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Big Thinkers and Ideas:

Thinking Through Time

This unit intiouuces stuuents to the coie thinkeis anu iueas in the histoiy of knowleuge
anu science. Stuuents will self-select thinkeis anu iueas of inteiest anu will puisue one
topic foi a ieseaich papei anu piesentation, theieby becoming expeits in one paiticulai
time. By ieseaiching uiveiging views oi ciiticisms alongsiue theii iueas oi thinkeis,
stuuents will continue to uevelop ciitical thinking skills. They will also uevelop a
conceptual unueistanuing of what it means to be a big thinkei oi iuea as opposeu to an
influential thinkei oi iuea. The methouology of this unit is veiy stuuent-leu anu peei-taught
anu is giounueu in valiuating anu celebiating stuuent inteiest anu passion. Thioughout,
stuuents uevelop anu hone ieseaich, ieauing, wiiting, anu speaking skills.
In this unit, stuuents will uemonstiate
! a sense of the histoiy of thought anu knowleuge
! specializeu knowleuge in one aiea of inteiest
! the ability to ieseaich acioss multiple souices anu synthesize infoimation
! the ability to ueteimine meaningful infoimation fiom less impoitant infoimation
! an unueistanuing of what constitutes a 'big thinkei' oi 'big iuea'
! the ability to communicate ieseaich finuings in wiitten woik
! the ability to communicate ieseaich finuings visually
! the ability to communicate ieseaich finuings veibally
! self-monitoiing anu self-guiuing skills
0-#* 2%$#*
S weeks (2-S classes pei week)
uetting Staiteu: 1.S-2 classes
Inuepenuent Reseaich: 4-S classes
Piogiess Repoit: 2-S classes
Culminating Reseaich: 2 classes
Piesentations & Conclusion: 4 classes
T0TAL: 14-16 classes (4-S weeks)
Piogiess Repoit
Peei feeuback
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
veibalvisual Piesentation
Wiitten Repoit
Flamehoise (hanule). "Top 1u uieatest Philosopheis in Bistoiy." ,'-&()#-). 19 Febiuaiy
2u11. Web.
jeiemiahjw. "The Bistoiy of Nikola Tesla -- A Shoit Stoiy." YouTube. 1u }uly 2u1u. Web.
Nackay, Naiii. "1u Iueas That Changeu the Woilu." .//. 12 Becembei 2uu8. Web.
NINI 0SA. "1u Not Noimal Iueas That Foievei Changeu the Woilu." 0+11!))2. 8 0ctobei
2u12. Web.
Nongoose (hanule). "Top 1u Nost Influential Scientists." ,'-&()#-). 24 Febiuaiy 2uu9. Web.
00 Leain. "Achilles anu the Toitoise -- 6u Seconu Auventuies in Thought." YouTube. S
0ctobei 2u11. Web.
"Zeioes to Beioes: Ten 0nlikely Iueas That Changeu the Woilu." 34) /)6 *7')8&'-&. Web.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Big Thinkers & Ideas:
Getting Started
!"##$%& Stuuents will collaboiatively biainstoim impoitant iueas anu
thinkeis, using fiee association to constiuct webs of knowleuge anu
connections. This will be the entiy point foi stuuents into the
pioject, as they iuentify aieas of inteiest anu thinkeis of note.
Stuuents will then uiaft theii pioposals inuicating aieas of inteiest,
submitting foi ieview.
'()*+,-.*/ Stuuents will uevelop a sense of the bieauth of human knowleuge,
the ways in which aieas of knowleuge fit togethei, anu the vaiiety
of paths they coulu take to the pioject. They will iuentify possible
aieas of inteiest in oiuei to peisonally anu intellectually engage
with the pioject.
7$,*%-$3/ Chait papei
Relevant books (foi ieseaich)
Computeis (foi ieseaich)
8%*9:;%< Piepaie list of big thinkeis vs. impoitant thinkeis, big iueas, vs.
impoitant iueas
Piepaie list of possible thinkeisiueas to help stuuents bianch
out ieseaich
Wiite uown (on chait papei) big list of thinkeisiueas
Photocopy pioject uesciiption hanu-outs (piepaie uates foi
final piojectspiogiess iepoits)
Ensuie viueos aie goou to go
(u.S-1 classes)
1. Bave a list of iueas anu pop cultuie figuies on the boaiu. uive
stuuents seveial minutes to uiscuss anu ask them to iuentify which
iueas aie "big iueas" anu which people aie "big thinkeis." Tell each
table they shoulu be piepaieu to uefenu theii choice. uo aiounu the
ioom, asking each table to iuentify a big thinkei oi iuea.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Plato (BT), Bomei (the poet)
Scientific Nethou (BI), Science
Kail Naix (BT), Wolfgang Amaueus Nozait
The eaith ievolves aiounu the sun (BI), theie aie nine planets
in oui solai system
The eaith is 4.S billion yeais olu (BI), plate tectonics
Sigmunu Fieuu (BT), Einest Bemmingway
"The unexamineu life is not woith living" (Plato, BI), "Think
befoie you speak. Reau befoie you think." (Fian Leibowitz)
9:'&4)# 74""-) ;'<+#)- &4%& -&+2)8&- 6'== >) ?%$'='%# 6'&4 "# <'() &4)$ %77)-- &"
#)-)%#74 &""=- @@ -$%#& A4"8)-B 'C%2-B 7"$A+&)#-B )&7D @@ -" &4%& &4)E 7%8 $%F) %8
'8?"#$)2 2)7'-'"8D 34'- 7"+=2 >) #+8 6'&4 % &%==E "? A"'8&- &" $%F) '& '8&" % <%$)G
2. What commonalities uo we see. Be suie to auuiess influential
thinkeis vs. wiiteis oi figuies in pop cultuie, anu iueas that affect
the way we think about many things vs. eithei bioau categoiies,
facts, oi quotations with small implications. Some of the above
coulu be aigueu, of couise. ?-/+"// (%-*@3&.
7$-4 5+,
(u.S-1 classes)
1. At theii tables, have stuuents biainstoim big iueas anu thinkeis.
Encouiage them to make fiee associations. If theie aie iueas that
aien't connecteu but they woulu like to still wiite uown, encouiage
stuuents so put them uown anu see if they can't be connecteu. Foi
The inteinet - uigital infoimation - equalityaccess foi
eveiyone - social justice
Be suie stuuents have access to books on theoiiestheoiists anu
computeis foi ieseaich if they wiap up oi if they get stuck. Bave
stuuents think of technologies in auuition to big iueas, concepts,
2. 0nce stuuents have woikeu on theii biainstoims foi an auequate
amount of time, have a caiousel: have stuuents move one gioup to
the left oi iight anu auu on to the othei gioup's biainstoim;
continue uoing this until eveiyone has contiibuteu to eveiyone
else's chait papei. 7;4-,;%. Stuuents may get caught up on the
same few iueasthinkeis; in that case, wiap up the caiousel. 0nly
keep it going if it's piouuctive.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
S. uive stuuents time to make jot notes on all of the iueas, concepts,
oi thinkeis they finu inteiesting foi theii own woik. uive them
enough time to ciiculate to uo this.
4. Bistiibute pioject hanu-out. Review the unit plan with stuuents.
0nce you have uiscusseu the piojects, ensuiing that stuuents focus
on the pioposal piimaiily, play both H 0#')? I'-&"#E "? /'F"=% 3)-=%
anu H74'==)- %82 &4) 3"#&"'-) to uemonstiate how to incoipoiate
biogiaphyiueas into a biief visual clip that is 8"& text-heavy.
(u.S class)
1. Ask stuuents to inuiviuually naiiow uown the biainstoim topics
(not just fiom theii own gioup biainstoiming, but fiom theii
classmates' biainstoiming) to thiee, putting a stai next to theii
top choice. Stuuents shoulu, in this class, finish theii pioposals
anu have them available foi teachei appioval (finishing can be
homewoik). Stuuents coulu also begin ieseaiching theii topics so
that they have a basic iuea of what they might covei. Ciiculate
anu monitoi. J)$'82 -&+2)8&- &4%& &4)'# A#"A"-%= -4"+=2 7%A&+#)
64"K64%&B 64E &4)EL#) '8&)#)-&)2B %82 &4) M-" 64%&L "? &4) '2)%K
5//*//#*4, N8?"#$%=: Nonitoi stuuent engagement. Ciiculate thioughout to see
if stuuents can soit 'big iueas' fiom smallei iueas. If this is pioving
uifficult, ievisit as a class.
5B$>,$,-;4/ None iequiieu. Some stuuents may benefit fiom having a copy of
the thinkeis sheet to tailoi inteiest. Putting up a link to an
accessible aiticle on impoitant thinkeisinventions may be useful
foi stuuents with lowei ieauing abilities.
C6,*4/-;4/ Stuuents who finish shoulu paii up with someone else who has
finisheu eaily to uiscuss theii aieas of inteiest. Ask them to iank,
baseu on impoitance, theii figuiesiueas -- this helps them think
conceptually about big iueasthinkeis anu uevelop ciiteiia foi
fuithei ieseaich.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Flamehoise (hanule). "Top 1u uieatest Philosopheis in Bistoiy."
,'-&()#-). 19 Febiuaiy 2u11. Web.
jeiemiahjw. "The Bistoiy of Nikola Tesla -- A Shoit Stoiy." YouTube.
1u }uly 2u1u. Web.
Nackay, Naiii. "1u Iueas That Changeu the Woilu." .//. 12
Becembei 2uu8. Web.
NINI 0SA. "1u Not Noimal Iueas That Foievei Changeu the Woilu."
0+11!))2. 8 0ctobei 2u12. Web.
Nongoose (hanule). "Top 1u Nost Influential Scientists." ,'-&()#-).
24 Febiuaiy 2uu9. Web.
00 Leain. "Achilles anu the Toitoise -- 6u Seconu Auventuies in
Thought." YouTube. S 0ctobei 2u11. Web.
"Zeioes to Beioes: Ten 0nlikely Iueas That Changeu the Woilu."
34) /)6 *7')8&'-&. Web.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
!"#$%&'( *"&+, -"&&,
PlatoSociates (the iueal foim, justice, philosophy, politics)
Nicolaus Copeinicus (heliocentiism)
ualileo ualilei (telescope, pioof foi heliocentiism, the "fathei of mouein science")
Rene Bescaites (uualism -- "I think theiefoie I am")
Neils Bohi (atomic stiuctuie, quantum theoiy)
}ohannes Keplei (astionomy, sounu waves, planetaiy motion)
Naiie Cuiie (iauioactivity)
Eucliu (geometiy)
Clauue Levi-Stiauss (anthiopology -- human chaiacteiistics aie the same eveiywheie)
}onas Salk (polio vaccinevaccines)
Alan Tuiing (computeisAI)
Al-Khwaiizmi (Binuu-Aiabic numbei system -- uevelopmentimplementation)
Tycho Biahe (astionomy -- iefuteu Aiistotelian iuea of unchanging celestial iealm)
}ohn Locke (libeialism -- inuiviuual autonomy, impoitance of the inuiviuual)
Sigmunu Fieuu (psychoanalysis)
Confucius (self-cultivationmoial giowth, ethics & politics)
Simone ue Beauvoii (feminism -- existence pieceues essence)
Naiy Wollstoneciaft (feminism, iationality as basis foi social oiuei)
Chailes Baiwin (evolution)
Thomas Euison (lightbulb, BC electiicity, phonogiaph)
Nikola Tesla (AC electiicity)
Albeit Einstein (ielativity, key uiscoveiies in physics)
Sii Isaac Newton (giavity, equal anu opposite ieaction)
Alexanuei uiaham Bell (telephone)
Kail Naix (communism)
uloiia Steinem (feminism)
Baiiiet Tubman (abolition)
Buman evolution
The Big Bang Theoiy
Neuieval Bumouis
ueim Theoiy
The Inteinet
The Peisonal Computei
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Big Thinkers & Ideas:
Independent Research
!"##$%& Aftei ieceiving the go-aheau on one of theii topics, stuuents will
begin ieseaiching, using a vaiiety of souices to constiuct
meaningful infoimation.
'()*+,-.*/ Stuuents shoulu piactice goou ieseaich anu ciitical thinking skills
thioughout, uemonstiating the ability to synthesize infoimation
fiom a vaiiety of souices into a concise, coheient summaiy.
Stuuents shoulu also begin woik on theii bibliogiaphies.
7$,*%-$3/ Computeis (foi ieseaich)
Bookstexts (foi ieseaich -- tailoi to appioveu topics)
Post-it notes foi wiiting uown citations
Papei foi note-taking
8%*9:;%< Appiove topics, ensuiing theie is a goou vaiiety
Finu mateiials foi any specialty topics
Piepaie eniichment foluei
Piepaie & photocopy ieseaich sheet (see Reseaich: vital
Infoimation fiom enu uocuments)
(u.S classes)
1. Bistiibute appioveu topics anu ieseaich sheets.
2. Reintiouuce the enu piouucts: uiscuss, biiefly, what souices they
shoulu be using, what infoimation they shoulu be finuing, anu
what questions they shoulu be answeiing. Ensuie stuuents aie
seaiching out ciiticisms of theii topic as well, whenevei possible
(give an example of this -- heliocentiism is a goou fit with
Copeinicus, ualileo, iesponse of the chuich). Reminu stuuents of
the visualveibal piesentation, the wiitten iepoit, the
bibliogiaphy, anu the uates of all the pieces. Explain the piogiess
S. Intiouuce eniichment foluei: explain that it contains 'thought'
pieces to ueepen theii unueistanuing of the topic at hanu, anu is
theie to spaik inteiest. If they complete the pioject eaily, they
can use the eniichment foluei to extenu unueistanuing by
ieauing anu iesponuing to each piece, answeiing O4%& '- &4) >'<
'2)%P O4E 2")- '& $%&&)#P I"6 2'2 "# 4"6 2")- &4'- '$A%7& &4)
7$-4 5+,
(S-4 classes)
1. Stuuents shoulu ieseaich inuepenuently. Ciiculate anu monitoi.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
(u.S class)
1. Befoie the piogiess iepoit, ieminu stuuents that they will neeu
to have seveial souices piepaieu, most of the key infoimation
complete, anu the appiopiiate infoimation available to oui
constiuction of the Knowleuge Timeline (uate iange, big iuea
thinkeiinvention, thiee inteiesting things they've founu). If
possible, ensuie stuuents have these pieces completeu foi an
effective next class.
5//*//#*4, Infoimal: monitoi stuuent piogiess, making note of ieseaich skills,
on-task time, anu uepth of engagement with the topic.
5B$>,$,-;4/ Stuuents who have uifficulty pulling infoimation fiom ieseaich
anuoi synthesizing infoimation can be given a visual oiganizei to
help ueteimine key infoimation. See sheet at the enu of unit foi
C6,*4/-;4/ Stuuents who complete ieseaich aheau of time can meet
inuiviuually with the teachei to ieceive feeuback, can fuithei
uevelop theii visualveibal piesentation, oi can woik on theii
wiitten iepoitbibliogiaphy. Alteinatively, stuuents can select a
piece fiom the eniichment foluei to ieau anu iesponu to.
A bioau iange of aiticles fiom *7')8&';'7 H$)#'7%8, I"6 *&+?? O"#F-B
oi newspapeis on the histoiy of science, inventions, anu new
innovations shoulu suffice foi the eniichment foluei. Incluue
mateiials foi a vaiiety of ieauing levels.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Big Thinkers & Ideas:
Progress Report
!"##$%& Stuuents will meet inuiviuually with the teachei to check in on
ieseaich piogiess, ieviewing mateiials to infoim fuithei ieseaich
anu the uevelopment of the final piouucts. Auuitionally, the class
will sit anu uiscuss ieseaich finuings, collaboiatively uesigning a
'()*+,-.*/ Stuuents shoulu come away fiom this lesson with iueas foi fuithei
uevelopment of theii piojects anu new avenues foi ieseaich. They
shoulu also uevelop a sense of the histoiy of knowleuge anu science
anu, hopefully, begin looking foiwaiu to theii classmates'
7$,*%-$3/ Post-It notes (foi timelinetimeline questions)
Whiteboaiu maikeis
8%*9:;%< Piepaie Piogiess Repoit sheet to fill in uuiing uiscussion with
inuiviuual stuuents
Complete a iough sketch of own timeline to facilitate
constiuction if theie is a hiccup
Biaw timeline on the boaiu.
(u.S-1 classes)
1. Bistiibute Post-It notes when stuuents come in (foui colouis:
yellow foi topic, blue foi uate, pink foi inteiesting uiscoveiies,
oiange foi questions). Bave stuuents fill in the fiist thiee. Collect
the uate post-it notes anu put on the timeline (as stuuents
aiiange chaiis).
2. Aiiange chaiis in a talking ciicle. As stuuents shaie theii
piogiess, have stuuents jot uown any questions on the oiange
post-it notes. 0nce stuuents have finisheu, have them go to the
boaiu to post theii figuiesiueas, inteiest facts, anu questions.
Leave on the boaiu.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
7$-4 5+,
(1 class)
1. Ask stuuents to make theii own copy of the timeline,
encouiaging them to be cieative.
2. Neet with stuuents inuiviuually to ieview what they have uone
so fai, to suggest avenues of ieseaich, anu to ensuie that
eveiyone is on tiack. Fill out inuiviuual Piogiess Repoit sheet to
give foimative feeuback.
S. Bave stuuents continue woik on ieseaichfinal piojects anu
ieviewiesponu to classmate questions fiom timeline as
inuiviuual meetings occui.
(u.S class)
1. 0nce stuuents have all been met with inuiviuually, ieview any
pioblem aieas that aie common. At this point, ieview citation style
anu foimatting foi bibliogiaphy. Fielu any questions about veibal
visual piesentation anu wiitten iepoit. Scheuule piesentation
5//*//#*4, !"#$%&'(): Stuuents will ieceive feeuback on Piogiess Repoit
sheet, inuicating aieas foi giowth, avenues of ieseaich to puisue.
5B$>,$,-;4/ None neeueu.
C6,*4/-;4/ Stuuents shoulu all have piojects to woik on. If they uo not,
encouiage them to use the eniichment foluei, oi to use theii
knowleuge of impoitant thinkeis, iueas, inventions to bulk up the
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Big Thinkers & Ideas:
Culminating Research
!"##$%& Stuuents will have some class time in which to finish theii piojects,
to iounu out ieseaich, anu to piactice visualveibal piesentations.
'()*+,-.*/ Stuuents shoulu use class time to hone theii final piouucts anu
tailoi theii ieseaich. They will come away fiom class with a cleai
sense of what they will be uoing foi the piesentations, anu shoulu
be veiy close to being finisheu.
7$,*%-$3/ Computeis
Books (foi ieseaich)
8%*9:;%< Bave extensions piepaieu foi those who finish eaily
Piepaie Peei Feeuback uuiuelines (Two Piops & 0ne Push)
Photocopy Peei Feeuback uuiuelines
(u.2S classes)
1. Review iubiic foi visualveibal piesentations anu wiitten
iepoit. Fielu any last minute questions.
7$-4 5+,
(1.S-2 classes)
1. Bave stuuents complete inuepenuent ieseaichwoik on theii
piojects. Ciiculate anu give feeuback.
(u.2S class)
1. Bistiibute Peei Feeuback guiuelines.
5//*//#*4, Infoimal: Nonitoi stuuent piogiess, giving feeuback as necessaiy
to ensuie seiious engagement with the topics at hanu.
5B$>,$,-;4/ None.
C6,*4/-;4/ Stuuents who finish eaily shoulu paii with a peei to piactice
piesentation anu giveieceive feeuback. If this is not possible,
stuuents can uiaw on aiticles fiom the eniichment foluei.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Big Thinkers & Ideas:
Presentations & Conclusion
!"##$%& Stuuents will piesent theii finuings visuallyveibally to theii
classmates. Peei-teaching will take the stage, as stuuents instiuct
each othei anu togethei foim a 'snapshot' timeline anu pictuie of
the histoiy of knowleuge anu science. Stuuents will also hanu in
theii wiitten iepoit.
'()*+,-.*/ Stuuents shoulu uemonstiate pioficient speaking %82 listening
skills, showing goou abilities to synthesize anu shaie infoimation.
They shoulu concluue the unit with a sense of the shape of the
histoiy of science anu knowleuge, a cleaiei pictuie of what
constitutes a big oi uefining iueathinkei, anu why iueas mattei
how they impact the woilu.
7$,*%-$3/ Piojectoi
8%*9:;%< Piepaie papeis foi Two Piops & 0ne Push
Photocopy iubiics foi evaluation
Ensuie stuuents know scheuule of piesentations
(u.2S classes)
1. Bistiibute squaies of papei foi Peei Feeuback. Reminu stuuents
how Two Piops & 0ne Push woiks (stuuents must finu two
positives to say befoie giving 7"8-&#+7&'() ciiticism).
7$-4 5+,
(S classes)
1. Stuuents piesentations. Bave the class ask questions oi make
comments (content-ielateu) aftei each piesentation.
(1 class)
1. Bave stuuents hanu in wiitten iepoits anu bibliogiaphies (on the
final uay).
2. Ask stuuents to fill out exit slips -- what uiu they take away. what
was theii biggest aiea of giowth. what was theii biggest
challenge. what woulu they uo uiffeiently next time.
5//*//#*4, Foimal: Rubiics foi veibalvisual piesentation anu wiitten iepoit.
Infoimal: Peei feeuback anu uiscussion.
5B$>,$,-;4/ None shoulu be neeueu. Stuuents with high anxiety foi public
speaking can still complete the assignment: the classioom is a safe
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
C6,*4/-;4/ Extia time coulu be uevoteu to having stuuents finalize theii
wiitten iepoits anu bibliogiaphies. If this is not sufficient, stuuents
can be uiiecteu to the eniichment foluei. Stuuents coulu ietuin to
theii copy of the timeline to auu events, iueas, thinkeis, making a
goou copy foi uisplay in the classioom.
It woulu also be wise to have a viueo piepaieu, if things iun veiy
shoit, oi the next unit (Ciops & Commouities) ieauy to go.
NS2 Social Stuuies, R. Wheauon
Research: Vital Information
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