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vision touch hearin s t subjective objective

g m a
e s
l t
l e

young Fever; Cough persons easily On rising acute or recent cases

persons, skin dry ,croup affected by from a For the congestive
especially girls and hot; ; dry, atmospheric recumbent stage of inflammation
Great fear and face red, hoars changes; who position the before localization
anxiety of or pale e, lead a red face takes place.
mind, with and red suffoc sedentary life becomes
great nervous alternatel ating, Complaints deathly pale,
excitability; y; loud, caused by or he
The burning on exposure to becomes faint
countenance thirst for expira dry cold air, or giddy and
is expressive large tion exposure to falls, and and
of fear; quantitie (Caus draughts of unconsciousn
Restless, s of cold t. - on cold air while ess.Amenorrh
anxious, does water; inhala in a oea in young
everything in intense tion, perspiration; girls; after
great haste; nervous Spong bad effects of fright
must change restlessn .); checked fever burning
position often; ess, perspiration. thirst for
everything evening afraid to go large
startles him.. and on out, to go quantities of
Convulsions; going to into a crowd cold water
of teething sleep. where there Aggravation.
children; heat, is any Evening and
jerks and excitement or night, in a
twitches of many people; warm room
single to cross the when rising
muscles; child street. afraid from bed;
gnaws its fist, to go out, to lying on
frets and go into a affected side
screams; crowd where (Hep., Nux
there is any m.)
excitement or Amelioration.
many people; In the open
to cross the air (Alum.,
street. fear Mag. c., Puls.,
of death Sab.)
Pains; are
they drive
him crazy; he
becomes very
restless; at
night. Music
is unbearable,
makes her
sad (Sab.,
menses, Nat.
c.). On rising
from a
position fears
to rise again;
by vanishing
of sight

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