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Adithya Kumar M

What is Defect? Bug Life Cycle Defect Log Format

What is Defect?
A defect is a variance from a desired product attribute.

Bug Life Cycle

Definitions of Stages:
1. New: Bug found and logged very first time. 2. Open: After review, if bug is found to be valid and unique (i.e. not logged earlier), test manager changes the state as OPEN. 3. Assign: Once the bug is open and included in release its assigned to corresponding developer. The state of the bug is changed to ASSIGN. 4. Test: Once the bug is fixed, developer changes state to test and the bug is assigned to the test engineer who has logged it. Developer will also put comments regarding the changes made in source code and/or configuration. 5. Deferred: There may be cases when project management team decides to fix the issue in later release because of any reason like time constraint or any other risk, In such case state of bug is changed to Deferred. 6. Rejected: If bug is not valid or found to be duplicate then either manager or the developer (after assignment) rejects it or state is changed to REJECTED. 7. Duplicate: If the bug is repeated then bug status is changed to DUPLICATE.

8. Verified: After re testing the bug test engineer changes the status to VERIFIED if its fixed properly and now works as per requirement. 9. Reopened: If test engineer founds that bug is not fixed correctly while re-testing then he re-opens the bug and status is changed to Reopened 10. Closed: IF the bug is fixed correctly and is verified by test engineer then either project management team or the test engineer closes it and stat is changed to Close .

Defect Log Format

Defect log contains the following columns Defect ID (Unique) Subject Description Detected By Assigned To Release Detected Date Severity Priority

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