 J 77ser$iceJ#fora:4t8#f1 +I2& !Y(- &.I,!T.& VA+,D8/O&J0online8logfile,primary8role177 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set !TA(DBY8/,+.8'A(AI.'.(T J 77A*TO77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set /A+8!.&V.& J 77#fora:4t8#f177 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set /A+8-+,.(T J 77#fora:4t8sp18477 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set -O(T&O+8/,+.! J 77@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:4%ctl77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set -+*!T.&8DATABA!. J /A+!. commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 77@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile Oracle instance shut "own connecte" to au6iliary "ata#ase 0not starte"1 Oracle instance starte" Total !ystem Ilo#al Area /i6e" !iDe Varia#le !iDe Data#ase Buffers &e"o Buffers 4NCMC1ONO< #ytes

444M=?: #ytes 41O1:<:O<: #ytes =C?ON:M14 #ytes 1M1NN<N4 #ytes

contents of 'emory !cript3 T

Yahoo! White Paper

#ackup as copy current controlfile for stan"#y au6iliary format 7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl7G restore clone controlfile to 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:4%ctl7 from 7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@control:1%ctl7G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript !tarting #ackup at 1M5O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy copying stan"#y control file output file nameJ@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@snapcf8#fora:4t1%f tagJTAI4:111:1MT4C:C44 &.-,DJC !TA' JN?<MO44:O channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::31= /inishe" #ackup at 1M5O-T511 !tarting restore at 1M5O-T511 allocate" channel3 O&A8A*S8D,!R81 channel O&A8A*S8D,!R813 !,DJ11<M "e$ice typeJD,!R channel O&A8A*S8D,!R813 copie" control file copy /inishe" restore at 1M5O-T511 contents of 'emory !cript3 T sAl clone 7alter "ata#ase mount stan"#y "ata#ase7G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript sAl statement3 alter "ata#ase mount stan"#y "ata#ase contents of 'emory !cript3 T set newname for tempfile 1 to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::1%"#fUG set newname for tempfile 4 to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::4%"#fUG set newname for tempfile C to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::C%"#fUG set newname for tempfile < to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::<%"#fUG switch clone tempfile allG set newname for "atafile 1 to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#fUG set newname for "atafile 4 to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#fUG

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set newname for "atafile C to % % % set newname for "atafile 4C to U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#fUG #ackup as copy reuse "atafile 1 au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#fU "atafile 4 au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#fU "atafile C au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@e6pt#s%"#fU "atafile < au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@impt#s%"#fU "atafile % % % 44 au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::<%"#fU "atafile 4C au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#fU G sAl 7alter system archi$e log current7G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. rename" tempfile 1 to @u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::1%"#f in control file rename" tempfile 4 to @u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::4%"#f in control file rename" tempfile C to @u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::C%"#f in control file rename" tempfile < to @u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@temp::<%"#f in control file e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. % % e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. !tarting #ackup at 1M5O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy input "atafile file num#erJ::::4 nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#f tagJTAI4:111:1MT4C:<:? channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3:C3=<

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channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy input "atafile file num#erJ::::1 nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#f tagJTAI4:111:1MT4C:<:? channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::34? channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy % % % input "atafile file num#erJ:::44 nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::<%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::<%"#f tagJTAI4:111:1MT4C:<:? channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:N channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy input "atafile file num#erJ:::4C nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#f tagJTAI4:111:1MT4C:<:? channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:C /inishe" #ackup at 1M5O-T511 sAl statement3 alter system archi$e log current contents of 'emory !cript3 T #ackup as copy reuse archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO:8N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO:8N=4OM?=:=%arcU archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arcU archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arcU G catalog clone archi$elog U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO:8N=4OM?=:=%arcUG catalog clone archi$elog U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arcUG catalog clone archi$elog U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arcUG switch clone "atafile allG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript !tarting #ackup at 1M5O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy input archi$e" log threa"J1 seAuenceJCO: &.-,DJ4O? !TA' JN?<MNO44C output file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO:8N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:N channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy input archi$e" log threa"J1 seAuenceJCO1 &.-,DJ4OM !TA' JN?<MO4NO? output file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:N channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy

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input archi$e" log threa"J4 seAuenceJ4<1 &.-,DJ4M1 !TA' JN?<MO4NOM output file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:N /inishe" #ackup at 1M5O-T511 cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO:8N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ1 !TA' JN?<MO4O1? cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ4 !TA' JN?<MO4O1N cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJC !TA' JN?<MO4O1O "atafile 1 switche" to "atafile copy input "atafile copy &.-,DJC !TA' JN?<MO4O1M file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#f "atafile 4 switche" to "atafile copy input "atafile copy &.-,DJ< !TA' JN?<MO4O1M file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#f % % % "atafile 4C switche" to "atafile copy input "atafile copy &.-,DJ4= !TA' JN?<MO4O4? file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#f contents of 'emory !cript3 T set until scn ?ONMO:ONG reco$er stan"#y clone "ata#ase "elete archi$elog G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript e6ecuting comman"3 !.T until clause !tarting reco$er at 1M5O-T511 using channel O&A8A*S8D,!R81

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starting me"ia reco$ery archi$e" log for threa" 1 with seAuence CO1 is alrea"y on "isk as file @u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arc archi$e" log for threa" 4 with seAuence 4<1 is alrea"y on "isk as file @u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arc archi$e" log file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18CO18N=4OM?=:=%arc threa"J1 seAuenceJCO1 archi$e" log file nameJ@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484<18N=4OM?=:=%arc threa"J4 seAuenceJ4<1 me"ia reco$ery complete, elapse" time3 ::3::311 /inishe" reco$er at 1M5O-T511 /inishe" Duplicate D# at 1M5O-T511 &eco$ery 'anager complete% ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ This en"s the logfile% (ow the physical stan"#y "ata#ase has #een create" an" mounte"% Post #teps On Pri+ar" !et the log8archi$e8"est84 $alue as #elow accor"ingly3 !9+E alter system set log8archi$e8"est84J7!.&V,-.J#fora:4t8sp184 +I2& A!Y(-J4:<O: reopenJ?: VA+,D8/O&J0O(+,(.8+OI/,+.!, &,'A&Y8&O+.1 DB8*(,9*.8(A'.J#fora:4t8sp1847 scopeJ#oth si"J7B7G !ystem altere"% Do a Auick sys"#a through the connect string for $erifying the primary sAlplus connection to the physical stan"#y% On #tandb" !tart the '& on the newly create" hysical !tan"#y3 !9+E alter "ata#ase reco$er manage" stan"#y "ata#ase using current logfile "isconnect from sessionG Data#ase altere"%

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!9+E select ,(!TA(-.8(A'.,HO!T8(A'.,V.&!,O(,!TAT*! from $FinstanceG #fora:4t1 'O*(T.D sp15ora"#5::?%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com 11%4%:%4%:

!9+E select process,status,threa"W,seAuenceW, #lockW from $Fmanage"8stan"#y where process like 7'& Q7G '& : A +Y,(I8+OI 4 4=< :

2e ha$e create" a hysical !tan"#y Data#ase *sing &'A( D* +,-AT. from the acti$e pro"uction #y copying@transferring the files@"ata o$er the network through the tns connect string% Fe, o0 the RMAN Duplicate 0eatures ,hich are o0 interest are as belo, Duplicating a !u#set of the !ource Data#ase Ta#lespaces3 '4cluding Read6Onl" &ablespaces D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. TO "up"# /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. !R, &.ADO(+Y (O/,+.(A'.-H.-RG '4cluding #peci0ied &ablespaces D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. TO "up"# /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. !R, TAB+.! A-. tools (O/,+.(A'.-H.-RG Including #peci0ied &ablespaces D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. TO "up"# /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. TAB+.! A-. users (O/,+.(A'.-H.-RG

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PAR& II !loning-Re0reshing the active production using RMAN 7Duplicate Fro+
Active Database7 Feature in 118* As part of the "uplicating operation, &'A( automates the following steps3 1% reparing the au6iliary instance3 4% !tart the Au6iliary instance in nomount state using the newly create" pfile% C% -reate the necessary oracle (.T files% <% -reate the input file with the parameters as reAuire"% =% !tart the &'A( D* +,-AT. "ata#ase comman"% Note 2e can "o the refresh from &A- to (O(5&A- as well #y setting the $alue X !.T -+*!T.&8DATABA!.J)/A+!.) X in the input file% 'nviron+ent rimary Data#ase DB8*(,9*.8(A'.3 #fora:4t (ew -lone@&efresh Data#ase DB8*(,9*.8(A'.3 spora:1t ,nstance (ame3 spora:1t1 rimary hostname3 #f15ora"#5::;<5=>%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com -lone DB hostname3 #f15ora"#5::?%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com On which we are refreshing@-loning the DB from pro"uction% Oracle software $ersion3 Oracle Data#ase 11g .nterprise ."ition &elease 11%4%:%4%: 5 ?<#it Note This "ocument is prepare" #ase" on the fact that primary "ata#ase is using spfile an" (OT pfile% #tep b" #tep procedure 1% reparing the au6iliary instance3 a% -reating initialiDation arameter file for the Au6iliary instance ,f you are using ! /,+. then the only parameter reAuire" for the "uplicate "ata#ase is DB8(A'. % &est other parameters can #e set in the D* +,-AT. comman" itself% ,f you are not using the ! /,+. techniAue, then you nee" to set initialiDation parameters to set in the initialiDation parameter file% &eAuire" parameters are 3

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DB8(A'. -O(T&O+8/,+.! DB8B+O-R8!,Y. DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T DB8&.-OV.&Y8/,+.8D.!T As in this test case, we are using primary with spfile, hence create a pfile on au6iliary instance with the #elow parameters3 0*sing XDB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&TZ an" X+OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&TZ as the source an" "estination mounts are "ifferent 1 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::?>P@pro"uct@11%4@"#sQ cat initspora:1t1%ora "#8nameJspora:1t DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 07@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@sp ora:1t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t7,7@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:C@ora"a ta@spora:1t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t71 +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 07@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@sp ora:1t71 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::?>P@pro"uct@11%4@"#sQ #% -reate an Oracle asswor" /ile for the Au6iliary ,nstance3 orapw" passwor"JKsyspasw"E fileJorapwspora:1t1 forceJy ignorecaseJy 4% !tart the Au6iliary instance in nomount state using the newly create" pfile 0initspora:1t1%ora1 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::?>P@pro"uct@11%4@"#sQ e6port O&A-+.8!,DJ spora:1t1 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::?>P@pro"uct@11%4@"#sQ sAlplus 7@ as sys"#a7 !9+B lus3 &elease 11%4%:%4%: ro"uction on Tue Oct 4= :13CN3:O 4:11 -opyright 0c1 1MO4, 4:1:, Oracle% All rights reser$e"% -onnecte" to an i"le instance% !9+E startup nomount O&A-+. instance starte"% Total !ystem Ilo#al Area 1=:??N4?< #ytes /i6e" !iDe 1CC1NC4 #ytes Varia#le !iDe M44NO4=4 #ytes Data#ase Buffers =:CC1?<O #ytes &e"o Buffers ?N4=?C4 #ytes

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C% -reate the necessary oracle (.T connecti$ity in the listener%ora an" the tnsnames%ora file% T(!(A'.!%O&A3 0,n the TA&I.T an" A*S,+,A&Y host1 #fora:4t8#f1 J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5::<5 $%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5::=5 $%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0+OAD8BA+A(-. J on10-O((.-T8DATA J0!.&V.& J D.D,-AT.D1 0!.&V,-.8(A'. J #fora:4t%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com111 spora:1t J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5 ::?%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=4111 0+OAD8BA+A(-. J on10-O((.-T8DATA J0!.&V.& J D.D,-AT.D1 0!.&V,-.8(A'. J spora:1t%"ata%corp%sp1%yahoo%com111

+,!T.(.&%O&A3 0on the A*S,+,A&Y host @ On the host were we are refreshing it from pro"uction1 +,!T.(.& J 0D.!-&, T,O(8+,!T J 0D.!-&, T,O( J 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J , -10R.Y J .ST &O-1=4111 0ADD&.!! J 0 &OTO-O+ J T- 10HO!T J #f15ora"#5 ::?%"ata%corp%#f1%yahoo%com10 O&T J 1=411111 !,D8+,!T8+,!T.(.& J 0!,D8+,!T J 0!,D8D.!- J 0I+OBA+8DB(A'. J spora:1t1 0O&A-+.8HO'. J @oracle@pro"uct@11%41 0!,D8(A'. J spora:1t1111 -onfirm the connection to #oth the target an" the au6iliary instance using sAlplus%

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<% -reate the input file with the parameters as reAuire", e6ample as shown #elow3 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ cat acti$e8"#8refresh%rc$ D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. TO spora:1t /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T 07@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@sp ora:1t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t7,7@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:C@ora"a ta@spora:1t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t71 ! /,+. !.T DB8(A'.J7spora:1t7 !.T DB8*(,9*.8(A'.J7spora:1t7 !.T +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@spo ra:1t7 !.T -+*!T.&8DATABA!.J7/A+!.7 G ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ =% !tart the &'A( D* +,-AT. "ata#ase comman"3 !tart &'A( an" connect to the source "ata#ase as TA&I.T, the "uplicate "ata#ase instance as A*S,+,A&Y% You can start the &'A( client on any host so long as it can connect to all of the "ata#ase instances% ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ r+an target s"s-..../b0ora12t3b01 au4iliar" s"s-..../spora11t c+d0ile5-ho+e-oracle-active3db3re0resh*rcv log5cre3actv3db3re0resh*log The #elow is the log showing the acti$ity "one #y the &'A( "uplicate target "ata#ase comman"3 ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ cat cre8act$8"#8refresh%log &eco$ery 'anager3 &elease 11%4%:%4%: 5 ro"uction on /ri Oct 41 4131=3CM 4:11 -opyright 0c1 1MO4, 4::M, Oracle an"@or its affiliates% All rights reser$e"% connecte" to target "ata#ase3 B/O&A:4T 0DB,DJ4O?:1O4N411 connecte" to au6iliary "ata#ase3 ! O&A:1T 0not mounte"1 &'A(E D* +,-AT. TA&I.T DATABA!. 4E TO spora:1t CE /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. <E DB8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T 07@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@sp

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ora:1t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t7,7@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:C@ora"a ta@spora:1t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t71 =E W /,+. 7@home@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@initspora:1t1%ora7G ?E ! /,+. NE !.T DB8(A'.J7spora:1t7 OE !.T DB8*(,9*.8(A'.J7spora:1t7 ME !.T +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 7@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@7,7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@7,7@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t7,7@u:1@ora"ata@spo ra:1t7 1:E !.T -+*!T.&8DATABA!.J7/A+!.7 11E G 14E !tarting Duplicate D# at 415O-T511 using target "ata#ase control file instea" of reco$ery catalog allocate" channel3 O&A8A*S8D,!R81 channel O&A8A*S8D,!R813 !,DJ1C= "e$ice typeJD,!R contents of 'emory !cript3 T #ackup as copy reuse targetfile 7@u:=@ora8"#s@spfile#fora:4t%ora7 au6iliary format 7@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfilespora:1t1%ora7 G sAl clone Ualter system set spfileJ 77@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfilespora:1t1%ora77UG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript !tarting #ackup at 415O-T511 allocate" channel3 O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 !,DJM?C instanceJ#fora:4t1 "e$ice typeJD,!R /inishe" #ackup at 415O-T511 sAl statement3 alter system set spfileJ 77@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@spfilespora:1t1%ora77 contents of 'emory !cript3 T sAl clone Ualter system set 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77"uplicate77 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77"uplicate77 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set 77spora:1t77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set 77spora:1t77 commentJ

"#8name J "#8uniAue8name J "#8name J "#8uniAue8name J

Yahoo! White Paper

7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 77@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@77, 77@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t77, 77@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set -+*!T.&8DATABA!. J /A+!. commentJ 7777 scopeJspfileUG shut"own clone imme"iateG startup clone nomountG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript sAl statement3 alter system set "#8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77"uplicate77 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77"uplicate77 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set "#8name J 77spora:1t77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77spora:1t77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set +OI8/,+.8(A'.8-O(V.&T J 77@u:O@ora"ata@#fora:4t@77, 77@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@77, 77@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t77, 77@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t77 commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set -+*!T.&8DATABA!. J /A+!. commentJ 7777 scopeJspfile Oracle instance shut "own connecte" to au6iliary "ata#ase 0not starte"1 Oracle instance starte" Total !ystem Ilo#al Area /i6e" !iDe Varia#le !iDe Data#ase Buffers &e"o Buffers 4NCMC1ONO< #ytes

444M=?: #ytes 41O1:<:O<: #ytes =C?ON:M14 #ytes 1M1NN<N4 #ytes

contents of 'emory !cript3 T

Yahoo! White Paper

sAl clone Ualter system set "#8name J 77B/O&A:4T77 commentJ 77'o"ifie" #y &'A( "uplicate77 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77'o"ifie" #y &'A( "uplicate77 scopeJspfileUG shut"own clone imme"iateG startup clone force nomount #ackup as copy current controlfile au6iliary format 7@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@cntrlspora:1t1%"#f7G alter clone "ata#ase mountG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript sAl statement3 alter system set "#8name J 77B/O&A:4T77 commentJ 77'o"ifie" #y &'A( "uplicate77 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system set "#8uniAue8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77'o"ifie" #y &'A( "uplicate77 scopeJspfile Oracle instance shut "own Oracle instance starte" Total !ystem Ilo#al Area /i6e" !iDe Varia#le !iDe Data#ase Buffers &e"o Buffers 4NCMC1ONO< #ytes

444M=?: #ytes 41O1:<:O<: #ytes =C?ON:M14 #ytes 1M1NN<N4 #ytes

!tarting #ackup at 415O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy copying current control file output file nameJ@u:1@ora"ata@#fora:4t@snapcf8#fora:4t1%f tagJTAI4:111:44T:<1?:? &.-,DJ4< !TA' JN?=1NCNN4 channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::31= /inishe" #ackup at 415O-T511 "ata#ase mounte" contents of 'emory !cript3 T set newname for "atafile 1 to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@system::1%"#fUG

Yahoo! White Paper

set newname for "atafile 4 to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@sysau6::1%"#fUG set newname for "atafile C to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@e6pt#s%"#fUG set newname for "atafile < to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@impt#s%"#fUG set newname for "atafile = to % % % 44 au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::<%"#fU "atafile 4C au6iliary format U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::=%"#fU G sAl 7alter system archi$e log current7G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. % % e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. !tarting #ackup at 415O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy input "atafile file num#erJ::::4 nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@sysau6::1%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@sysau6::1%"#f tagJTAI4:111:44T:<1?C: channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3:43== channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy input "atafile file num#erJ::::1 nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@system::1%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@system::1%"#f tagJTAI4:111:44T:<1?C: channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::31= channel O&A8D,!R813 starting "atafile copy % % input "atafile file num#erJ:::4C nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@#fora:4t@#r8::=%"#f output file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::=%"#f tagJTAI4:111:44T:<1?C: channel O&A8D,!R813 "atafile copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:C /inishe" #ackup at 415O-T511 sAl statement3 alter system archi$e log current contents of 'emory !cript3 T #ackup as copy reuse

Yahoo! White Paper

archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18<118N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<118N=4OM?=:=%arcU archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@18<148N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arcU archi$elog like U@u:C@ora"ata@#fora:4t@arch@484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arcU au6iliary format U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arcU G catalog clone archi$elog U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<118N=4OM?=:=%arcUG catalog clone archi$elog U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arcUG catalog clone archi$elog U@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arcUG switch clone "atafile allG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript !tarting #ackup at 415O-T511 using channel O&A8D,!R81 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy input archi$e" log threa"J1 seAuenceJ<11 &.-,DJ<4N !TA' JN?=1NC4M= output file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<118N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:1 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy input archi$e" log threa"J1 seAuenceJ<14 &.-,DJ<C4 !TA' JN?=1N<1<C output file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:1 channel O&A8D,!R813 starting archi$e" log copy input archi$e" log threa"J4 seAuenceJ4?M &.-,DJ<C< !TA' JN?=1N<1<= output file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ: !TA' J: channel O&A8D,!R813 archi$e" log copy complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:1 /inishe" #ackup at 415O-T511 cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<118N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ<C4 !TA' JN?=1N<1=N cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ<CC !TA' JN?=1N<1=N cataloge" archi$e" log archi$e" log file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arc &.-,DJ<C< !TA' JN?=1N<1=N "atafile 1 switche" to "atafile copy

Yahoo! White Paper

input "atafile copy &.-,DJ4< !TA' JN?=1N<1=N file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@system::1%"#f "atafile 4 switche" to "atafile copy input "atafile copy &.-,DJ4= !TA' JN?=1N<1=N file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@sysau6::1%"#f "atafile C switche" to "atafile copy % % "atafile 4C switche" to "atafile copy input "atafile copy &.-,DJ<? !TA' JN?=1N<1=M file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::=%"#f contents of 'emory !cript3 T set until scn ?MO1NO1<G reco$er clone "ata#ase "elete archi$elog G V e6ecuting 'emory !cript e6ecuting comman"3 !.T until clause !tarting reco$er at 415O-T511 allocate" channel3 O&A8A*S8D,!R81 channel O&A8A*S8D,!R813 !,DJ11<M "e$ice typeJD,!R starting me"ia reco$ery archi$e" log for threa" 1 with seAuence <14 is alrea"y on "isk as file @oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arc archi$e" log for threa" 4 with seAuence 4?M is alrea"y on "isk as file @oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arc archi$e" log file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch18<148N=4OM?=:=%arc threa"J1 seAuenceJ<14 archi$e" log file nameJ@oracle@pro"uct@11%4@"#s@arch484?M8N=4OM?=:=%arc threa"J4 seAuenceJ4?M me"ia reco$ery complete, elapse" time3 ::3::3:4 /inishe" reco$er at 415O-T511 Oracle instance starte" Total !ystem Ilo#al Area /i6e" !iDe Varia#le !iDe 4NCMC1ONO< #ytes

444M=?: #ytes 41O1:<:O<: #ytes

Yahoo! White Paper

Data#ase Buffers &e"o Buffers =C?ON:M14 #ytes 1M1NN<N4 #ytes

contents of 'emory !cript3 T sAl clone Ualter system set "#8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77&eset to original $alue #y &'A(77 scopeJspfileUG sAl clone Ualter system reset "#8uniAue8name scopeJspfileUG shut"own clone imme"iateG startup clone nomountG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript sAl statement3 alter system set "#8name J 77! O&A:1T77 commentJ 77&eset to original $alue #y &'A(77 scopeJspfile sAl statement3 alter system reset "#8uniAue8name scopeJspfile Oracle instance shut "own connecte" to au6iliary "ata#ase 0not starte"1 Oracle instance starte" Total !ystem Ilo#al Area 4NCMC1ONO< #ytes

/i6e" !iDe 444M=?: #ytes Varia#le !iDe 41O1:<:O<: #ytes Data#ase Buffers =C?ON:M14 #ytes &e"o Buffers 1M1NN<N4 #ytes sAl statement3 -&.AT. -O(T&O+/,+. &.*!. !.T DATABA!. U! O&A:1TU &.!.T+OI! A&-H,V.+OI 'AS+OI/,+.! 4== 'AS+OI'.'B.&! 4 'ASDATA/,+.! ?==C< 'AS,(!TA(-.! C4 'AS+OIH,!TO&Y C41C +OI/,+. I&O* 4 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o:4a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o:4#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 11 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o11a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o11#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 14 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o14a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o14#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 1C 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o1Ca%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o1C#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!.,

Yahoo! White Paper

I&O* 1< 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o1<a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o1<#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!. DATA/,+. 7@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@system::1%"#f7 -HA&A-T.& !.T A+C4*T/O sAl statement3 A+T.& DATABA!. ADD +OI/,+. ,(!TA(-. 7i47 I&O* 41 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o41a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o41#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 44 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o44a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o44#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 4C 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o4Ca%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o4C#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!., I&O* 4< 0 7@u:1@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o4<a%log7, 7@u:4@ora"ata@spora:1t@re"o4<#%log7 1 !,Y. 1 I &.*!. contents of 'emory !cript3 T set newname for tempfile 1 to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::1%"#fUG set newname for tempfile 4 to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::4%"#fUG set newname for tempfile C to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::C%"#fUG set newname for tempfile < to U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::<%"#fUG switch clone tempfile allG catalog clone "atafilecopy U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@sysau6::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@e6pt#s%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@impt#s%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::4%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@users::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@perf8"ata::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s18::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s18::4%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s18::C%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s18::<%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s48::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s48::4%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s48::C%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#s48::<%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::1%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::4%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::C%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::<%"#fU,

Yahoo! White Paper

U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::C%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::<%"#fU, U@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::=%"#fUG switch clone "atafile allG V e6ecuting 'emory !cript e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. e6ecuting comman"3 !.T (.2(A'. rename" tempfile 1 to @u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::1%"#f in control file rename" tempfile 4 to @u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::4%"#f in control file rename" tempfile C to @u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::C%"#f in control file rename" tempfile < to @u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@temp::<%"#f in control file cataloge" "atafile copy "atafile copy file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@sysau6::1%"#f &.-,DJ1 !TA' JN?=1N<4O? cataloge" "atafile copy "atafile copy file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@e6pt#s%"#f &.-,DJ4 !TA' JN?=1N<4O? cataloge" "atafile copy % % cataloge" "atafile copy "atafile copy file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::C%"#f &.-,DJ1O !TA' JN?=1N<4O? cataloge" "atafile copy "atafile copy file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@un"ot#sC8::<%"#f &.-,DJ1M !TA' JN?=1N<4O? cataloge" "atafile copy % % input "atafile copy &.-,DJ44 !TA' JN?=1N<4O? file nameJ@u:<@ora"ata@spora:1t@#r8::=%"#f &eena#ling controlfile options for au6iliary "ata#ase .6ecuting3 alter "ata#ase force logging contents of 'emory !cript3 T Alter clone "ata#ase open resetlogsG V

Yahoo! White Paper

e6ecuting 'emory !cript "ata#ase opene" /inishe" Duplicate D# at 415O-T511 &eco$ery 'anager complete% ;oracleL#f15ora"#5::<>PQ This completes the logfile of the &'A( "uplicate target "ata#ase comman"% !9+E select name,"ata#ase8role,open8mo"e from $F"ata#aseG ! O&A:1T &,'A&Y &.AD 2&,T.

Our newly refreshe"@clone"@"uplicate DB Xspora:1tZ from the pro"uction X#fora:4tZ is rea"y for our testing@reporting purposes%

Re0erence Metalin9 Docu+ents -reating hysical !tan"#y *sing &'A( D* +,-AT. /&O' A-T,V. DATABA!. ;'+ ,D 1:N=M:O%1> &'A( 7Duplicate /rom Acti$e Data#ase7 /eature in 11I ;'+ ,D <=4O?O%1>

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