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CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.

01 - Aptll 2, 2011 1
3) Completing Setup
ConLlnulng on from arL 2, we wlll begln Lhls arL 3 by flnlshlng Lhe SeLup of CS x. We wlll updaLe from CS x
10.6.3 Lo 10.6.7, move Lo our 10.6.7 chocolaLe kernel, and Lhen conLlnue Lo flne-Lune our new Pac for opLlmal
sweeLness! LaLer, we wlll be lnsLalllng our second copy of CS x for our CSx8epalr parLlLlon.

Finishing the OS X Setup
lf an Apple updaLe Wlndow pops-up, CAnCLL l1! lnsLalllng updaLes aL Lhls Llme could 1C1ALL? crash your
sysLem and you may have Lo sLarL all over agaln! We wlll updaLe do Lhe Apple updaLes rlghL afLer we lnsLall Lhe
CS x 10.6.7 updaLe (Combo), Lhen lL wlll be safer Lo do Lhe addlLlonal updaLes.
?ou need Lo be careful wlLh PaclnLosh sysLems and updaLes from Apple. 8ecause Lhese are noL 8LAL Mac
compuLers, applylng a new updaLe from Apple could, (and someLlmes does) elLher break Lhlngs or crash your
Pac! 8efore applylng An? Apple updaLes, do your research. lf lL ls a brand new updaLe, lL may noL be known
yeL lf lL ls safe Lo lnsLall or noL. 8e wlse noL foollsh - WAl1! lf you do declde Lo apply an updaLe, you beLLer have
some solld backups and a loL of free Llme on your hands ln case someLhlng goes wrong! now, all LhaL belng
sald, for almosL a year now, several updaLes have been released and Lhey have all been safe Lo lnsLall. So l'm
noL Lrylng Lo scare you, buL l wanL you Lo know Lhe real posslblllLles. 1he PaclnLosh scene has advanced qulLe
a loL ln Lhe lasL couple of years, so Pacs aren'L as frall as Lhey once were. , )
llnlSPlnC SL1u
?ou should see Lhe very flashy openlng sequence of Lhe CS x lnsLaller now, unless you already flnlshed wlLh lL.
lor Lhose who may be unsure" abouL whaL Lo choose here, or would [usL llke a llLLle help Lo make sure." l
have provlded recommendaLlons for each. leel free Lo [usL wlz Lhrough Lhese seLup screens lf you are already
famlllar wlLh Lhem or feel you know how Lo answer Lhem.
AnoLher Lhlng LhaL ls new ln v2.00 ls LhaL lL's posslble Lo have a funcLlonal Wl-ll connecLlon durlng Lhe seLup
process, whlch wlll presenL seLup screens and opLlons noL seen oLherwlse. ln order Lo have Wl-ll capablllLy
durlng Lhe lnsLallaLlon, you wlll need Lo use a hacked 8lCS and have an CS x compaLlble Wl-ll card lnsLalled.

8oLh scenarlos are deLalled ln Lhe sLeps Lo follow.
8e aware LhaL slLLlng Loo long ldle durlng seLup may cause Lhe machlne Lo lock-up, so move brlskly Lhrough Lhe
sLeps or perlodlcally move Lhe mouse or Lape a ShlfL key. 1hls does nC1 happen once compleLely lnsLalled.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 2
1) uependlng on lf you have an exLernal keyboard or mouse connecLed, you may or may noL geL a
keyboard or mouse relaLed SeLup AsslsLanL" screen. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, conLlnue and compleLe Lhese as
needed Lo geL your devlces worklng.
2) AL Lhe Welcome screen, l selecL Lhe followlng, buL make Lhe selecLlons rlghL for you of course:
a. unlLed SLaLes
b. keyboard = uS
c. uo noL Lransfer my lnformaLlon now"
d. LnLer your Apple lu lf you already have one (same as your l1unes accounL lnfo).
e. nexL lL asks for your 8eglsLraLlon lnformaLlon. l enLer my lnfo, as l purchased my copy of CS x.
3) lor A lew More CuesLlons", choose your responses, buL unselecL Lhe SLay ln Louch!" check box.
4) lor CreaLe ?our AccounL", lf you wlll be connecLlng Lo a Wlndows neLwork, for example wlLh a
Wlndows Pome Server, Wlndows domaln, or even some oLher neLwork, you should use your user lu
and password for LhaL neLwork. ?ou can leave your lull name" as your full name, CS x does nC1 use
Lhls as your user lu. ?ou uC need Lo change AccounL name" Lo be whaLever your neLwork user lu ls, lf
you are uslng one. ?ou MuS1 enLer a assword PlnL Lo conLlnue.
3) SelecL a lcLure for 1hls AccounL"
lf your uS8 Web camera ls worklng, you can Lake a plcLure of yourself Lo be your compuLer
accounL avaLar, or you can choose one from Lhe plcLure llbrary. Cllck ConLlnue.
6) SelecL 1lme Zone"
SelecL your Llme zone. Cllck ConLlnue.
7) 1hank ?ou"
1hls ls Apple Lhanklng you for buylng a 8eLall copy of CS x, buL belng smarL Lo lnsLall lL on a Pac! , )
8) Cllck Co!
nexL, we'll updaLe from 10.6.3 Lo 10.6.7, and move Lo our chocolaLe (legacy) kernel.
lf you have elLher a funcLlonal LAn connecLlon or an CS x Wl-ll card and are able Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL,
you wlll geL addlLlonal seLup screens. lor your Wl-ll card, you could have connecLed Lo your Wl-ll rouLer
durlng Lhe sLeps ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon Culde, however, lf you dld noL, and would llke Lo now, you can do Lhls ln
one of Lhe followlng sLeps:
9) uependlng on lf you have an exLernal keyboard or mouse connecLed, you may or may noL geL a
keyboard or mouse relaLed SeLup AsslsLanL" screen. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, conLlnue and compleLe Lhese as
needed Lo geL your devlces worklng.
10) AL Lhe Welcome screen, l selecL Lhe followlng, buL make Lhe selecLlons rlghL for you of course:
a. unlLed SLaLes
b. keyboard = uS
c. uo noL Lransfer my lnformaLlon now"
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 3
11) SelecL a Wlreless neLwork"
?ou may be able Lo use a LAn connecLlon. 1o flnd ouL, cllck on Lhe ulfferenL neLwork SeLup" buLLon. lf
you can cllck Lhe radlo buLLon for Local neLwork (LLherneL)" Lhen you can, and you should selecL lL and
Lhen cllck on ConLlnue, and go on Lo sLep 4 below.

Powever, lf you do nC1 have Lhe LAn capablllLy, buL do have AlrorL wlreless", be sure LhaL ls
selecLed and Lhen cllck on ConLlnue.
d. lf you have an CS x compaLlble Wl-ll card lnsLalled, you can connecL Lo a Wl-ll rouLer now.
l. SelecL your rouLer from Lhe avallable llsL
ll. or cllck Lhe 8escan buLLon when ready.
lll. LnLer your password, Lhen cllck conLlnue.
12) LnLer your Apple lu"
e. lf you already have one go ahead and enLer lL (lL's Lhe same as your l1unes accounL lnfo).
f. LnLer your password, Lhen cllck ConLlnue
13) 8eglsLraLlon lnformaLlon"
g. nexL, you're asked for 8eglsLraLlon lnformaLlon. l enLer my lnfo, as l purchased my copy of CS x,
or lf you have prevlously enLered Lhls lnformaLlon before, wlLh your connecLlon Lo Lhe lnLerneL,
CS x ls able Lo reLrleve Lhls lnfo and enLer lL for you. : ) 8uL you wlll have Lo puL ln your phone
number agaln, Lhen cllck on ConLlnue.
14) uon'L forgeL Lo perlodlcally move Lhe mouse and press a ShlfL key so Lhe machlne doesn'L hang!
13) A lew More CuesLlons"
h. Choose your responses, buL l would unselecL Lhe SLay ln Louch!" check box.
16) CreaLe ?our AccounL"
l. lf you wlll be connecLlng Lo a Wlndows neLwork, for example wlLh a Wlndows Pome Server,
Wlndows domaln, or even some oLher neLwork, you should use your user lu and password for
LhaL neLwork. ?ou can leave your lull name" as your full name, CS x does nC1 use Lhls as your
user lu. ?ou uC need Lo change AccounL name" Lo be whaLever your neLwork user lu ls, lf you
are uslng one. ?ou MuS1 enLer a assword PlnL Lo conLlnue.
17) SelecL a lcLure for 1hls AccounL"
[. lf your uS8 Web camera ls worklng, you can Lake a plcLure of yourself Lo be your compuLer
accounL avaLar, or you can choose one from Lhe plcLure llbrary. Cllck ConLlnue.
18) SelecL 1lme Zone"
k. 1hls ls preLLy cool. When you are connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL, you can cllck Lhe checkbox for SeL
Llme zone auLomaLlcally uslng currenL locaLlon" and lL wlll do [usL LhaL. Cllck ConLlnue.
19) 1hank ?ou"
1hls ls Apple Lhanklng you for buylng CS x, buL belng smarL enough Lo lnsLall lL on a Pac! , )
20) Cllck Co!
nexL, we'll updaLe from 10.6.3 Lo 10.6.7, and move Lo our chocolaLe (legacy) kernel.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 4
Recovering from Disaster and Some Initial Settings

uo nC1 be LempLed Lo explore your new Pac yeL! lL ls posslble CS x could crash or hang aL Lhls polnL.
erlodlcally movlng Lhe mouse or presslng a key llke a ShlfL key should prevenL Lhls from happenlng.
Loaded nIS+ f||e:
llrsL, lf Lhe followlng happens durlng our seLup / lnsLallaLlon (or anyLlme really), here ls how Lo resolve Lhls:
1) lf you ever have Lhe lssue where when you Lry Lo booL CS x and all you see ls Lhe followlng:
Loaded PlS+ flle: [SysLem/llbrary/CoreServlces/SysLemverslon.pllsL]
Pere ls how Lo flx lL:
8esLarL Lhe machlne and aL Lhe Chameleon graphlcal booL menu, selecL Lhe lcon for your CS x lnsLallaLlon, buL
before presslng LnLer, Lype Lhe followlng booL flag, followed by LnLer : Wake=no

1hls lssue ls caused by a problem wlLh Lhe sleep / hlbernaLlon lmage. 1hls ls an lssue we all sLlll need Lo work
Lo resolve. We can place Lhe Wake=no booL flag ln our flle, whlch perhaps would prevenL
Lhls from happenlng, buL l have noL Lrled Lhls, and wlLh verslon 2.00, Lhls mlghL noL even be an lssue anymore.

1here are some lssues wlLh Sleep Mode 1 and Lhey are Lalked abouL more ln Lhe 1echnlcal Culde.

Secure V|rtua| Memory
A change ls requlred Lo avold geLLlng Lhe dreaded "8esumlng from LncrypLed lmage ls unsupporLed." afLer Lhe
machlne has been ln sleep for an exLended perlod of Llme.
1) ln SysLem references, SecurlLy, cllck Ceneral, Lhen cllck on Lhe lock" aL Lhe boLLom lefL corner of Lhe
wlndow and auLhenLlcaLe.
2) uncheck Lhe box use secure vlrLual memory".
3) Cllck on Lhe lock agaln.
As was sLaLed, a resLarL ls requlred before Lhe change wlll Lake affecL.
1hls ls a really qulck flx and dolng Lhls now wlll make Lhe resL of Lhe conflguraLlon process much more
?ou mlghL noLlce your screen looks raLher, plnklsh" aL Lhe momenL. 1o flx Lhls:
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 3
1) Co lnLo SysLem references
2) Cllck ulsplays, Color, and choose Cenerlc 8C8 roflle" (or one of Lhe oLhers lf lL looks beLLer Lo you).
nC1L: unLll we have flnlshed seLLlng everyLhlng up, you wlll probably need Lo correcL Lhls a few more Llmes as
wlll defaulL back Lo Lhls aL varlous Llmes.
lor Lhose who may noL know abouL Lhls, on Mac compuLer keyboards, Lhere ls a key called 1he Command
key", Lhe one wlLh Lhls sllly symbol on lL:

AoJ lf yoo ote cotloos oboot tbe otlqlo of tbls symbol, l foooJ o llok to o poqe oboot lt. 5weJlsb compqtoooJ
ln Lhe Mac world, Lhls key ls Lo Apple Macs whaL Lhe CLrl key ls Lo MlcrosofL Wlndows.
MosL of Lhe key sequences ln Wlndows, such as CLrl+C Lo copy, are Lhe same on a Mac buL lnsLead of uslng
CLrl+C on a Mac, you would use Command+C. WlLh LhaL now undersLood, whaL you need Lo know ls LhaL on
mosL C keyboards used on Pacs, Lhe Command key ls Lhe AlL key, whlch ls ln Lhe opposlLe locaLlon of whaL us
Wlndows users are used Lo, whlch qulckly becomes an annoyance.
1he good news ls we can acLually reasslgn Lhese keys ln CS x so Lhey are Lhe same as on a C keyboard. Pere ls
how you do Lhls:
1) SelecL keyboard ln SysLem references.
2) AL Lhe boLLom rlghL of Lhe keyboard wlndow cllck on Lhe Modlfler keys." buLLon.
3) 1he only Lrlck here ls you have Lo swap 8C1P keys, noL [usL one! So slmply swlLch ConLrol Lo Command,
and below LhaL, Command Lo ConLrol.
4) uon'L forgeL Lo cllck on Ck when you're done or you'll have Lo do lL all over agaln.
?ou can now close Lhe SysLem references wlndow and conLlnue.
NO1. ocb tlme yoo moke o slqolflcoot cbooqe, socb os cbooqloq tbe ketoel ot lostollloq o polot teleose
opJote, yoo moy bove to set tbese oqolo.
l wlll go over many more conflguraLlon seLLlngs ln Lhe CusLomlzlng ?our Pac" Culde.

Installing the 10.6.7 Update (COMBO) & Chocolate Kernel

now we wlll need Lhe 10.6.7 updaLe (CCM8C) menLloned ln gulde arL 1. ?ou wlll need Lo elLher lnserL Lhe
opLlcal dlsc or connecL Lhe exLernal devlce you copled Lhe updaLe Lo.
8L CA8LluL! We musL ll8S1 make a modlflcaLlon Lo our flle on our Cham drlve or we
WlLL have a k when we Lry Lo rebooL and wlll nC1 be able Lo geL back lnLo our sysLem! 1he opposlLe ls also
Lrue, lf we make Lhe change ln and do nC1 apply Lhe updaLe (CCM8C), we WlLL have a
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 6
k when we Lry Lo rebooL and wlll nC1 be able Lo geL back lnLo our sysLem (of course, you can use your Mllu
Lo geL back ln lf you accldenLally geL lnLo Lhls slLuaLlon). So Lhls ls an all or noLhlng operaLlon. 1hls has Lo do
wlLh whlch kernel ls belng speclfled, mach_kernel or LapLun106x_kernel.
1) lf you need Lo and haven'L already, connecL your medla devlce conLalnlng Lhe updaLe flle.
2) use llnder Lo open up your Cham drlve, Lhen selecL Lhe LxLra folder.
3) ?ou wlll see 2 flles, one of Lhem ls named com.apple8ooL1067.pllsL
4) urag Lhe flle Lo Lhe Lrash, Lhen rename Lhe com.apple8ooL1067.pllsL flle Lo (ln oLher words, [usL remove Lhe 1067" from Lhe currenL name).
3) Leave Lhe Cham llnder wlndow open as we wlll need lL one more Llme before we resLarL.
6) now lL ls safe Lo lnsLall Lhe 10.6.7 updaLe (CCM8C).
7) Cpen Lhe devlce wlLh Lhe updaLe, browse Lo lL, and launch Lhe updaLe.
8) Cllck ConLlnue, and Lhen ConLlnue 2 more Llmes, and Lhen on Agree.
9) SLandard lnsLall should be polnLlng Lo your MaclnLosh Pu" drlve, buL lf noL, selecL lL and cllck Lhe
lnsLall buLLon.
10) ?ou wlll have Lo auLhenLlcaLe, so enLer your password and Lhen Ck.
11) lL wlll pop up a wlndow LhaL says you wlll have Lo resLarL Lhe machlne when compleLed. 1hls ls flne.
12) Cllck ConLlnue lnsLallaLlon" Lo begln.
13) Cnce flnlshed, DCN'1 nI1 kLS1Ak1!
14) llrsL, go lnLo /Cham/LxLra/MalnLenance
13) uouble cllck on Lhe LnableAudlo scrlpL and lL wlll qulckly flnlsh.

Note. Aoytlme yoo lostoll oo Apple O5 \ lolot keleose (socb os qoloq ftom 10.6.8 to 10.6.9), ot tbe eoJ of
tbe lostollotloo uON1 nl1 k51Ak1 ootll yoo bove looocbeJ oobleAoJlo, wblcb Joes tbe job of potcbloq
tbe oew ApplenuA.kext fot yoo so yoo wlll olwoys bove ooJlo! , ) 1books 1optoo fot tbls!

16) Cnce lL's flnlshed, before resLarLlng, be sure Lo e[ecL any dlsc or medla devlces.
17) 1hen cllck 8esLarL.
When you resLarL Lhls Llme, you wlll have gone from Lhe CS x 10.6.3 Lo 10.6.7, you wlll also go from runnlng on only one
core, Lo fully on all 8! ?ou wlll now be runnlng aL maxlmum power. : )

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 7
Moving On

?ou have now successfully seLup your Pac!
now LhaL Lhe base lnsLallaLlon ls compleLe, l could [usL leave lL aL LhaL and say, ?ou're on your own now" as
you do have a compleLe lnsLallaLlon, however, Lhlngs could be much nlcer sLlll.
Cnce you have compleLed all Lhe sLeps ln Lhls gulde, you are ready Lo move on.
nexL, we wlll Lake our worklng CS x lnsLallaLlon Lo Lhe nexL level by dolng some flne-Lunlng so LhaL everyLhlng
ls runnlng opLlmally and looklng sweeL!
- We'll geL Lhe wlred LAn worklng
- lnsLall some very useful uLlllLles
- Make some screen ad[usLmenLs
- And more!
When you're ready, proceed Lo Lhe nexL gulde ln Lhls serles:
arL 4: CusLomlzlng Culde

!""#$"%% '( %)*+ , -(.$# /")$$* $01" '( 2")/ 3/(4 *(. )5(.' 2(- *(. $01" '2" 6"- )6# 047/(8"# 06%')$$)'0(6
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4" )' ?)44('2@=>>A<4)0$:9(4:

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 4 CompleLlng SeLup" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 8
Version History

lnlLlal release.

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