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Legendary Abilities

Armoured Titan (Light Armour)

Requirements: STR or CON of 11 or higher; DEX of 13. Hero Points: 30 The adventurer is especia ! s"i ed at fighting in ar#our$ and "no%s ho% to %ear it to &etter effect than usua . Reduce the s"i pena t! fro# an! ight ar#our %orn &! 10'. (dditiona !$ the adventurer gains 1 additiona point of protection %hen %earing ight ar#our$ up to the #a)i#u# protection nor#a ! offered &! that ar#our$ e.g.$ a %arrior %earing ight ar#our %hich nor#a ! gives 1d* protection %ou d never have ess than + points of protection fro# this a&i it! in situations in %hich ar#our protection is app ica& e. The #a)i#u# protection of the ar#our %ou d sti &e * points.

Armoured Titan (Medium Armour)

Requirements: STR or CON of 13 or higher; DEX of 1,; (r#oured Titan -.ight (r#our/ Hero Points: 10 (s (r#oured Titan -.ight (r#our/$ &ut reduce the s"i pena t! fro# an! #ediu# ar#our %orn &! +0'. (dditiona !$ the adventurer gains + additiona points of protection %hen %earing #ediu# ar#our$ up to the #a)i#u# protection nor#a ! offered &! that ar#our$ e.g.$ a %arrior %earing #ediu# ar#our %hich nor#a ! gives 1d0 protection %ou d never have ess than 3 points of protection fro# this a&i it! in situations in %hich ar#our protection is app ica& e. The #a)i#u# protection of the ar#our %ou d sti &e 0 points.

Armoured Titan (Heavy Armour)

Requirements: STR or CON of 11 or higher; DEX of 11; (r#oured Titan -2ediu# (r#our/ Hero Points: 10 (s (r#oured Titan -.ight (r#our/$ &ut reduce the s"i pena t! fro# an! heav! ar#our %orn &! ,0'. (dditiona !$ the adventurer gains 3 additiona points of protection %hen %earing heav! ar#our$ up to the #a)i#u# protection nor#a ! offered &! that ar#our$ e.g.$ a %arrior %earing heav! ar#our %hich nor#a ! gives 1d10 protection %ou d never have ess than , points of protection fro# this a&i it! in situations in %hich ar#our protection is app ica& e. The #a)i#u# protection of the ar#our %ou d sti &e 10 points.

Battle Fury
Requirements: CON 11 or higher$ an! #e ee %eapon s"i at 30' or higher. Hero Points: 10 (fter ta"ing at east 3 points of da#age in &att e fro# ene#! sources$ the adventurer can enter a 4att e 5ur! as an action in co#&at. 6hi e in 4att e 5ur!$ the fo o%ing conditions are in effect7 8 STR$ S9:$ and CON are considered to &e 1 points higher for the purposes of resistance ro s -inc uding "noc"8 &ac" atte#pts/ 8 ( attac"s -&ut not parr! atte#pts/ %ith #e ee %eapons$ inc uding &ra% ing s"i s$ receive a ;10' &onus. This &onus cannot &e co#&ined %ith an! other &onus to %eapon s"i fro# .egendar! (&i ities e)cept .egendar! S"i . 9f a shie d is used to attac"$ it a so gains this 10' &onus for attac"ing on !. 8 ( #e ee attac"s do 1 e)tra point of da#age. 8 The 5uried character cannot #a"e specia co#&at #oves such as desperate unge in this state$ or use other offensive .egendar! (&i ities$ e)cept for 6eapon 2aster! or 6eapon <ersati it!. Si#i ar !$ the character cannot stop to #a"e Orator! or 5ast Ta " atte#pts$ cast spe s$ or engage in other activities that re=uire #uch thought or concentration. 8 The character cannot ta"e advantage of 4att e 5ur! %hi e #ounted or s%i##ing. 8 4att e 5ur! asts for a nu#&er of rounds e=ua to the adventurer>s CON in rounds. ?pon eaving 4att e 5ur!$ the adventurer is fatigued -+1' pena t! to a s"i s/ for an hour$ and cannot enter this state again during that period.

Born to the Saddle

Requirements: @O6 11 or higher$ Ride 30' or higher. Hero Points: ,0 6hi e riding$ the fo o%ing effects ta"e p ace7 8 (n! pena t! to the Riding s"i is reduced &! +0'$ such as driving rain and s ipper! ground 8 The adventurer>s %eapons s"i s are not i#ited to a #a)i#u# of his or her ride s"i . 8 The adventurer #a! treat a ani#a s he rides as trained for co#&at. 8 The adventurer #a! use the Ride s"i to dup icate the effects of dodging. 9t is nor#a ! i#possi& e to dodge %hi e riding. 8 6ith a successfu Ride s"i chec"$ the character can s eep %hi e riding$ and his #ount %i fo o% other #ounts in the character>s part!$ or the #ount #a! proceed in the genera direction intended &! the rider unti it #ust rest$ eat$ or drin". 8 Other suita& e circu#stantia &enefits$ as deter#ined &! the A2.

Requirements: The character #ust a read! "no% and &e a& e to cast at east one Su##oning spe $ and #ust sacrifice 3 points of his or her o%n @O6. Hero Points: 10 Su##oning entities co#es to the sorcerer %ith re ative ease. Su##oning spe s cost +1' fe%er #agic points than nor#a $ %ith a #ini#u# cost of 1 #agic point.

Crush Your Enemies

Requirements: STR of 11 or higher$ an! +8handed & udgeoning #e ee %eapon s"i at 30' or higher. Hero Points: ,0 Once per round$ upon anding successfu hit %ith a +8handed & udgeoning #e ee %eapon %ith %hich the character has a s"i of 30' or greater$ the character #a! #a"e a specia "noc"&ac" atte#pt against the foe struc"$ even if the foe parries the attac" successfu !. The attac"er uses his or her STR$ or the da#age of the & o%$ %hichever is greater -%hich #a! &e the case on a critica hit/$ and #atches it against the foe>s STR or S9:$ %hichever is greater. The attac"er and defender #a"e a resistance ro . 9f the defender fai s$ he or she #ust #a"e an (gi it! ro -DEX ) 3/ or &e "noc"ed do%n. 9f the attac" is parried$ proceed %ith the "noc"&ac" atte#pt. 9f the attac" is not parried$ reso ve da#age and ar#or$ if app ica& e$ and then reso ve the "noc"&ac" atte#pt.

ead Eye
Requirements: DEX 11 or higher$ an! ranged %eapon s"i at 30' or higher. Hero Points: *0 @ic" an! sing e ranged %eapon %ith %hich the character at east a 30' s"i . 6hi e using this %eapon$ the fo o%ing effects ta"e p ace7 8 9ncrease the %eaponBs &ase range &! 10'. 8 9ncrease the %eaponBs da#age &! ;1 -on ! to targets %ithin &ase range/. 8 Carefu ai# attac"s %ith the %eapon gain a 10' &onus$ in addition to the &onus fro# de a!ing the attac". 8 <o e! fire attac"s %ith the %eapon gain a 10' &onus$ after reducing the s"i &! +C3rds -as nor#a for vo e! fire/.

e!a"itating S#ing
Requirements: STR 11 or higher$ +D cutting %eapon s"i at 30' or higher. Hero Points: *0 This a&i it! can on ! &e used %ith a +8handed cutting %eapon and on ! against an opponent %hose S9: is %ithin ten of the adventurerBs S9:. ( Decapitating S%ing is #ade at ha f the character>s nor#a s"i . (n! atte#pt to dodge or parr! this attac" gains a ;+0' &onus. (s ong as the attac" inf icts at east a #inor %ound -i.e.$ the target>s ar#our protection app ies nor#a !/$ the attac" is converted to a #aEor %ound that decapitates the target. Note that this a&i it! can &e used as part of a se=uence of attac"s$ i.e.$ if the attac"er>s s"i is high enough to a o% #u tip e attac"s$ he or she #ight #a"e this atte#pt on his or her second attac" -ha ving that chance/$ after the foe has e)hausted a dodge or parr! atte#pt.

evilish Charm
Requirements: CD( 11 or higher$ 5ast Ta " *0' or higher. Hero Points: 30 The adventurer has a roguish char# that is near ! irresisti& e$ and puts others off their guard. De or she #a! tr! to inf uence even on his or her %orst ene#ies F for e)a#p e$ Eust after tr!ing to assassinate the#$ &! spinning so#e specious and e a&orate argu#ent #as"ing the facts. This s"i is a so usefu for seduction$ getting past guards$ etc. The chance of success is the character>s CD( ) ,'$ #inus the target>s 9NT. This a&i it! is essentia ! a #ore po%erfu version of the 5ast Ta " s"i . Note that the target of this a&i it! #a! recover fro# it after a fe% #inutes$ or after consu ting %ith another character or N@C. 9n the a&ove case of the atte#pted assassination$ the intended victi# #ight #ere ! have his assai ant dragged off to the dungeon$ rather than order his guards to "i the assassin on the spot.

E$traordinary %er!e"tion
Requirements: Search and .isten s"i at *0' or higher. Hero Points: 10 ( character %ith this a&i it! #a! #a"e a Search or .isten chec"$ ignoring an! pena ties for %earing ar#our. Circu#stantia pena ties -poor ighting$ &ac"ground noise$ etc./ for this character are o%ered &! ha f.

Eyes o& the Cat

Requirements: CON or @O6 13 or higher Hero Points: 10 The character can see %e enough to function %ithout pena ties out to 30 feet in an! condition other than a&so ute dar"ness. There #ust &e so#e source of ight 88 star ight$ or the ight fro# under a door$ etc.

Requirements: DEX 11 or higher Hero Points: ,0 The character can #ove ver! =uic" !. Dis or her 2O< on foot is increased &! 3. The character sti suffers nor#a #ove#ent pena ties fro# %earing ar#or$ &ut %i sti #ove faster than #ost characters.

Heroi! Aura
Requirements: CD( 11 or higher$ Orator! s"i at *0' or higher. Dero @oints7 +0 (fter successfu ! using his or her Orator! s"i $ a a ies hearing and seeing adventurerBs oration %i &e heartened &! it$ gaining the character>s CD( as a &onus to an! three s"i or resistance ro s for the ne)t +, hours$ as ong as those atte#pts are in so#e %a! re ated to the topic of the character>s oration. T!pica !$ this is used &efore a &att e &! a eader. Note that if an upco#ing &att e see#s hope ess$ the character>s Orator! s"i #a! &e pena iGed.

Hit (Em )here *t Hurts

Requirements: STR or DEX of 11 or higher; at east one %eapon s"i of 30' or higher; @h!si" of 10' or higher Hero Points: 31 The character "no%s the &est p aces to stri"e foes to a! the# o%. The character can use this a&i it! on ! once per round$ &ecause he or she is carefu ! choosing %here to stri"e. 5or that attac"$ treat the character>s da#age &onus as the ne)t arger8siGed die$ e.g.$ a 1d, da#age &onus is increased to 1d*. 6hen app ied to #issi e %eapons$ the attac"er #ust &e %ithin 10 feet. To use this a&i it!$ the attac"er #ust &e a& e to see his or her foe reasona& ! %e . This a&i it! is #ore difficu t to use against non8hu#an targets$ and the A2 #a! ca for a Natura 6or d s"i ro or an 9dea ro $ %hichever is o%er$ depending on the circu#stances. 5or tru ! a ien foes$ the 9dea ro #a! &e pena iGed.

*m"ossi+le odge
Requirements: DEX of 11 or higher; Dodge s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: 30 The character has an e)traordinar! a&i it! to so#eti#es dodge #issi e attac"s 88 a feat that is i#possi& e for #ost characters. The character #ust &e a& e to see his or her attac"er -the A2 #a! ca for a search ro /. The character #a! atte#pt to ro under his or her DEX)+ to avoid arro%s$ s ing stones$ Eave ins$ and other #issi e %eapons. The A2 #a! a o% the character to #a"e this atte#pt against so#e other unusua t!pes of ranged attac"s. The character #a! not use this a&i it! %hi e #ounted un ess he or she a so has the 4orn to the Sadd e .egendar! (&i it!.

*m"roved (,e"aired- Heroi!- E$traordinary- Legendary- Su"erhuman) Attri+ute

Requirements: See Ta& e Hero Points: See Ta& e The se ected attri&ute -STR$ S9:$ CON$ DEX$ 9NT$ @O6$ or CD(/ score is increased &! 1$ to a #a)i#u# of +1. Origina (ttri&ute

9#proved (ttri&ute

Cost in Dero @oints

1 + 3 , 1 * H 0 3

+ 3 , 1 * H 0 3 10 11 1+ 13 1, 11 1* 1H 10 13 +0 +1 ++ +3 +, +1

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 +0 +1 30 31 ,0 ,1 10 11 *0 *1 H0

10 11 1+ 13 1,

11 1* 1H 10

13 +0 +1

++ +3 +,

Note: 6hi e it is possi& e for characters to have attri&utes higher than +1$ this can on ! occur as a resu t of e)ceptiona circu#stances that arise during ga#e8p a!.

*ron )ill
Requirements: CON or @O6 of 13 or higher Hero Points: 10 The character has an e)traordinar! a&i it! to re#ain unsha"en %hen faced %ith an! t!pe of effect or situation that re=uires a CON or @O68&ased ro to resist. E)a#p es inc ude &eing attac"ed &! a de#on %ith the 5ear po%er$ %itnessing the #anifestation of a .ord of Chaos in an horrific for#$ toughing out the poisonous veno# of a sna"e or de#on$ etc. De or she is a so #ore resistant to sorcer! and #agica effects. 9n either case$ the character gets a ;11' &onus to his or her atte#pts to resist. (dditiona !$ the character a %a!s has at east a 11' chance of success$ even if he or she %ou d nor#a ! have on ! a 1' chance of success$ such as opposing a sorcerer %ith a @O6 ten ti#es that of the character$ or a veno# %ith a potenc! of 10 greater than the character>s CON score.

Requirements: CD( 11 or higher Hero Points: 10; 4! virtue of the character>s tit e$ position$ reputation$ or previous e)p oits$ the character has one or #ore o!a fo o%ers %ho %ou d &e %i ing to fight to the death for hi# under the right circu#stances. The e)act nu#&er and =ua it! of fo o%ers depends on the nu#&er of Dero @oints spent. These fo o%ers cou d &e a s#a gang$ or a sing e specia iGed hench#an$ depending on the p a!er>s #otivations and &ac"ground.

Legendary S.ill
Requirements: Se ected s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: +0 or ,0 The character #a! i#prove the se ected s"i &! 10'. This .egendar! (&i it! #a! &e app ied again to the sa#e s"i on ! once$ at a cost of ,0 Dero @oints.

Legendary Toughness
Requirements: CON 11 or higher Hero Points: +0 The character>s Dit @oints are increased &! 3. This .egendar! (&i it! #a! &e ta"en a second ti#e on ! once$ at a cost of ,0 Dero @oints.

Requirements: Three "no% edge s"i s at 10' or higher. Hero Points: +0 The character>s e)tensive "no% edge and studies a o% hi# or her to #a"e a second .ore s"i chec"$ a &eit at a 30' pena t!$ on a fai ed "no% edge s"i chec".

Magi!al A"titude
Requirements: The character #ust have the #ini#u# @O6 necessar! to %or" #agic on the p ane of his or her &irth. Hero Points: 30 The character has a natura aptitude for earning sorcer!. De or she adds his or her 9NT score to the nor#a chance for earning a ne% spe $ and #a! reduce the ti#e to earn a spe &! his or 9NT)1'. E)a#p e7 Ranth$ a !oung DhariEoran stea s a gri#oire fro# one of the @an Tangan priests that roa# his countr!. Nor#a !$ he %ou d have his 9NT)1' chance to earn a spe in the gri#iore$ and it %ou d ta"e hi# 3 %ee"s per atte#pt. Ranth has an 9NT of 1,$ so he has a +0' chance to earn a spe fro# the gri#oire$ and it on ! ta"es hi# + %ee"s and , da!s. -+1 da!s$ #inus I+1 ) .1, JK 3L/

Miserly Magi!ian
Requirements: The character #ust "no% and &e a& e to cast at east three spe s. Hero Points: ,0 The sorcerer can cast spe s -i.e.$ not sorcer! invo ving Runes and Spheres/ for one fe%er #agic point than nor#a $ to a #ini#u# cost of 1 #agic point.

Requirements: The character #ust a read! "no% and &e a& e to cast at east three Necro#anc! spe s$ and #ust sacrifice 3 points of his or her o%n CON. Hero Points: 10 2agic invo ving the dead co#es to the sorcerer %ith un8natura ease. Necro#antic spe s cost +1' fe%er #agic points$ %ith a #ini#u# cost of 1 #agic point.

/e# ,une or S"here

Requirements: The character #ust a read! "no% at east one Rune and Sphere. Hero Points: 10 6ith a %ee">s effort$ a character "no% edgea& e of Runes and Spheres #a! divine the use of a Rune or Sphere that %as previous ! un"no%n to hi# or her.

,e'!reate Lesser S"ell

Requirements: The character #ust "no% and &e a& e to cast at east three spe s. The spe #ust &e in a gri#oire or other source to %hich the character has access$ or &e a spe the character has o&served &eing successfu ! cast.$ i.e.$ it #ust &e a spe that e)ists a ru e&oo"$ and it #ust cost , or fe%er #agic points to cast. Hero Points: +0 6ith a da!>s ti#e to for#u ate the incantation$ a character "no% edgea& e in sorcer! can re8create one esser spe he or she o&served.

,e'!reate 0reater S"ell

Requirements: The character #ust "no% and &e a& e to cast at east four spe s$ one of %hich #ust re=uire 1 or #ore #agic points to cast. The spe #ust &e in a gri#oire or other source to %hich the character has access$ or &e a spe the character has o&served &eing successfu ! cast.$ i.e.$ it #ust &e a spe that e)ists a ru e&oo"$ and it #ust cost 1 or #ore #agic points to cast. Hero Points: ,0 6ith three da!>s ti#e to for#u ate the incantation$ a character "no% edgea& e in sorcer! can re8create one greater spe he or she o&served.

%antherish T#ist
Requirements: DEX of 11 or higher; Dodge s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: +0 Once per round$ %hen the character is f an"ed &! t%o or #ore foes$ and the character successfu ! uses his or her Dodge s"i to avoid a #e ee attac"$ he or she #a! #a"e an (gi it! ro -DEX ) 3/ to #ove out of the %a! at the ast #o#ent$ forcing the attac"er to app ! his or her attac" to the opposite foe. So#e A2 discretion #a! &e necessar! to deter#ine %hich foe attac"s another if #ore than t%o foes are invo ved.

%o#er Atta!.
Requirements: STR of 11 or higher; at east one #e ee %eapon s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: 30 The character #a! sacrifice so#e precision in an atte#pt to dea a #ore devastating & o% to a foe. 5or each 11' the character su&tracts fro# his or her #e ee %eapon s"i in a given round$ the character does 1 additiona point of da#age. The character #a! su&tract no #ore than ,1' fro# his or her s"i in an! round. The pena t! app ies for the entire round$ i.e.$ on parr! atte#pts that round$ and the p a!er using this a&i it! #ust dec are it &efore an! initiative actions ta"e p ace. Note that if a character %ith a %eapon s"i of over 100' intends to sp it his or her s"i to #a"e #ore than one attac" in a round$ the character does not have to app ! this pena t!$ or the sa#e pena t!$ to a attac"s. Do%ever$ the Mtota M pena t! ta"en a so app ies to an! parr! atte#pts #ade &! the character that round.

Stu"endous Cleave
Requirements: STR of 11 or higher$ an! #e ee %eapon s"i at 30' or higher. Hero Points: ,0 9f the character is %ithin #e ee range of #ore than one foe and does enough da#age in one attac" to drop a foe$ he or she #a! ro a free attac" at one and on ! one other foe that round in #e ee range -i.e.$ the character cannot #ove fro# his or her he)Cs=uare to #a"e the free attac"/$ at the sa#e s"i chance as the attac" that dropped the first foe. The free attac" occurs in the sa#e initiative ran" that the first foe %as dropped. (fter the free attac"$ the character #a! proceed %ith an! other attac"s or actions re#aining. 5or e)a#p e$ %hen facing t%o @icts$ Nhare" is sp itting his greats%ord attac" to H0 and *0$ and concentrating on one of the @icts. On his first attac" at s"i H0' on DEX ran" 1,$ he gets a uc"! critica hit$ dropping one of his %oad8covered ene#ies. De then #a"es a Stupendous C eave atte#pt at the re#aining @ict$ a so at H0'$ on DEX ran" 1,$ &ut #isses. 5ive DEX ran"s ater$ Nhare" #a"es his second attac"$ at *0'. Dis foe is do%n 30' for his second parr! atte#pt$ and so #isses the parr!$ and is &ad ! %ounded.

The Bigger They Are- The Harder They Hit

Requirements: S9: of 1H or higher. Hero Points: ,0 The character #a! use his or her S9: ) +$ rather than STR ; S9:$ to deter#ine his or her da#age &onus.

Requirements: CON of 11 or higher; Dodge s"i of 30' or higher. Hero Points: +0 The character>s toughened s"in and sine%s$ and his or her a&i it! to #ove a%a! even as a & o% stri"es ho#e count as 1 point of ar#our. -This a&i it! a so grants the character the a&i it! to %ithstand %ithering criticis#./ This a&i it! stac"s %ith an! ar#our %orn$ and it can on ! &e ta"en once.

)ea"on Mastery
Requirements: STR or DEX of 11 or higher; at east one #e ee %eapon s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: 10 The character>s e)tensive e)perience and practice %ith one t!pe of #e ee %eapon is such that he or she dea s one additiona point of da#age %ith that t!pe of %eapon in co#&at. This a&i it! can on ! &e ta"en once per %eapon categor!$ &ut it app ies to a %eapons in that categor!.

)ea"on 1ersatility
Requirements: STR or DEX of 11 or higher; at east one #e ee %eapon s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: 10 The character has earned to app ! so#e of his or her e)pertise %ith one #e ee %eapon to an! "ind of #e ee %eapon -&ut not #issi e %eapons or shie ds/. The character fights %ith an! #e ee %eapon or i#provised #e ee %eapon %ith a s"i of his or her STR ) , or DEX ) , -character>s choice of attri&ute/$ p us the %eapon>s &ase. The #a)i#u# s"i for this a&i it! is 33'. 9f a character happens to pic" up a %eapon %ith %hich he or she gains so#e "ind of racia &onus$ that &onus app ies$ &ut the #a)i#u# s"i i#it is unchanged.

)hirl#ind Atta!.
Requirements: DEX of 11 or higher; at east one #e ee %eapon s"i of 30' or higher Hero Points: 30 5acing #ore than one adEacent opponent$ the character #a! #a"e a sing e #e ee attac" against each foe$ at +C3rds his or her nor#a s"i %ith the %eapon he or she designates as pri#ar!. The character #a! attac" no #ore than his or her DEX C , foes %ith a 6hir %ind (ttach in a round. 9f the character uses an off8hand %eapon$ he or she can #a"e a sing e attac" %ith it in the sa#e round that he or she %hir %inds$ %ith the nor#a off8hand %eapon pena ties$ i.e. s"i is ha ved.

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