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Malva Pudding Recipe #121413

From: Boschendal Wine Estate Restaurant, Cape Province, South Africa. It is actuall a delicious ca!e "ut rich## $er simple to ma!e. " Claire %e &une '( min ) '* min prep SER$ES + ,


( cup ( e.. ( ta"lespoon apricot /am ( cup flour ( teaspoon "icar"onate of soda ( teaspoon "a!in. po0der (12 teaspoon ta"le salt ( ta"lespoon "utter ( teaspoon 0hite ( cup mil!


( cup 0hippin. cream 3not 0hipped4 + ounces "utter ( cup 0hite (1' cup hot 0ater

(. Beat the e.. and 0ell in a mi5er. Add the /am, sift flour, "icar"onate of soda, "a!in. po0der and salt. 6elt the "utter and add the Add li7uids to e.. mi5ture alternatel 0ith the flour. Beat 0ell and "a!e in a C8$ERE% dish such as Corel at 9:*F for 2: minute to ( hour. It is important to use a covered dish other0ise the sauce 0on;t soa! into ca!e.

'. 6elt to.ether the in.redients for the sauce and pour over the puddin. as it comes out of the oven.

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