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REPORT ON WORLD SCHOLARS CUP The delegation from Delhi Publi S hool !

ha"iabad made the # hool $roud b% be oming the o&erall ham$ion amid#t '(( team# from all o&er )ndia in the regional round of the World S holar# Cu$* held at Amit% )nternational Noida and Amit% Uni&er#it% on '+ th and ',th De ember(-'+. The #tudent# in thi# delegation /ere Har#hit 0umar* 1ina%a2 Cha/la and Niralee !u$ta and ea h of them /on indi&idual and a# /ell a# team a/ard#. The World S holar# Cu$ i# an international a ademi tournament /hi h ha# #tudent# $arti i$ating from ,- ountrie#. )t i# multi3di# i$linar% and re4uire# $arti i$ant# to ha&e om$rehen#i&e 2no/ledge of #i5 #ub6e t# 7Hi#tor%* S ien e* Art#* Literature* S$e ial Area and So ial Studie#8 under an annual a##igned theme. The om$etition it#elf ha# four e&ent#* namel%3 Team Debate* Collaborati&e Writing* S holar# 9o/l and S holar# Challenge. All the#e e&ent# re4uire a dee$ and intelligent #tud% of the to$i #. The global round /ill be in Singa$ore and the final round at :ale Uni&er#it%* Ne/ Ha&en U.S.A. The DPS! team emerged a# the o&erall ham$ion of the om$etition and i# the to$ team from )ndia. )t i# al#o the to$ Roo2ie team* and #tood fir#t in the S holar# Challenge* #e ond in the Team Debate and S holar# 9o/l* and fifth in Collaborati&e Writing. )ndi&iduall%* Har#hit 0umar /a# the to$ o&erall # orer /hile 1ina%a2 Cha/la and Niralee !u$ta /ere ;th and <th re#$e ti&el%. )n the S holar# Challenge* Har#hit 0umar /a# the to$ # orer /hile 1ina%a2 Cha/la and Niralee !u$ta /ere at = th and >th $o#ition re#$e ti&el%. Al#o* Har#hit 0umar /a# $rofi ient in the S ien e and S$e ial Area $ortion of the S holar# Challenge* 1ina%a2 Cha/la in the Hi#tor% and Art# #e tion* and Niralee !u$ta in the Hi#tor%* Art# and Literature $ortion. The% /ere al#o a/arded indi&iduall% for their meritoriou# $erforman e in the Team Debate. O&erall* the team /on thirt% medal# /ith Har#hit 0umar getting ',* and 1ina%a2 Cha/la and Niralee !u$ta bagging < ea h. The team ha# 4ualified for the global round of the World S holar# Cu$ /hi h i# to be held in Singa$ore in ?une (-',. Prin i$al ?%oti !u$ta a$$re iated the remar2able a hie&ement of the #tudent#.

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