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Ernest Horn Prof. Lago College Writing 11/6/13 Y Baby boomers?

Generation Y (1977-2004) also known as the Millennial Generation, is the generation of technology some would say. Generation Y has been consumed with so much technology that their interpersonal skills have been corrupted, violence has become dangerously high and educational levels have decreased. Baby boomers and Generation X however, seem to be considered the better generations because of their unique interpersonal skills. Generation Y lacks that skill because we rely on technology for too much of our everyday routine. We are more interested in too much internet, too much television and not enough education and research. Generation Y is only the beginning of this technical era. Baby boomers (1946-1964) had well set interpersonal skills. They possessed interpersonal skills, such as chivalry. What happened to opening doors for ladies, holding the umbrella for a wife, or a man coming home to a home cooked meal? This has all vanished because technology has shown Generation Y a different way of living. JOHN PICCIUTO once wrote; the real problem here is that women, for one reason or another, have become complacent and allowed men to get away with adhering to the bare minimum. We no longer have to put in the effort of flowers, chocolates, dates, etc., and if we do, we come off as stage-five clingers. It has turned all that was positive into negative. For example, before, a man can do a lot for a

woman and get a wonderful thank you. Now men do such a thing and he is what society calls thirsty. Thirsty: is a slang term for a male doing too much because he wants something from a girl (not to go into detail), when in reality he's just simply practicing good old chivalry and being nice. Now that being chivalrous is seen as a bad gesture, manners and good deeds has been lowered. Not a lot of males my age have been doing such a thing, because they don't want to be labeled as thirsty. I would love to go back to the older days and be that man who put the jacket in the road for a lady so she can walk over a puddle. If I were to do that now, every girl would look at me and think Why is he trying to go out with me? Generation X and Baby boomers have been the generations to dominate with a higher education. Generation Y has cellphones that is sensored by its owners fingerprints and opens one hundred files in two seconds. The usage of the cell phone should be used differently. It is a distraction to know young adults grow up in this day in life. We only know computers and how cell phones work but can't remember what happened in our last years math class. This of course isn't for everyone in this generation but for the ones that know they are being toyed in by technology should make strides to change the way we use it. Back then; they only had themselves as a smartphone or a touch screen computer. I know how bad it has gotten because its getting worse. I see twelve-year-old kids not going to school, but they know more about a Sony TV than the older generations. Although Generation Y has grown into technology, we are at the beginning stage of it. We didn't have smartphones with touch screens; well not as advanced as they are now. Our generation ends in the early 2000s, having the old Nokia with one game to stay occupied. We didn't need talks about technology until now because it has affected the newer generations to come. This for example, is like the world having a genie, in 1946 there was no genie, in 1970 the genie had one trick for the people( juggling with two balls),

in 1980 the genie had two tricks for the people(juggling three balls, while on fire), in 1994 the genie had a few tricks nothing special juggling 4 balls while on fire, with knives in them), now 2013 the genie has days worth of tricks that are distracting todays kids growing up now. Generation Y goes to see his tricks so much that, thats all we know. We forgot about what the teacher said today in class because we just wanted to go see the genie. The question is: When will technology stop? The answer is never! The genie will always invent new tricks to keep us enticed. We as Generation Y need to adapt and use his tricks in a way that keeps the society held together and learn what needs to be learned. Generation Y has lacked interpersonal skills because weve become very violent. When I was growing up violence was right outside your house, and if you decided to step off your porch at the wrong time of night, it didn't end well. In the 1990s violence was bad but it was bearable. In todays era, it had gotten much worse. The 2012 National Crime Victimization Survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that 26 of every 1,000 people experienced violent crime, a 15% increase in how many people reported being victims of rape, robbery or assault. Property crime burglary, theft and car theft rose 12 %.( Leger) I also overheard my teacher speaking to a student and the student told the teacher that if someone looked at you in a wrong way, things would happen. Once again, I return to blame technology and television because its all about being a character now days. People want to be people they see on TV. This brings me to my next point, reality TV. Reality TV shows have the most effect on Generation Y because its so realistic. It has a lot of fights and arguments that people are attracted to. And once they have seen that, they want to behave in the same manner. Segwaying into bullying, some students, and young adults believe this is the way out of bullying. When I was a little kid it was always if they hit you, tell a teacher or if they hit you hit them back.

but now it all falls down to who strikes first. Bullies don't care about the other person's feelings. Baby boomer had very little of crimes but it was without all the fighting influenced on networks such as YouTube, Worldstarhiphop, Google, television, and much more. If all reality TV shows were about happy friends and being kind to each other it would get no views, and therefore that shows how the economy is ran. I don't blame the makers because they just want to make money, but why don't they want to see nice shows and see people smiling? Why are we so intrigued with watching violence? How does killing a human being help anyone? We need to make a change! John F. Kennedy once said, Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. I believe if we all come together an entire generation we can make a change. We dont have to sit back and wait for something to happen, we can stop reality TV shows, we can make TV shows more educational, and constructive. I believe, the only reason the baby boomer didnt try to pursue the identity of other people because all they had was movies. Movies were known to be fake, not real. When your mom puts you to sleep and youre afraid she says, It isnt real. People weren't willing to go out their way to portray something that could take years to do. Reality TV sends people the message that, celebrity homes can also be your home. Why not? For example, Jersey Shore was a reality shows where a group of friends argue, party and fight. They are settled in a normal house nothing special so it makes it even more realistic. If the technology isn't controlled for the better, then it should not exist. The pros should outweigh the cons, so that kids and young adults have something to look forward to. They should be looking at a positive life where you don't have to worry about kids trying to portray negative actions of characters, being scared to play outside, men treating women badly because of what others think. Todays world has not changed for the better, but for the worse. As citizens we ask What can we do? We sit there and ask that all day, but no one speaks a word. If this is not

addressed properly we will suffer the consequences. No matter if youre rich or poor, this will affect us all in some way, shape or form. Kids will not know everything but their ABCs and 123s. Young adults will know too little to help younger siblings, or cousins, because they themselves cannot comprehend correctly. It will soon become a traditional pass down through generations to be ruled by robots. It may sound extreme but this must be taken seriously in order to make a change in todays society. From Baby Boomers to Generation Y, we can start this bandwagon against negative technology usage.


-- Hill, R. P. (2002). Managing across generations in the 21st century: Important lessons from the ivory trenches. Journal of Management Inquiry, 11(1), 60-66. Retrieved from 01

-- Engelman, E. (2009). Generation Y vs. baby boomers: How workplace commitment levels affect recruitment and retention of generation Y within corporate america. (Order No. 3368749, Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 92-n/a. Retrieved from 01. (305162368).

-- Meletopoulos, N., & Reischl, B. A. (2009). Reaching out to generation Y-no degree in facebook needed. CPA Practice Management Forum, 5(11), 14-15,22. Retrieved from 01

-- John F. Kennedy @mail online 03:36 EST, 1 November 2010

--Donna Leinwand Leger, USA TODAY 10:56 p.m. EDT October 24, 2013

-- JOHN PICCIUTO, Elite Daily 12:04PM EDT AUG 21,

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