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Put away someone

to remove a criminal or mentally ill person from society. You have to put away the
people who are so crazy that they are a danger to the rest of us.

throw away something

to fail to use an opportunity. Milton threw away his chance of promotion by being
late almost every day. It's a chance to audition for the Metropolitan Opera — don't throw
it away.

settle down
to accept responsibilities and behave in a more regular way than you have in the
past. Larry met his wife in San Antonio, where they have settled down and started a

check in
to give your name when you arrive at a place. With all these security measures,
you have to check in at least two hours hour before your flight.
Usage notes: usually said about giving your name at a place you will be staying, such as a
hotel, or before traveling on an aircraft

fill in (for someone)

to do someone else's job temporarily. He discovered his love of acting when he
filled in for a sick friend in a college play.

log off
to stop using a computer system. When the file transfer is complete, you can log
off the Web and launch your print program.

set off
to start going somewhere. He got a Guggenheim fellowship and set off for
Mexico to write a novel. You need to be fit and well rested before you set off on a hiking
trip. When the car broke down, he set out on foot for help.

tell off someone

to tell someone that their behavior is not acceptable. I was told off by my best
friend, and it was a long time before I could forgive her. He's always been obnoxious and
it's about time someone told him off.

come on
tell the truth. Oh, come on — you have no idea who stole your credit cards.

Hole on
To have and keep in one's grasp: held the reins tightly.
check out
To settle one's bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging.
I am checking out from the hotel.
leave out - prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were
excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"

sell out
To put all of one's goods or possessions up for sale.
He is selling out his car.

sort out - arrange or order by classes or categories;

You need to sort out these documents.
wear out
To make or become unusable through long or heavy use
This shirt is now wear out by me.

work out
To accomplish by work or effort.

Asif worked out his geometry problems.

leave out - prevent from being included or considered or accepted;

Salman butt left out from the Pakistani team squad.

fall over (oneself)

To display inordinate, typically effusive, enthusiasm: fell over themselves to impress the
general's wife.

get over
1. To prevail against; overcome.
2. To recover from:
finally got over the my headache.

turn over
To rotate; cycle: The engine turned over but wouldn't start.

come over
To change sides, as in a controversy.

He came over after meeting.

come round - change one's position or opinion; "He came around to our point of view"

blow up
1. To come into being: A storm blew up.
2. To fill with air; inflate: blow up a tire.
3. To explode: bombs blowing up.

break up
To separate or be separated into pieces: She broke up a chocolate bar. The river
ice finally broke up.

catch up
To move fast enough to attain the same progress as another; draw even: caught up to the
leader on the last lap of the race.

cheer up - cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful; "She tried to cheer up the
disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee"

do up
1. To adorn or dress lavishly: The children were all done up in matching outfits.
2. To fasten: do up the buttons on a dress.

fill up - make full, also in a metaphorical sense; "fill a container"; "fill the child with

grow up
To become an adult.- Asif is not a kid anymore he is grown up.

hang up-To delay or impede; hinder: Budget problems hung up the project for months.

hold up
To obstruct or delay.- Hold up this meeting till I come back.

keep up-To persevere in; carry on: We asked her to stop talking, but she kept it up.

speak up
1. To speak loud enough to be audible.
2. To speak without fear or hesitation.
Will your please speak up so we can hear you.

wake up - stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"

do away with
1. To make an end of; eliminate.
2. To destroy; kill.

He wants to do away with the problems he has.

laugh at
To treat lightly; scoff at: a daredevil who laughed at danger.
look at - take into consideration for exemplifying purposes- Look at this matter carefully.
come by
1. To gain possession of; acquire: Mortgages are hard to come by.
2. To pay a visit.

give over
a. To devote to a particular purpose or use: gave the day over to merrymaking.
b. To surrender (oneself) completely; abandon: finally gave myself over to grief.
2.To cause an activity to stop: ordered the combatants to give over.

take out
1. To extract; remove: took the splinter out.

hand over
To release or relinquish to another.

call back
1. To communicate the need for (someone) to return from one situation or location to a previous one:
Management called the laid-off workers back.
2. To telephone or radio (a person) who has called previously: I called her back at noon.
3. To recall (a defective product) for repair: The company has called back all such models built in 1990.

slow down - cause to proceed more slowly; "The illness slowed him down"

slow down - reduce the speed of; "He slowed down the car"

write down
To set down in writing.-Write down the application for the leave.

fill in
1. Informal To provide with information that is essential or newly acquired: I wasn't therewould you fill me
2. To act as a substitute; stand in: an understudy who filled in at the last minute.

cut off
To separate from others; isolate.- North Korea has been cut off from the rest of the world.

go off
To make a noise; sound: The siren went off at noon.

set off
To give rise to; cause to occur: set off a chemical reaction.

have on
To wear: had on red shoes.

have got - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense-He has got two beautiful cars.

find out-To detect and apprehend; catch: Most embezzlers are found out in the end.

wear out
To make or become unusable through long or heavy use.- You wore out this jacket.

run out
To become used up; be exhausted: Our supplies finally ran out.

sell out
1. To put all of one's goods or possessions up for sale.- I am selling out this car.
2. Slang To betray one's cause or colleagues: He sold out to the other side.

hang up
1. To suspend on a hook or hanger.
a. To replace (a telephone receiver) on its base or cradle.
b. To end a telephone conversation.
I hanged up the telephone.


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