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Brazil has announced that the Gripen fighter has been chosen as the successful bid in its FX-2

program for a new fighter for the Brazilian air force. Many people are sensing that Brazil chose the Swedish-made fighter o er the !S Super "ornet and the French #afale because of spying and hac$ing operations carried out by western intelligence agencies in particular those $nown to to belonging to the huge mighty military-industrial comple%. &he Gripen is a modern hi-tech fighter' but pac$s less bang for the buc$ compared to other fighters such as the (-)* or the &e+as M$ ,-. or the MiG-,/. 0n fact' the newer ersion of the (-)*' the (-)*B should e%perience no sweat running rings around the Gripen' e en the 1G ariant of the Swedish fighter. 2et3s hope after the Brazil air force has the +ets' it will in ite some (-)*s o er for a few aerial +ousts. Brazil in all probability chose the Gripen because the !S has been meddling too much in 2atin 4merica and it is therefore time to let the Scandina ians in for a change. 1ot that the Swedes are sweet angels' but they are far less dangerous than the 5an$s or the Frenchies. 6r the Brits.

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