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Billy Huyler Dr.

Madura EDUC-BE343 8 October 2013 Brainteaser 5-3 Writing a Rehearsal Plan Grade Level: Middle School Materials Needed: Pi Jesu, arr. Mary Lynn Lightfoot, Heritage (SAB); piano; PowerPoint with mixolydian scale projected on board. National Standards: #1A-C: Students will sing through the piece Pi Jesu using good breath control; #5A-C: Students will sight-read a mixolydian scale ascending and descending notated in 4/4 with quarter notes; #6A: Students will discuss what the mixolydian scale makes them think of, how it sounds to them, how it is similar and different from a regular major scale, and they will identify instances of its usage in the piece Pi Jesu. Behavioral Objective: The middle school chorus will demonstrate their understanding of the piece Pi Jesu by singing through it once with (hopefully) no stops. Then, they will understand and intellectually discuss the mixolydian by singing through it, discussing what it is and what it makes them think of, and identifying how the flat scale degree seven is used in Pi Jesu. Previous Lesson(s): The singers already learned the melody and rhythm to the piece. They also learned the appropriate Latin diction. They also can read solfege syllables. Motivating Opening or Script: We will begin rehearsal by simply running through Pi Jesu without any dialogue. Perhaps I may say something such as Lets take out Pi Jesu and run it with no stops. However, once this has been completed, I will say When you sang through, did you notice any accidentals in the piece? What were they? (e.g. B-flat and F-natural in the key of G major.) Procedure: (10 minutes) Step 1: Review singing the entirety of Pi Jesu with little to no stops and with rhythmic, melodic, and linguistic accuracy Anticipated Problem: disagreeing on Latin vowels, inaccuracy singing the flat threes and flat sevens found in the score. Possible Solutions: quickly review proper vowels through vocal modeling and kinesthetic hand motions to mimic tongue shape/placement; the upcoming lesson reviewing the mixolydian scale should assist in the flat seven issue.

Step 2: Once any slight issues are addressed, direct students to the PowerPoint on the board displaying the mixolydian scale in G as well as a GM scale. Have them say what they notice is similar/different about the two. Anticipated Problems: None. I see all students being able to recognize that the scales are identical, except for the fact that one has a flat seven scale degree. Step 3: Tell students that the second scale is known as the mixolydian scale and tell them that it is distinguished by a flat seven. Ask students to sing it on solfege syllables (reminding them to sing te rather than ti.) Then have them sing both the regular GM scale followed by the G mixolydian scale. Anticipated Problems: Students will not use the proper solfege syllables and/or will not accurately sing flat seven ascending or descending. Possible Solutions: Have students simply speak the appropriate solfege syllables and/or ask students to use hand signs while singing. Point out that the major scale has a half step between 7 and 1, whereas the mixolydian scale has a whole step between flat-7 and 1. Also, emphasize the usage of a flat sign to help students remember to lower the seventh scale degree. Step 4: Ask students to discuss what this scale sounds like to them and/or what it makes them think of (e.g. does it sound folk-like, major/minor, etc.) Anticipated Problems: There really is no right or wrong answer for this section. Step 5: Ask students to go through their music and circle any measures where the voices OR PIANO utilizes the mixolydian scale (flat seven). Anticipated Problems: Students may neglect to look at ALL the voice parts AND piano; students may miss a usage of flat seven. Possible Solutions: Remind students to look at every aspect of the music, and go through and highlight every usage together as a class. Assessment: The teacher will listen to hear any errors in the read-through of the piece. The teacher will also listen and observe to make sure students are singing/using proper solfege syllables and notes while singing through the mixolydian scale. The teacher will isolate sections to sing the mixolydian scale. Teacher will ask if students have questions. Teacher will go through the piece together as a group to identify any usage of the mixolydian scale.

Extension: The next class, the teacher may ask students to compose a short descant line that utilizes the mixolydian scale.

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