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Health Promotion Proposal Chantal Aubin Stenberg College


The topic selected for the purpose of the promotion of health is coping mechanisms. It is important to learn coping mechanisms specific for the age category and appropriate for an individuals development. In my opinion, in order to properly establish efficient coping mechanisms for later in life, one should begin learning simple coping mechanisms as foundational skills. For instance, when a toddler gets very upset and throws a tantrum, I feel it is an opportune time to teach coping mechanism for the crisis. This crisis is relevant to the individuals age and development, but is a building block for more complex coping mechanisms that will arise as the individual ages and develops more, the eventual adolescent will then be better equipped to cope with more severe stressors such as peer pressure, accidents involving substance and potential peer suicide, which will lead them to even stronger coping skills in adulthood. Ultimately, all the coping skills build off each other. Research from resources including the World Health Organization describe coping mechanisms as a psychosocial determinant of health, and health promotion (2010). In my project, I plan on discussing why coping skills are important, and how to teach them. I plan on using theories such as Eriksons theory of development to demonstrate how coping mechanisms must relate to the individuals development. Furthermore, I plan on discussing how parents and other influential supports (such as other family members, teachers, counsellorsetc.) can assist an individual in developing coping skills by discussing teaching methods and their importance. I believe this is crucial for my community, as I often see poor management of coping skills for young individuals in particular. When I was an adolescent, there were a few suicides in my school, several drunk driving accidents resulting in death, and other traumatic events. Coping mechanisms were not discussed, and I feel are still under-rated to this day. By establishing proper coping mechanisms, I feel we are helping in the overall holistic well-being of individuals. This health promotion project could be targeted towards family groups within my community such as Nanaimo Family Life Association, where their counsellors could utilize their skills in conjunction with my project to aid parents and individuals with coping skill deficiencies (n.d.). This health promotion project will be conducted via power-point presentation or website. Ultimately, it will depend on the concrete findings of my research. In order to conduct my research, I plan on utilizing the following resources: Brenner, A. (n.d.). Stress and coping in childhood. Helping Children Cope with Stress. Retrieved from Child Protection and Education Sub-Cluster. (2008). Child protection coping mechanisms. Rapid Assessment. Retrieved from final.pdf&ei=B1xfUv6ACurhiwKh1oHQBg&usg=AFQjCNHCid0eQg8AhV8YzKwkYPE7I5gZAA&sig2=xRu Ncs9AiudtH_IPCpG2tg&bvm=bv.54934254,d.cGE Grose, M. (n.d.). Coping: Thriving series [PDF document]. Retrieved from Nanaimo Family Life Association. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from Yan, J., & Dannerbeck, A. (2010, April 13). Exploring the relationship between gender, mental health needs, and treatment orders in a metropolitan juvenile court. Journal of Family Study, 20, 9-22. World Health Organization. (2010). A conceptual framework for action on the social determinants of health. Retrieved from


nSDH_eng.pdf&ei=b19fUsu_HeT2iwLEg4DwCA&usg=AFQjCNFTRjcO51760HO2xZXPUxzkADl4Rg&sig 2=leQva46T958CBeUGjbyKzg&bvm=bv.54934254,d.cGE *Please note, other resources will be included in the project as well, once more research and potential interviews are conducted. This project will be submitted no later than January 12 , 2014 in accordance with the time frame posted on the course website. In summary, the idea of the health promotion project will be to provide Nanaimo Family Life Association with a resource that addresses the need for coping mechanisms to be taught from a young age. The project will discuss how to teach the coping mechanisms relevant for specific age groups and development categories, and will also discuss why these stages are important with evidence from developmental theories such as Eriksons theory of development.

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