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Event: Interview o(FBI Special Agenf .......

Type of event: Interview

Dates: October 9, 2003

Special Access Issues: None

Prepared by: Raj De

Team Number: lA /::::jnr~,11 Law Enforcement privacy

Location: FBI, Washington Field off#;ji I~:

Participants _ Non-commissiog,:,~~~,~ii~~t ~~~~~illCounsel Bob Sinton, Special

::::::::S~:::missio,l'~ie~eNLll' Ki~;\~}pe ljy~~

Pat O'Brien an.~b:~~int~.t~k~ '"\': \1 t~ S;~~With 10mmi~Sion staff

because her name arose during t}le}nt~rvle~ 0: • ~:: .... I \. thus did not have
time to prepare for-the i~tervieW·:/ / i i: \ \ """ ....
il~~iciP~ted i/ol iniervie\f of S!lteh a1-H~~~ayen.Sl1e did not remember
the date of~.he interview, but slib di~ rememberthat she and another agent named
I twere asked to f<filo.~-up/on an duli¢t: i\n:~erviewthai ....
had beeri.interrupted .
because ofH~.~yen's ~edi~l cqhdition.nJJ]happened t~\be next onthe list of
agents following up leads after 9/11, anda::::::IJWas an Arabic ...speaker. -. .

I /i / fte~iewed HussaYbn alone, and the iri'\erview l~te~ at least a

couple orhours.1 .: :' onducted the questioning in Arabic, and' hook.notes.
I [could not rt;ea1I.ifHussaynhsPj any I$ngJish. but she remembered tha~ I
did most of the ta~in~/:for them. . recalled that nothing in particular stood out
about Hussayen WIth respect Ito hIS ea status; except that he was elderly.

I Ieca1-l~d that!~Ussayen vOlunteerbd information about the cities he visited

in the U.S. She co.pld not remember whether Hussayen was shown photos of the 9/11
hijackers. I .
f'could not recall the intervie,w!in significant detail.

Ahhoughl fuid not recall callingj : lafter her interview of

Hussaye.ti and asking if Hussayen could leave the country, she thought it was possible.
I I':however, was unfamiliar with I teference to the "Dulles Command

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O'Brien stated that he would try to track down...__ .....
1 interview notes from the

Penttbom team .

......_---IJis. ..currently assigned-to ..I __ --11

- .
............... .


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9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

9/11 Law Enforcement


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