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#ost$streptococcal infection %group$A& "eta hemolytic'

Release of material from the organism& into the circulation %antigen'

(ormation of anti"ody

!mmune comple reaction in the glomerular capillary

!nflammatory response

#roliferation of epithelial cells lining glomerolua & cells "et)een endothelium & epithelium of capillary mem"rane

*)elling capillary mem"rane & infiltration )ith leukocytes

#ermea"ility of "ase mem"rane

Occlusion of the capillaries of the glomeruli vasospasm of afferent ventrioles

+lomerular filtration rate

A"ility to form filtrate from glomeruli plasma flo) Retention of H2O & Na; hypovolemia; circulatory congestion

Edema Hypertension Urinary output Urine dark in color Anore ia !rrita"ility lethargy

A,U-E +.O/ERU.ONE#HR!-!*

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