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Miss Girouxs English Class.

Name: _____________________________________


Go to Google.
1. Type: CW Secret Circle
2. Click on the first website you see.
It should be this one:

Click on the word CAST and answer the questions.

1. What is Cassie Blakes real name? _____________________________________
2. What is the name of the romantic comedy movie she just finished filming?

Miss Girouxs English Class.

3. What is the name of the movie she made a cameo appearance in? _______________________
4. Where was she born? ___________________________________

Click on Adams picture.

5. What is name of the actor who plays Adam in the Secret Circle?
6. Name one of the films he was in._________________________________

Click on Fayes picture.


What is her real name? ______________________________

Where was she born and raised? _______________________________
In which Australian television series did she used to star in? __________________________
Where is The Secret Circle being filmed? __________________________________________

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