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Unit Title: Energy Efficient House Design

Branch: Duration: Information 5 /6 weeks / 3D Computer Aided Design Significant Conce!t: 8se a range of Te hnology to propose an .nvironmentally 9riendly :ow .nergy 8se house that balan es the needs of a family and energy effi ient house design

"rea of Interaction: .nvironments3 +ow we live has an impa t on the environment% how to lessen that impa t!

#Y$ Unit %uestion: +ow an I resear h design and animate a 3D Computer Aided Design model of an energy effi ient house/

Design Conte t:
The survival of our planet earth is largely going to be determined by what happens in our ities! "y #$5$% &$' of the world(s population will live in them! )e are observing a mass migration to ities at an unpre edented rate! The growing urbani*ation pla es high demands on infrastru ture su h as transportation and building as well as in reased demand for resour es su h as food% water% and energy! +ow we plan and design the built environment will determine whether limate hange is manageable or atastrophi ! +ouse design needs to onsider renewable energy and self suffi ien y to use less energy! ,any ountries have laws that spe ify energy effi ient re-uirements of new houses! .nergy effi ient house design has the dual benefit of redu ing green house gas emissions and saving money on energy bills! +ow an new design features ombine with the general housing needs/

Design Brief 0ou are to design a standard family home that is Innovative, Stylish and 1energy effi ient2 0ou must onform to the lo al planning laws3 4! 5tandard house blo k is 3$m 6 3$m #! ,a6imum height 7 meters% 3! Distan e to side of land 4 m% distan e to front 6 m%

"ssess&ent: Tas's
A! Investigate 4! 5et up )eebly website for do umenting your work! In lude a page for Introdu tion% planning% design and .valuation! a; )rite in your own words e6plaining the need for energy effi ient design and how it relates to benefitting the environment and the ommunity! #! Investigate .nergy .ffi ient/ self suffi ien y / <reen +ouse Design and e6plain3 a! 8se the sour es given to you% read them and get some information on the sub=e t b! 9ind further information about house design ! ,ake a bibliography of your e6tra sour es of information 3! >repare a short presentation to give to the rest of the lass on one ty!e of renewable energy! ?! "rainstorm or outline the types of things you must onsider when designing a house@ 5! Con luding design statement about .nergy .ffi ient +ouses and give a set of design specifications (at least 10), whi h your design must satisfyA solar passive/ energy effi ient aspe ts Benergy efficient appliances and lights have nothing to do with house design!). 6! )rite a Design "rief! 1I will design a house that C!2 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD "! Design Draw a series of sket hes for your house design in 5ke th8p! 8sing 3D CAD sket hes add olour% materials% trees and label your design! .6periment with different styles as well! )rite information in your sket hes to e6plain how you aim to satisfy the design specifications( Try animating your design 0ou must have at the end of the pro=e t the following pie es of work on your site3 1. The design context and design brief written by you. 2. t least ten different detailed research references on renewable energy and self sufficiency. !. "repare a short presentation to give to the rest of the class on one type of renewable energy. #. $ased on your research. %rite an explanation in your own words what renewable energy and self sufficiency are. %hy are they so i&portant' %hat do we have to consider these features in house design' (. )our design specifications * %hat )+, want in your designs -. I&ages of existing houses that have been designed with renewable energies .. /xport i&ages fro& your &odel to show your design process 0. 1inal i&ages * using different views, S2etch,p styles and a uni3ue "hotoshop i&age. 4. S&ooth and infor&ative ani&ation of your design 15. /valuation * 6ave you &et your design specification' %hat would you do differently next ti&e.'

http3//#$3$palette!org/swat hDlibrary https3//www!futurelearn! om/ ourses/sustainabilityDso ietyDandDyou http3//www!ted! om/talks/b=arkeEingelsEhedonisti Esustainability!html http3//www!planetnutshell! om/edu ation/F http3//inhabitat! om/renovatedD476$sDskidmoreDpassivhausDblendsD ontemporaryDdesignDandDenergyD effi ien yDinDportland/

Genewable Hs limited resour es http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vIp"TnHo.Ib7J +ow +ome 5olar >ower 5ystem )orks http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vIm68gK6D+.: http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vI&KA v&kJL $ )ind turbines http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vI#vwk9EM76.. 5olar Thermal http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vI6?mtITKuNiA "enefits of home insulation http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vIiTrDN"*4:s$ Composting http3//www!youtube! om/wat h/vIK=6D:DII5KA 8rban food growing >ro=e t http3//www!ted! om/talks/pamEwarhurstEhowEweE anEeatEourElands apes!html E a&!le $ro*ects fro& !re+ious classes http3//marialrte hnology!weebly! om/renewableDenergyDpro=e t!html http3//te hnologymin=aekim!weebly! om/resear h!html

BE)LIN B)"NDENBU)G INTE)N"TION"L SCHOOL Design Technology "ssess&ent Criteria Unit ,,,BBIS Estate,,,,,, Gra-e ,,,,,,.,,,,,, Stu-ent


In+estigate 5tudents must do ument eviden e of resear h and analysis DComprehensively brainstormed the needs of the design pro=e t and e6plained what renewable energy is! DCompleted presentation and Thoroughly investigated renewable energy design with at least 5 detailed e6amples given D.stablished a omprehensive set of at least 4$ spe ifi ations for what a house re-uires in luding solar passive design features D5imply brainstormed the needs of the design pro=e t D5ome investigation presentation and on renewable energy with at least ? sour es used and referen ed D.stablished a simple set of 5 spe ifi ations for what a house re-uires in luding solar passive design features

Design 5tudents must display a range of design features and ideas 6 P 3D CAD images with materials added and with notes and annotation indi ating how the -esign s!ecifications will be met Completed smooth and informative animation

$lan 5tudents must do ument their work plan

Create 5tudents must reate a produ t and do ument their progress in manufa ture 6 6

E+aluate 5tudents must do ument an assessment of the produ t and pro ess >rodu ed a detailed and omprehensive evaluation of your work using your design spe ifi ations as a ben h mark! +ave you met your design spe ifi ations/ Detailed suggestions on what you would improve on/

"ttitu-es in Technology
5tudentsO demonstration of motivation% onfiden e% attitude The student displays a onsistently high level ofA Dsafe behaviour in the workshop D ontributing to the learning environment Dindependen e in attempting their work Dalways prepared for lass Dbinder e6a tly organised and tidy

6 5

4D# 3D CAD drawings of your site% house shape with annotation indi ating how the -esign s!ecifications will be met In omplete animation

>rodu ed a evaluation of your work using your design spe ifi ations as a ben h mark! +ave you met your design spe ifi ations/ 5ome suggestions on what you would improve on/

The student displays a high level ofA Dsafe behaviour in the workshop D ontributing to the learning environment Dindependen e in attempting their work Dusually prepared for lass Dbinder mostly organised and tidy The student displays an in onsistent level ofA Dsafe behaviour in the workshop D ontributing to the learning environment Dindependen e in attempting their work Dsometimes prepared for lass Dbinder poorly organised% untidy Total disregard for the e6pe tations of the work environment and no effort shown

? 3

DHaguely brainstormed the needs of the design pro=e t DKnly investigated 4 sour e of renewable energy and little detail in presentation D.stablished some spe ifi ations% less than 3% for what a house re-uires in luding solar passive design features Qo housing spe ifi ations listed Qo .nergy effi ien y guidelines Qo investigation of solar passive design

D4 3D CAD drawing with no indi ation of how the -esign s!ecifications will be met DAn in omplete animation

>rodu ed a basi evaluation of work using the design spe ifi ations as a ben h mark! +ave you met your design spe ifi ations/ 9ew on what you would improve on/

# 4

Qo design sket hes Qo site plan $ $ $ $

Qo evaluation Qo suggestions for improvement

Gra-e Con+ersion 4 I $D5

3 I 4$D45 5 I ##D#6

# I 6D7 ? I 46D#4 6 I #&D34

& I 3#D36

"ssess&ent4Total /

Gra-e /

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