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Running head: COMPLETED SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT Your name: Daniel DeLauter

Date: 12/4/13

Discussion of completed service learning project: For the service learning project, I selected to post information at the Frederick Rescue Mission regarding nutritional assistance programs available to U.S. citizens. These nutritional assistance programs help low income or no income individuals and families. The posting is currently in place on a continuous basis in strategic places throughout the facility.

Evaluation of the selected intervention: My goal was to get the information out about these programs. I have achieved this goal. I have received feedback from the mission staff that people are asking questions about getting assistance. Some of the questions are about eligibility, registering, and receiving the assistance. I have received positive feedback from the staff. They have stated that not only would this information be beneficial to the people in the community but also to the residents that are in their recovery program. Staff is also excited to have this information available to their guest. They staff has stated that the mission helps in many ways but this is something new.

Discuss how this project contributed to professional collaboration & community engagement: This project has taken some professional collaboration. Collaborative practice is envisioned as an interprofessional process of communication and decision making that enables the separate and shared knowledge and skills of healthcare providers to synergistically influence the client/patient care provided (p. 4).5 (Ewashen). A line of communication with the rescue missions staff regarding the need to educate the clients about nutritional assistance programs from a healthcare providers stand point. The staff of the mission needed to become aware of that need and then had to approve the idea to post information around the mission to get out to their clients. The staff of the mission are aware that people are in need however did not see the specific health benefits in regards to infection and wound healing.


Community engagement is enriching and empowering for the recipient or host community. There is transfer of knowledge and sometimes economic or social benefits (Selvaratnam). This project has given this community of people the knowledge to help improve their lives. In providing information, more people know that there is help available and are aware of how to start. The host community has become more aware of the importance of getting this type of information out.

Reference: Ewashen, C., McInnis, G. & Murphy, N. (2013). Interprofessional collaboration-in-practice: The contested place of ethics. Nursing Ethics. 20(3) 325335.

Selvaratnam, D. (2013). Do student volunteers benefit from community engagement?. Asian Social Science. 9(8) 123-128.

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