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Checklist to Display Arabic Note:253226.1 HOWTO

Reports PDF Correctly
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• goal: Checklist to Display Arabic Reports PDF Correctly

• fact: Arabic PDF Output

• fact: Oracle Reports Developer 9i


1. Make sure you have one uifont.ali file and Environment is pointing correctly
to this file:
Windows Registry TK90=$ORACLE_HOME\tools\common90
UNIX ENV Variable XENVIRONMENT=$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin/Tk2Motif.rgb;

2. Set the ENV Variable TK90_FONTALIAS

Windows Registry TK90_FONTALIAS=$ORACLE_HOME\tools\common90
UNIX ENV Variable TK90_FONTALIAS=$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon9/tk90/admin/;

3. Make sure you have the font used by Reports Aliasing in the uifont.ali, here
is a long list of the main fonts:

[ PDF:Subset ]
Arial..italic.Bold.. = "arialbi.ttf"
Arial..italic... = "ariali.ttf"
Arial...Bold.. = "arialbd.ttf"
Arial = "arial.ttf"
"Andale Duospace WT J" = "Aduoj.ttf"
"Albany WT J"="AlbanWTJ.ttf"
"Arabic Transparent"="artro.ttf"
Andalus = andlso.ttf
"Arabic Transparent"...Bold.. ="artrbdo.ttf"
Courier...Bold.. = "courbd.ttf"
Courier = "cour.ttf"
"Courier New"..Italic.Bold.. = "courbi.ttf"
"Courier New"...Bold.. = "courbd.ttf"
"Courier New"..Italic... = "couri.ttf"
"Courier New" = "cour.ttf"
"Simplified Arabic"...Bold.. = "simpbdo.ttf"
"Simplified Arabic" = "simpo.ttf"
"Simplified Arabic Fixed" = "simpfxo.ttf"
"Times New Roman"..Italic.Bold.. = "timesbi.ttf"
"Times New Roman"...Bold.. = "timesbd.ttf"
"Times New Roman"..Italic... = "timesi.ttf"
"Times New Roman" = "times.ttf"
"Traditional Arabic"...Bold.. = "tradbdo.ttf"
"Traditional Arabic" = "trado.ttf"
4. If you still have a problem with the Arabic fonts use the first font in the
Alias list i.e. Arial Font.

5. In Windows make sure Reports Server or iDS PC Arabic settings is Set:

- On Windows Locale and Default Font set Arabic in Control Panel Regional

6. Make Sure that the Fonts files Path are included in the REPORTS_PATH.
On Windows, include C:\WINNT\Fonts
On UNIX, FTP the TTF files From Arabic Windows PC into a directory included in

7. If you are using UTF Character set Make sure you apply Minimum Patch 1 to
Reports Environment due to <Bug 2127495>

Additional references:
Note:261879.1 Configuration Script to add Common Windows Fonts to Unix 9i Reports Server
Note:272063.1 Using Reports PDF Subsetting, Font Size and Styles Bold, Italic, Bold-
Italic Are Ignored

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