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ro[ecL uescrlpLlon:
A web and moblle based docLor appolnLmenL scheduler and paLlenL elecLronlc record keeplng LhaL
allows paLlenLs Lo schedule an appolnLmenL and record paLlenL daLa on Lhe app Lhen uploads lL Lo Lhe
- aLlenL moblle and onllne appolnLmenL schedullng
- Can Lake plcLures uslng Lhe lad camera of charLs, x-rays, eLc.
- uaLa wlll be uploaded onLo a server daLabase
- 8oLh moblle and web based funcLlonallLles should be Lhe same
- lree hand wrlLlng uslng sLyles or flnger
- uocLor can creaLe cusLoms form
- ConverL all daLa per appolnLmenL lnLo an AppolnLmenL noLe
- 8emlnder or alerLs for boLh paLlenL and docLor. CpLlonal SMS remlnders
rocess llows:
1. aLlenL opens app and selecLs docLor and schedules an appolnLmenL.
2. App opens Calendar and shows avallable daLes.
3. aLlenL selecLs avallable daLe Lo book.
4. aLlenL enLers baslc lnfo: name, daLe of blrLh, moblle number, landllne number, emall address
and reason for appolnLmenL
3. 1here should be a remlnder or an alerL 24 before, 8am on Lhe day lLself and 1 hour before Lhe
appolnLmenL (Lhls can be seL by paLlenL)

1. AsslsLanL opens app and enLers username and password
2. App opens and show paLlenLs schedule for Lhe day on Lhe lefL slde and paLlenL lnfo on Lhe rlghL

3. Cn Lop of Lhe app Lhere should be a calendar lcon where Lhe docLor can check all Lhe
appolnLmenLs for LhaL day
4. 1he asslsLanL cllcks SLarL Cnboardlng
3. 1he paLlenL wlll now flll ouL quesLlonnalre on lAu and enLer baslc lnformaLlon

6. 1he paLlenL wlll no cllck llnlsh Cnboardlng and app wlll upload Lo Lhe daLabase
1. uocLor opens Lhe app and enLers username and password
2. 1he app ls slmllar Lhe one used by Lhe asslsLanL buL lL shows paLlenL records llke charLs, hlsLory,

3. 1o go Lo Lhe aLlenL CharL Lhe docLor wlll [usL need Lo cllck Lhe buLLon

4. Pere Lhe docLors enLer daLa gaLhered elLher Lhrough Lyplng or free hand wrlLlng (free hand
3. 1he docLor also can Lake plcLures of charLs, x-rays or Lhe paLlenLs body parL, eLc. uslng Lhe lad
camera. lL wlll also show Lhe hlsLory of appolnLmenLs, lab resulLs, eLc under Lhe PlsLory 1ab

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