You are on page 1of 11

1 of 9

!"##"$%&' )*+,&-.+'/
012 3456 1+7* 2"*7$"7& 8&"9:+*7 1&;+*"- <=>
1/##"?$. @ A"## 5BC5
DE*%&*.&% FGH&&I J*#+*& DE$-.&6 J9'E?&- 55 @ K&9&;?&- CLM 5BC5

K-N O"/9:&##& P"--+. iaychelle.haiiisgallauuet.euu K-N Q+; Q$-R kim.biown-kuizgallauuet.euu
JSS+9& :E$-.6 Non & Weu 11:Sua-12:Sup EST JSS+9& :E$-.6 Non & Tues S:Su - 6:Su p EST
! 0ffice houis via uallauuet e-mailINviueo anu by appointment "

This couise is uesigneu to builu on the knowleuge, skills anu expeiiences of foimei anu cuiient couisewoik
leauing up to this couise. Stuuents will ciitically analyze cuiient issues ielateu to peuagogy of Sign
Language instiuction thiough scheuuleu seminai uiscussions. A pait of this couise will be uevoteu to
teaching poitfolio uevelopment wheie stuuents will integiate acauemic piojects anu completeu
assignments fiom theii pievious couises into a piofessional website. This couise will also intiouuce
stuuents to the piofession of sign language instiuction, infiastiuctuie of sign language teacheis' associations
anu teaching ceitification.

!"#"#$%&'&(#') ASL 741, 74S anu 76u oi peimission of instiuctoi.

Sign Language Teaching NA Piogiam Stuuent Leaining 0utcomes:
*"+,%+(#' ."/0 (1# 23 4"/5"+0 &6 7&56 8+65%+5# 9#+:1&65
I. Will uemonstiate theoietical knowleuge anu uisplay competence in classioom settings
iegaiuing methouological anu socio-political issues involveu in sign language teaching,
cuiiiculum uevelopment anu assessment
II. Will piouuce giauuate level Sign Language anu English texts that uemonstiate knowleuge of
anu ciitical inquiiy into key concepts in the Sign Language Teaching fielu
III. Will iecognize the impoitance of the ASL teachei as a system change agent anu apply this in
piactice utilizing effective leaueiship, auvocacy, consultation, anu collaboiation to influence
change on the inuiviuual, gioup, anu oiganizational anu systemic levels
Iv. Will uemonstiate piepaieuness to seek anu obtain employment as a teaching piofessional in
the fielu of sign language teaching

1'$%&*'. H+## ?& "?#& 'E6
1'$%&*' 2&"-*+*7
0..&..;&*' 8EE#. U UU UUU UZ
Ciitically analyze concepts
uiscusseu in seminai
lectuies anu uiscussions.
Paiticipation in stiuctuieu
uiscussion about cuiient
issues ielateu to peuagogy
of sign language instiuction
Attenuance anu
paiticipation iubiic



Reseaich, collect anu
piepaie iequiieu items
foi teaching poitfolio

Teaching poitfolio

Teaching poitfolio





2 of 9
Bevelop anu ievise covei
lettei anu cuiiiculum
vitae, piepaie foi mock
Nock inteiview
Nock inteiview
Self-assessment of
mock inteiview



Piouuce acauemic texts
iequiieu foi sign language
teaching ceitification
ASLTA ceitification

ASLTA ceitification
checklist & iubiic



DJ)O1T X08TOU021
Theie aie no books iequiieu, howevei, the instiuctoi will be uistiibuting viueos anu aiticles to ieview foi
class. Syllabus, hanuouts, policies, anu upuates founu on couise Blackboaiu.

2T88TO !O0KT O0W!T1
A+ = 97.6 -1uu
A = 9S.6 - 97.S
A - = 89.6 - 9S.S
B+ = 87.6 - 89.S
B = 8S.6 - 87.S
B - = 79.6 - 8S.S
C + = 77.6 - 79.S
C = 7S.6 - 77.S
C - = 69.6 - 7S.S
F = 69.S oi below

!O0KUW! 022JD08UJW
0..+7*;&*'. 2"*7$"7&. [&+7:'
1) Weekly Seminais ASL 2S%
2) Poitfolio ASL anu English 2S%
S) Nock Inteiview Self-Assessment ASL 2S%
S) ASLTA Ceitification ASL anu English 2S%
Total: 1uu%

C> [&&I#/ 1&;+*"-. <5\]>
The instiuctoi(s) will piouuce a total of S weekly seminai uiscussions iegaiuing a vaiiety of topics in the
Sign Language Teaching fielu. An auuitional seminai will focus on SL ieseaich, uetaileu below unuei 4) Sign
Language Reseaich Seminai. Youi paiticipation is iequiieu by Nonuay 11:S9 pm of each week.

K"'& VE.'&% 1&;+*"- 8EY+9 WE'&.
1u22 Syllabus & Couise Expectations Paiticipation not
iequiieu, open foi Q&A
1u22 All About Ne: Covei Lettei & Cuiiiculum vitae
1u29 uetting Youi Foot In the Booi: Applying foi }obs &
Asking foi Recommenuation Letteis

S of 9
11S Answeiing Inteiview Questions with a Kevlai vest -
Pait A

1112 Answeiing Inteiview Questions with a Kevlai vest -
Pait B

1119 N0CK INTERvIEW Week No Seminai
1126 N0CK INTERvIEW Week No Seminai
12S Post-Inteiview: The Ciucial Thank You Lettei

Youi Seminai posts will be evaluateu using the following iubiic:

= 5 C
Foimatting viueo is of top quality
(takes into consiueiation
lighting, attiie anu
viueo has light, attiie oi
backgiounu issues that
somehow affect quality
of submission.
viueo is of subpai
Paiticipation Comment is concise, well-
uevelopeu anu
uemonstiates inuepenuent
thinking. Nay builu on
iueas of othei paiticipants
anuoi uig ueepei into the
questionlectuie posteu by
the instiuctoi
Comment may not
inteiact with oi
incoipoiate the iueas of
othei paiticipants'
comments. Nay mention
supeificial infoimation
fiom lectuie anu
Comment is a "me too"
comment that neithei
expanus the
conveisation noi
uemonstiates ciitical
thinking by the
Language Exhibits fluent acauemic
ASL skills (giammai,
piouuction anu stiuctuie)
anu uiscouise skills
(incluuing use of
appiopiiate iegistei,
opening, tiansitions
between iueas anu closing)
as well as intonation (e.g.
poise). 0veiall language
use veiy appiopiiate foi
giauuate level uiscussions.
Some ungiammatical
phiases, English
language inteifeiences
oi colloquial ASL use
uetecteu. Nay have
issues with uiscouise,
iegistei, tiansition skills
anuoi poise. 0veiall
language use acceptable,
but coulu be moie
appiopiiate foi giauuate
level uiscussions.
Incluues fiequent
phiases, English
language inteifeiences
oi colloquial ASL.
Fiequent issues with
uiscouise, iegistei,
tiansition skills anuoi
poise. 0veiall
language use not
acceptable foi
giauuate level

5> VE-'SE#+E <5\]>
0sing oi youi own piefeiieu web builuing softwaie, please cieate youi own website anu shaie
youi link on Blackboaiu (Bb).

Baving a website is veiy useful, especially when maiketing youiself as a piofessional in the fielu of Sign
Language euucation. Bowevei, you want to piotect anu enhance youi woik- some tips:
1) Auu a wateimaik to youi woik (papei anuoi viueo). Wateimaiks aie usually useu foi iubiics,
lesson plans anu syllabi you've uevelopeu.
2) Auu a copyiight symbol to each piece of youi woik on youi website. Foi example, to viueos you
piouuceu (e.g. 2u12 Raychelle Baiiis).
S) Bo not put the entiie woik up on youi website (insteau, post a shoiteneu viueo clip oi a few pages
fiom a papei). This subtly invites youi auuience to contact you foi the full veision.

4 of 9
4) Bo not copy anything fiom anywheie else into youi website - this is consiueieu stealing in the
inteinet woilu, just like the acauemic woilu. Foi example, if you want to talk about,
cieate youi own ieview of the website, iecommenuing ieaueis to visit theii link. You can incluue a
photo of, but uo not copy anu paste theii "mission" into youi website.
S) Bo not use couise specific infoimation (oi iuentify piofessois) in youi website (e.g. foi youi teaching
philosophy, you uo not want the fiist scieen to say "ST0BENT NANE ASL 741 BR. CAuLE". Cleai
those out anu keep youi website about you anu youi skills.

Bave fun with this piocess of ueveloping youi website- you will want youi website to ieflect youi inuiviuual
uniqueness anu at the same time, uemonstiate youi piofessionalism in the fielu of SL peuagogy. If you have
othei ielevant skills in the SL fielu such as piesenting, tutoiing, peifoiming, consulting, maiketing piouucts,
piouucing, evaluating anuoi assessing (e.g. Language Pioficiency Inteiview iateisinteivieweis) anuoi
moueling (as in a sign talent foi SL viueos #), please incluue in youi website!

Foi example, one stuuent whose passion is in the fielu of ASL liteiatuie built his website aiounu the concept
of liteiatuie, anu set up genies iathei than categoiies. Anothei stuuent incluueu hei love foi the aits anu
ASL infuseu in hei website. 0ne combineu his expeitise anu expeiience in the theatei woilu along with his
ASL teaching expeitise. Anothei website piouuceu by an alumni was actually a website foi hei cuiient
place of employment at a 0niveisity, anu she incluueu heiself as one of the faculty along with bios of hei
fellow faculty membeis (who weie suipiiseu anu giateful foi the website!). 0ne stuuent piouuceu a
website of foi his college's ASL club along with faculty, staff anu featuieu ASL stuuents - these count
towaius youi "seivice" expectations at the collegiate level. 0ne stuuent piouuceu a quaulingual website - in
ASL, English, Sauui anu Sauui Sign Language. The sky's the limit!

VE+*'._ 5BB
0..+7*;&*' O&`$+-&;&*'. 2"*7$"7&<.>
K$& =^CC
Shaie a collection of youi favoiite ASL iesouices with photos anu links
to theii iespective websites. Foi instance, if you want to iecommenu a
book, incluue a photo of the book anu a link to the book. Please list
thiee iesouices oi moie. You aie welcome to auu a biief uesciiption
foi each, wiitten in youi own woius - but this is not iequiieu. If you uo
incluue a uesciiption, make suie it is euiteu.
Piint language,
photos, viueos.
Rating* (S)
K$& C^5F
0btain a 4"/.#''&/6+;;< scanneu lettei with youi ASLPI scoie anu
incluue the ASLPI iating anu uesciiption in the same .puf file (not two
sepaiate pages).
Instiuctions on how to combine two pieviously sepaiate .puf files:
Piint language
About Ne

K-"S' %$&
A biief uesciiption of you anu youi expeiience in SL euucation.
Suggesteu time iange - Su seconus - 2 minutes; Su - 2uu woius. Youi
woik heie can be ieuseu as youi bio foi woikshopconfeience
piesentations anu weaveu into youi covei lettei as well.
SL (viueo) anu

S of 9
A+*"# %$&

Piepaie two veisions, each woith 1u points each:
A+-.' Y&-.E* ,&-.+E*: Bi, my name's Bi. Kim Biown Kuiz. Welcome to
my website. I giauuateu fiom ..etc, etc.
8:+-% Y&-.E* ,&-.+E*6 Bi. Kim Biown Kuiz is cuiiently the chaii of
the ASL anu ... She giauuateu with a uegiee fiom.. in.
Check out faculty webpages foi iueas:
Bi. Biown-Kuiz: http:www.ntiu.iit.euuasliefaculty_bio.php.iu=62
Bi. Baiiis: http:www.gallauuet.euufaculty-
Tool (1u)
K$& 5^L
Incluue snapshots (oi viueo) of an assessment tool you cieateu. Be
suie to incluue a wateimaik to piotect youi woik as well as a
uesciiption of youi assessment tool foi youi auuience. This assessment
tool can be ie-useu fiom ASL 76u.
SL anuoi Piint
Lettei* (2u)
K$& C^5F
Incluue in youi covei lettei youi contiibution to the fielu of SL
euucation anu youi expeiience anu expeitise in teaching SL.
Piint language
vitae (2u)
K$& C^5F
Incluue a list anuoi uesciiption of ielevant unueigiauuate anu
giauuate couises taken.
Piint language
Lesson Plan
K$& 5^CF
Be suie to incluue a wateimaik to piotect youi woik as well as a
uesciiption of youi lesson plan foi youi auuience. This lesson plan can
be ie-useu fiom ASL 74S anuoi iecycleu foi youi ASLTA application.
Piint language
K$& 5^CF
Be suie to incluue a wateimaik to piotect youi woik as well as a
uesciiption of youi syllabus foi youi auuience. This syllabus can be ie-
useu fiom ASL 74S anuoi iecycleu foi youi ASLTA application.
Piint language
Biscuss youi piefeiieu language teaching methouology. Reuse youi
teaching philosophy viueo anu papei fiom ASL 741 heie. Youi papei
must be piofessionally wiitten anu in APA foimat (incluue in-text
citations anu iefeiences at the enu of youi papei. A goou souice foi
APA wiiting can be founu heie:
SL anu Piint

6 of 9
K$& 5^L Be suie to incluue youi APA iefeiences at the enu of youi viueo.
Sample (2u)
K$& 5^5\

viueo youiself teaching SL (at least 1-2 minutes minimum). Incluue a
uesciiption about the content taught (e.g. ASL I: Tianspoitation
Lesson) anu what you aie uoing in the viueo foi youi poitfolio so youi
ieaueis will unueistanu what it is you aie uoing in the viueo.
Remembei not all youi ieaueis will be fluent in ASL, hence the
impoitance of having a biief explanation in English.
If you uo not have an actual viueo of you teaching, you can cieate a
mock viueo. You can also iecycle youi teaching sample fiom youi
ASLTA teaching uemonstiation viueo. Teaching samples aie often
moie believable if you aie not looking uiiectly at the cameia but
making eye contact with ieal (oi fictional) stuuents anu iesponuing to
SL anu Piint
K$& =^CC
Thiee oi moie testimonials fiom classmates, employeis, piofessois
anuoi youi stuuents. Testimonials aie usually 1-2 biief sentences.
You can take sentences out of youi letteis of iecommenuation (ask foi
peimission to ieuse in youi website). Incluue the name, position,
piogiam of the peison wiiting the testimonial. If the testimonial is in
piint language, incluue a photo of the peison (not iequiieu). If the
testimonial is in viueo, must be in Bigh Befinition quality (1u8up).
SL oi Piint
language. If SL,
titles iequiieu.
website (Su)
K-"S' %$&a
J- *E'a
0veiall website is easy to navigate, piofessional, euiteu (both ASL anu
English), anu incoipoiates all of the poitfolio components above anu
1) Fiee website uesign piogiams (e.g. chaige foi
viueos embeuueu on theii website. Insteau, uploau youi viueo
to an online souice (e.g. YouTube) anu embeu on theii website
foi fiee.
2) Fiee website uesign piogiams often cannot ieau uocuments
such as .uoc, .uocx, .key, .ppt, .pptx, etc. Insteau, take photos of
youi woik (e.g. Keynote sliues, youi Cv, covei lettei, ASLPI
iating, etc.) anu uploau as a photo.
S) Taking scieenshots on an Apple computei iequiie piessing all
thiee: commanu+shift+4 simultaneously, then the photo will
show up on youi uesktop.
SL anu Piint
T0TAL 2uu points
K&;E O&&#
A uemo ieel is a viueo piesentation uesigneu to ="&#.;< showcase youi
sign language teaching talent to a potential employei. This uemo ieel
can integiate the above iequiiements: Teaching Sample, Testimonials,
Teaching Philosophy, clips fiom youi past viueo piouuctions anu moie.
Bepenuing on
quality of the
viueo (anu
uesciiption, a

7 of 9
K$& =^C3 Also consiuei wheie to put youi uemo ieel on youi poitfolio - usually
the fiont page. 3,, + ,#':"&4(&/6 ./" </%" +%,&#6:#.
iange of 1-S
points auueu on
top of youi
4/"(./;&/ 5"+,#!
*Boes not neeu to be on youi website. You want these hanuy foi inteinshipjob applications.

VE-'SE#+E YE+*'. "-& &`$"##/ %+,+%&% ";E*7 ':E.& ':-&& 9-+'&-+"N
1) Neeting assignment iequiiements, (e.g. submitteu by ueauline, following instiuctions);
2) Neasuiing quality of content; anu
S) Impeccable foimatting:
$ Piint: Submission is euiteu anu is in APA foimat (when appiopiiate);
$ viueo: Submission takes into consiueiation mise-en-scene anu is in APA foimat (when appiopiiate).
viueo 0%'( be in Bigh Befinition quality (1u8up).

=> XE9I U*'&-,+&H "*% 1&#SG0..&..;&*' <2S]>
You aie iequiieu to paiticipate in mock inteiview pioceeuings (filmeu) anu submit a self-assessment viueo
iepoit uisplaying anu uiscussing specific clips fiom the mock inteiview anu how you can impiove youi
inteiview skills foi the futuie.

>6(#"?&#@) You will be contacteu by a mock employei asking to scheuule an inteiview with you. The mock
inteiview will take place online, using iChat softwaie. You will be inteivieweu by at least 2 employeis
simultaneously so you want to ensuie you have an excellent inteinet connection. You will be iesponsible foi
iecoiuing the inteiview by using iChat's Recoiu Chat featuie (iChat -> viueo -> Recoiu Chat). Aftei the
inteiview is completeu, you can finu the viueo by clicking the following:
Nacintosh BB -> 0seis -> (youi name) -> Bocuments -> iChats -> youi viueo will be heie. If you'ie unable to
finu the viueo (oi want a shoit cut), you can type in the spotlight the iChat useiname of the last peison that
joineu the chat, anu it'll take you to the viueo.

7#;.A3''#''0#6() You aie iequiieu to shaie biief clips of at least five featuies fiom youi inteiview that you
thought you uiu well, anu five featuies that you founu challenging anuoi coulu have uone bettei. Biscuss in
ASL anu give examples how you woulu have iephiaseu oi answeieu that question.

Instiuctoi's giauing of each of youi 1u clips anu youi uiscussion of youi self-assessment viueo is baseu on
the following:

1u - insightful anu thought-
piovoking; cleai anu specific
examples of how you woulu uo this
uiffeiently next time, poseu in
sequence; uoes not exceeu time limit.
8 - acceptable
anu aveiage
iesponses; may
exceeu time

6 - not acceptable (e.g. you uo not uiscuss oi
give examples of how you woulu have
iephiaseu oi answeieu the inteiview
question uiffeiently; excessive time allotteu;
similai anuoi iepetitive claims).

uiauing: 1u points foi each of the 1u clips = 1uu.

B#:/00#6,#, 0+C&0%0 (&0#: 1 minute pei clip & assessment x 1u = 1u minutes oi less. Some clips can iun
foi simply 1u seconus, anu Su seconus foi youi assessment foi a total of 1 minute. 0i one clip foi 1u
seconus, 2u seconus foi youi assessment, giving Su seconus to foi a latei, longei assessment. It uoesn't
mattei the amount of time allotteu pei clipassessment, but the total cannot exceeu 1u minutes.

8 of 9
B#:/00#6,#, ./"0+() D#<6/(#, with two viueo clips siue by siue (youi inteiview clip anu youi
commentaiy). Be suie to click on >6'4#:(/"E on F%&:G9&0# tab, then place a check maik on "'(+"( 0/?&# /6
:;&:G" so both movies will not be iunning when we open youi piesentation. We have two eyes, but only can
look at one viueo at a time # See example below.

L> 01280 D&-'+S+9"'+E* <5\]>
You aie iequiieu to complete all of the application mateiials foi ASLTA Piovisional Ceitification
(www.aslta.oig ! Ceitification) uuiing this couise. In oiuei to giauuate fiom this piogiam, you must senu
a copy of youi piovisional ceitification awaiu to the piogiam cooiuinatoi by August 2u1S. It takes ASLTA
about Su to 6u uays to make a uecision iegaiuing youi application. You want to apply as soon as you can,
because if you fail, you will still have time to iesubmit paits of youi application anu still giauuate on time. If
you alieauy have an ASLTA ceitificate, please email youi instiuctois a scanneu copy of youi ceitificate by
H:(/=#" IJ(1, anu youi giauing allocation will be ieviseu to ieflect: Weekly Seminais (SS.S%); Poitfolio
(SS.S%); Nock inteiview self-assessment (SS.S%).

ASLTA Ceitification iequiiements to complete in this couise:
012 <CB]>
Embeu online viueo in Bb Biscussion Boaiu (1S to 2u minutes maximum)
V0O8 0 (appioximately S minutes - S% of youi giaue)
Whenhow leain ASL
Cuiient job
Bow long have you been teaching ASL.
Bow often uo you teach ASL.
What type of stuuents uo you teach.
What type of piogiams uo you teach in.
V0O8 b (appioximately 1u - 1S minutes - 1u% of youi giaue)
Titlename of a couise you aie teaching
Which level
Language teaching methous
Examples of books & mateiials anu why you use them
Leaining outcomes
Examples of a pait of youi lesson
Explain anu uemonstiate how concepts (vocabulaiy), giammai anu cultuial infoimation is
taught (must be the same as youi lesson plan submission)
Explain anu give examples of how you will evaluate stuuents (e.g. assessment tools & how

9 of 9
to give feeuback).
Explain what communicative activities you use in youi ASL classes to suppoit youi
Explain how you tiy to impiove youi teaching
!-"%+*7 is split S-way baseu on:
1) Neeting assignment iequiiements (e.g. submitteu by ueauline, following instiuctions);
2) Neasuiing quality of content; anu
S) Impeccable foimatting:
$ Piint: Submission is euiteu anu is in APA foimat (when appiopiiate);
$ viueo: Submission takes into consiueiation mise-en-scene anu is in APA foimat (when

T*7#+.: <CB]>
Beposit via Bb n .uoc.pages foimat foi giauing anu feeuback; post final uiaft on youi piivate webpage
1) Sample Syllabus
2) Sample Lesson Plan (neeus to be similai to youi teaching uemo in ASL poition above)
S) Bocumentation of ASL Expeiience Foim (.puf)
!-"%+*7 is split S-way baseu on:
1) Neeting assignment iequiiements, (e.g. submitteu by ueauline, following instiuctions);
2) Neasuiing quality of content; anu
S) Impeccable foimatting:
$ Piint: Submission is euiteu anu is in APA foimat (when appiopiiate);
$ viueo: Submission takes into consiueiation mise-en-scene anu is in APA foimat (when

DJ)O1T 1DPTK)2T (all uue Nonuay 11:S9 pm in youi time zone)
Bi. Biown-Kuiz Bi. Baiiis Both
[&&I#/ 1&;+*"- 0..+7*;&*'. 2"*7$"7& 2E9"'+E* K$&
All about Ne: Covei
Lettei & Cuiiiculum
About Ne
Covei Lettei
Cuiiiculum vitae
ASLPI Rating
ASL & English
Bb -> Assignments CB^5c
uetting Youi Foot in the
Booi: Applying foi }obs
& Asking foi
Assessment Tool

Teaching Philosophy
ASL anuoi

ASL & English

Bb -> Assignments CC^\
Inteiview Stiategies ASLTA Pait A


Bb -> Assignments

Answeiing Inteiview

Lesson Plan

Bocumentation of


Bb -> Assignments


1u of 9
ASL expeiience foim

Teaching Sample


Bb -> Assignments CC^54
N0CK INTERvIEWS Nock inteiview self-
ASL Bb -> Assignments C5^=
Post-Inteiview: The
Ciucial Thank You Lettei
Testimonials ASL anuoi
English. If ASL,
auu English
Bb -> Assignments (be suie
to put all thiee testimonials
in one submission)
WE 1&;+*"-
Insteau, you can ieuo
/6# blue anu /6# puiple
assignment in this chait
foi a bettei giaue.
K9#+:1&65 4/"(./;&/ +6,
L#0/ B##; 6/( &6:;%,#,M
Teaching Poitfolio

Bemo Reel (bonus)

ASL -> NyThieau;
English -> Bb Biscussion

Bb -> Wiki

In youi teaching poitfolio

1. 0..+7*;&*'.6 All assignments aie to be submitteu via Blackboaiu oi NyThieau. No exceptions. We will
not iesponu to emails with assignments attacheu oi links to viueos. uiaues foi submitteu
assignments aie final (except foi scoiingteachei eiioi).
2. A&&%?"9I6 We aie happy to give feeuback on assignments if submitteu moie than one week befoie the
ueauline. We will not iesponu to iequests foi feeuback if submitteu less than one week fiom
ueauline. In oiuei to ieceive feeuback, ueposit youi assignment via Bb -> Assignments -> BRAFT
veision of the assignment. This must be uone 7 uays piioi to ueauline.
S. K&"%#+*&.6 Assignments aie uue =< (1# ,%# ,+(#. Assignments not submitteu by uue uate will ieceive a
4. 1'$%&*' O&.YE*.+?+#+'+&.6 Stuuents aie expecteu to actively paiticipate by attenuing class anu
completing assigneu activities, paiticipate in class uiscussions, seive in gioups, complete
assignments on time, iespect uiveise peispectives anu opinions, anu suppoit opinions anu answeis
with ieasons, explanations anu uocumentation fiom a vaiiety of souices.
S. V&&- W&'HE-I6 Each stuuent is iesponsible foi getting access to anu unueistanuing what is expecteu of
each assignment. Please foim a netwoik with youi peeis. If you neeu infoimation about
assignments oi class scheuule, go to youi couise Blackboaiu anu ask othei classmates to leain about
what you misseu.
6. 09"%&;+9 012^T*7#+.:6 We will communicate using acauemic ASLEnglish, which is a specializeu type of
uiscouise foi acauemic settings. 0se acauemic ASLEnglish in this couise. Piofessional acauemic
uiscouise iequiies giving cieuit to oiiginal authois foi theii iueas, so citations anu iefeiences aie
iequiieu, both in ASL anu English. Ameiican Psychological Association (APA) foimat is iequiieu foi
all viueo anu papei submissions, incluuing citations anu iefeiences. 0sing wiitten ASL teims in youi
typeuwiitten woik oi English-baseu signing in youi viueo woik is not acceptable.
7. DE;;$*+9"'+E*6 We welcome emails, uoogleINsviueos, any othei avenue of communication, but will
not accept oi iesponu to excessively colloquial iegistei choices in eithei ASL oi English. This is youi
oppoitunity to piactice using ASL anu English in acauemic settings, coiuially, on a consistent basis.
See #6 foi moie uetails.
8. T%+'+*7 012^T*7#+.: 8&d'6 You aie stiongly encouiageu to euit youi ASLEnglish assignments. Feel fiee
to utilize uallauuet seivices (Tutoiial anu Instiuctional Piogiams) to get the feeuback as often as

11 of 9
neeueu to piouuce the veiy best woik possible. 0neuiteu woik will be giaueu accoiuingly.
9. 8&9:*E#E7/6 All assignments aie to be posteu on Blackboaiu oi as instiucteu. The staff in the E-Leaining
Lab anuoi BelpBesk (helpueskgallauuet.euu) can assist you with technical issues thioughout the
couise. You aie to uploau all of youi assignments to Blackboaiu incluuing links to viueos. BvBs,
thumb uiives, CBs, BiopBox oi any othei foimat will not be accepteu.

This policy applies to both ASL anu English.

18)KTW81 [U8P KU10bU2U8UT1
Stuuents who neeu special seivices oi accommouations shoulu contact the 0ffice foi Stuuents with
Bisabilities (0SWB), locateu in SAC Room 1u22

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