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EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: Teacher: Josh Petras Grade Level: 8 - 10 Subject: Algebra I Time frame: 90 minutes

Lesson Title: Graphing with speed

Student Learning Outcomes (Goals): Introduce students to slope-intercept form Demonstrate steps of graphing with slope-intercept form Students understand the correct procedure for creating graphs using slope-intercept form

Objectives Students can identify slopeintercept form Students understand and demonstrate the process of graphing an equations Students critique graphs created by other students and correct mistakes made by their peers.

Content and Technology STANDARDS Content Standards CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-CED.A.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales Technology Standards 1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 2. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. 5. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. c. troubleshoot systems and applications. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: Materials: Digital and non-digital Digital: iPads, skitch app, dropbox, weebly blog, chromeboom laptops, MacBook Pro, projector, AirServer, iMovie Non-Digital: Pencil, paper, graph paper, yarn, chalk, yard stick Procedure 1. Students will walk in the room with warm-up activity projected on the board. The warm-up will contain 6 points, labeled a-f, projected on a screen via the Educreations app on the iPad. Students will sit with their warm-up partners and need to find the slope between two points. They will need to do this for five different pairs of points. After 4 minutes of finding slopes, students will be asked to come up to the front of the class and explain to the class how they found a particular slope while demonstrating on the iPad. 2. Students will read section 7-4 of their Algebra book on graphing with slopeintercept form. After they read the section, they will write a description of how to graph using slope-intercept form using pages on the iPad. They will submit their description on the class Dropbox folder. Stop the writing time after 6 minutes, as they will have time to edit as they go. Students will share their description with their partner and critique each others directions. After 2 minutes of critique, students will stand up and rotate to another partner. Students will again have 2 minutes to critique their partners and edit their own document. Students will rotate one more time before returning to their desks. 3. Once students return to their desks, teacher will hold a short group discussion about how to graph a line using the example y = 3x 4. Students will be called on to explain the next step or clarify any confusing or vague statements. The main details the teacher wants the students to understand are: start with the intercept, slope to the left, slope to the right, use the

INTELLIGENCES Interpersonal Kinesthetic Linguistic

Linguistic and Interpersonal

Linguistic, Interpersonal, and Kinesthetic


EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: correct slope sign. Teachers must make sure these four details are clear. 4. A teacher will display an equation on the screen. Students must graph the equation using the Educreations app. When the teacher sees all the students have completed their graph, all students will be asked to share their graph using Airplay. Teachers need to assess the students understanding by examining all graphs. Students will be asked to explain their misunderstanding. Teachers need to repeat this process a minimum of three times, but may send up to 6 times as may be needed to clarify any misunderstandings. 5. In groups of four, students will try to create a final list of instructions for graphing equations using slope-intercept form. Students will create decorative directions using the skitch app on the iPad. The directions will need to be written clearly. Students will be given 15 minutes to complete the task and upload the product to the class Dropbox folder. 6. Students will sit with their original partners. Skitch products will be displayed on the screen. Students will need to agree with their partner whether or not they agree with the instructions. Students will text their vote through iMessage to a poll that has been set up through If the there is a disagreement, students will debate their view until a conclusion is reached. 7. Five equations will be set-up on class computers around the room. Students will walk around the room and create each graph on Educreations. Students will take a picture of the graph. On the class blog, the five equations have been posted. Students will leave the picture for the corresponding equation in the comment box. Students will be given, time to look over other post and reply with explanation to people who have graphs they disagree with. The teacher will spend this time looking over the graphs, assessing understanding. Linguistic

Linguistic, Interpersonal



EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: 8. For the final assessment, students will be placed into groups of 5 and will be given a 25 ft piece of yarn. Students will be asked to physically demonstrate the graphing of a line on a giant coordinate-grid on the black top. Students will need to use the record feature on their iPads to record themselves as they demonstrate the process for graphing a line. Each group will be assigned a different equation to graph. They will use the yarn to make the line after the points have been plotted. Groups will go one at a time, with a member of another group recording the video. Once students have their video, they may go back to the classroom. Students will need to create a movie using iMovie of their demonstration. They will need to have a voiceover explaining the process as the students create the graph. Videos will be uploaded to the classroom blog. Once completed, each video will be shown and the class will have the opportunity to critique for accuracy. Product and Assessment Rubric The final product is the video of creating a human graph. Students appropriately demonstrate and explain the graphing process of their groups graph. The demonstrations will be done beginning with the y-intercept and then graphing the line from with the slope to the right and then to the left. Groups are expected to cooperate in a productive manner. The vocabulary for the explanation is meant to be professional and clear. Category Demonstration of graph (video) 4 Graph is 100% accurate. First plot the y-intercept, followed by the slope to the right, the slope to the 3 Graph contains 1 mistake in the process, but begins with the correct yintercept. 2 Graph contains two or more mistakes, but does start at a y-intercept. 1 Graph does not start at the yaxis.

Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, and Linguistic

Linguistic, Interpersonal, and Kinesthetic

EDUC 522 Lesson Plan Author: left, and the drawing of the line. Work Habits Group remains on task and is never asked to get back on task. Vocabulary words are used with 100% accuracy. Words used include: slope, yintercept, and slopeintercept form. Speech is professional. Group is reminded once to get on task. Group is reminded twice is remain on task. 1-2 Vocabulary terms are used either incorrectly or two of the three are omitted. Speech is not professional. Group is reminded three or more times to remain on task. More than two of the vocabulary words are not included in the video and there is a lack of professionalism within the videos description.

Video Description

1-2 Vocabulary terms are used either incorrectly or two of the three are omitted. Speech is professional.

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