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Assignment 1

Multiple Choice (2pts each) 1. Who is known as the father of forensic toxicology? a) Leone Lattes b) Alphonse Bertillon c) Mathieu Orfila ) Albert Osborn !. A lie etector is also known as a a) spectrograph b) polygraph c) o ontology ) anthropo"etry #. $ "on Locar foun e the a) %nstitute of &ri"inalistics at the 'ni(ersity of Lyons b) )e eral Bureau of %n(estigation c) &%A ) %nterpol *. +he cri"e no(els of ,,,,,,,,,,, were the first to intro uce the i ea of ifferent forensic fiel s. a) )rancis -alton b) $ncyclope ia Brown c) -il -risso" ) .herlock /ol"es 0. Which area of forensic science sol(es cri"es by looking at ifferent bugs? a) )orensic anthropology b) )orensic o ontology c) )orensic ento"ology ) )orensic pathology Short Answer (3pts each) 1. What is )orensic .cience? )orensic science is the application of knowle ge an technology of science to ci(il an cri"inal laws2 which are enforce by police agencies in a cri"inal 3ustice syste".

4. %"agine you are explaining Locar 5s 6rinciple of $xchange to a 4 year ol . /ow woul you escribe it? When a person touches so"eone or so"ething2 so"ething always is left behin where you were. Matching (2pts each) Match the e(i ence with the best possible unit7ser(ice in the following list. 8ote that not e(ery unit7ser(ice will be use 9 The List: :uestione ;ocu"ents 'nit2 )orensic Anthropology2 )ingerprinting 'nit2 )orensic $nto"ology2 +oxicology 'nit2 Biology 'nit2 )irear"s 'nit2 6hysical $(i ence unit2 )orensic 6sychology2 )orensic $ngineering2 <. 6hysical $(i ence unit

=. )irear"s 'nit

1>. )orensic $nto"ology

11. +oxicology 'nit

1!. )orensic $ngineering

1#. )orensic Anthropology

1*. )orensic 6hsychology

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