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Haunted house Whatever hour you woke there was a door shutting .

from room to room they went, hand in hand, lifting here, opening there, making surea ghostly couple her we left it, she said . and he added, oh, but here tool its upstair , she murmured . and in the garden we wishpered quitly, they said,or we shall wake them But it wasn,t that you woke us .oh, no . they,re looking for it ; they,re drawing the curtain, one might say, and so read on a page or two. now they are found it one would be certain , stopping the pencil on the margin . and them , tired of reading, one might rise and see for oneself, the housse all empty, the doors standing open, only the wood pigeons bubling with content and the hum of the thershing machine sounding from the fram . what did i come in here for? What did i want to find? my hands were empty . perhaps its upstair then? the apples were in the loft . and so down again, the garden still as ever , only the book had slipped into the grass. But they had found it the drawing room . not that one could ever see them. The windowpanes reflected apples, reflected roses; all the leaves were green in the glass. If they moved in the drawing room, the apple only turned its yellow side . yet, the moment after, if the door was opene, spread about the floor, hung upon the walls, pendant for the ceilling. What? My hand were empty . the shadow of a thurush crossed the carped; from the deespest wells of silence the wood pigeon drew its bubble of sound safe,safe,safe the pulse of the house beat softly yhe treasure buried the room ... the pulse sopped short.oh, was that the buried treasure? A moment later the light had faded. Out in the garden then? But the trees spun darkness for a wandering bean of sun. So fine, so rare , coolly sunk beneath the suface the beam i sought always , burned behind the glass . death was the glass; death was between us, coming to the women first, hundreds of years a go, leaving the house , sealing all the windows,; the room were darkned. He left it, left her, went north, went east, saw the stars turned in the southern sky; sought the house, found the dropped the downs. safe,safe,safe the pulse of the house beat galdly. The treasure yours. The wind roars up the avenue.treest sop ang bend this way and that. Moonbeams splash and spill wildly in the rain. But the beam of the lamp falls straight from the window. Yhe candle burns stiff and still. here we slept, she says. And he adds kisses without number . waking in the morning silver between the trees upstairs in the garden when summer came in winter snowtime the doors go shutting far in the distance, gently knocking like the pulse of a heart. safe,safe,safe the heart of the house beats proudly. long years he sight . again ypu found me here she murmurs. sleeping; in the garden reading; laughing; rolling apples in the loft. Here we left our treasure stooping, their light lifts the lids upon my eyes. safe!safe!safe!the pulse of the house beats widly. Waking, i cry oh, is this your buried treasure? The light in the heart.

Rumah berhantu Apapun jam anda terbangun ada pintu menutup. dari kamar ke kamar mereka pergi, bergandengan tangan, mengangkat di sini, membuka di sana, membuat pasangan surea hantu "Nya kami meninggalkannya," katanya. dan ia menambahkan, "oh, tapi di sini alat" tingkat atas nya, "gumamnya. "Dan di taman" wishpered kita "quitly," kata mereka, "atau kita akan membangunkan mereka" Tapi itu wasn, t bahwa Anda membangunkan kami. Oh, tidak. "Mereka, sedang mencari untuk itu, mereka, kembali menggambar tirai," bisa dikatakan, dan sebagainya membaca satu atau dua halaman. "Sekarang mereka menemukan" seseorang akan tertentu, menghentikan pensil pada margin. dan mereka, lelah membaca, orang bisa naik dan melihat sendiri, housse semua kosong, pintu berdiri terbuka, hanya merpati kayu bubling dengan konten dan dengung mesin thershing terdengar dari Fram tersebut. "Apa saya datang ke sini untuk? Apa yang saya ingin menemukan "tangan saya kosong."? Mungkin tingkat atas yang kemudian? "Apel berada di loteng. dan begitu turun lagi, taman masih seperti biasa, hanya buku itu menyelinap ke rumput. Tapi mereka telah menemukannya ruang tamu. tidak seorang pun bisa melihat mereka.Kaca jendela tercermin apel, tercermin mawar, semua daun berwarna hijau di kaca.Jika mereka bergerak di ruang tamu, apel hanya diaktifkan sisi kuning. Namun, sesaat setelah, jika pintu itu opene, menyebar tentang lantai, tergantung pada dinding, liontin untuk ceilling tersebut. Apa? Tanganku kosong. bayangan suatu thurush menyeberangi carped; dari sumur deespest keheningan merpati kayu yang menarik gelembung suara "aman, aman, aman" pulsa rumah mengalahkan lembut "yhe harta karun terpendam ruangan ... "Pulsa sopped short.oh, adalah bahwa harta karun? Sesaat kemudian cahaya itu memudar. Di taman itu? Tapi pohon-pohon berputar kegelapan untuk kacang berkelana matahari. Jadi baik-baik saja, sangat jarang, dingin tenggelam di bawah sinar suface saya selalu dicari, dibakar di balik kaca. kematian adalah kaca; kematian di antara kami, datang ke perempuan pertama, ratusan tahun yang pergi, meninggalkan rumah, penyegelan semua jendela,; ruangan itu darkned. Ia meninggalkannya, meninggalkan dia, pergi ke utara, ke timur, melihat bintang-bintang berputar di langit selatan; mencari rumah, menemukan menjatuhkan surut. 'Aman, aman, aman "mengalahkan pulsa rumah galdly. Harta milikmu. " Angin mengaum up sop avenue.treest ang tikungan dengan cara ini dan itu. Sinar bulan splash dan menumpahkan liar dalam hujan. Tapi sinar lampu jatuh langsung dari jendela. Lilin yhe luka bakar dan masih kaku. "Di sini kami tidur," katanya. Dan dia menambahkan "ciuman tanpa nomor". bangun dalam "perak antara pohon" "pagi" atas "" di taman "" ketika musim panas datang "" dalam snowtime musim dingin "" pergi menutup pintu di kejauhan, lembut mengetuk seperti denyut nadi hati. "Aman, aman, aman" denyut jantung rumah bangga. "Panjang tahun" dia terlihat. "Lagi YPU menemukan saya" "di sini" gumamnya. "Tidur, dalam membaca taman, tertawa; bergulir apel di loteng. Di sini kita meninggalkan harta kita "membungkuk, cahaya mereka mengangkat kelopak atas mata saya. "Aman aman!! Aman pulsa rumah beats! Widly. Bangun, saya menangis "oh, apakah ini hartamu dikubur? Lampu di dalam hati. "

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