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Methods Evaluation Form effective fall, 2012

1 of ( <erm #chec one)? @ Fall Aprin" =ear?

Division of Education Middle Childhood Education

_x__ EDU 341 - Adolescent Literature _x__ EDU 343 - Reading nstruction ___ EDU 34! - Reading in the Content Area
9hec all that apply.



Ms. Jessica Horwitz Mr. David Tressel

Cooperating Teacher: District:

College Supervisor: School:

Ms. Pam Geraci

Tro !ntermediate School #anguage "rts

"von #a$e Cit School District *th


Su%&ect's( )%served:


++,-. / +-,01 -.+0

Using the following scale, please give an overall rating of the candidates performance for each domain area. 0 2 34ceeds e4pectations
Chec$ competencies o%served.

- 2 Meets e4pectations

+ 2 Does not meet e4pectations

)verall 5ating 6or Domain

Domain ": Student Development and Content 7nowledge The teacher candidate understands individual students learning and development, and knows the content area(s) for which he/she has instructional responsibility. ')STP +1 -)


+1. Displays no!led"e of ho! students learn and of the developmental characteristics of a"e "roups. #1.1) +2. $nderstands !hat students no! and are a%le to do, and uses this no!led"e to meet the needs of all students. #1.2) +&. E'pects that all students !ill achieve to their full potential. #1.&) (. Models respect for students) diverse cultures, lan"ua"e s ills, and e'periences. #1.() *. +eco"ni,es characteristics of "ifted students, students !ith disa%ilities, En"lish -an"ua"e -earners #E--), and at.ris students in order to assist in appropriate identification, instruction and intervention. #1.*) +/. 0r"ani,es materials and e1uipment in advance for the lesson. #2) +3. 4lans a lo"ical and meanin"ful learnin" se1uence in the lesson. #2) 5. 6no!s the content he7she teaches, and uses no!led"e of content.specific concepts, assumptions, and s ills to plan instruction. #2.1) +8. $nderstands and uses content.specific instructional strate"ies to effectively teach the central concepts and s ill of the discipline. #2.2) 10. $nderstands school and district curriculum priorities and the 0hio academic content standards. #2.&) 11. $nderstands the relationship of no!led"e !ithin the content area to other content areas. #2.() +12. 9onnects content to relevant life e'periences and career opportunities. #2.*) +1&. Esta%lishes methods for evaluatin" !hether the o%:ective#s) of the lesson !as7!ere achieved. #2) )%servation 9otes:

9omplete lesson plan; !ell or"ani,ed !ith materials for the lesson. #-esson plans sho! detail !hich indicates much prior thin in".) <he picture of the sea turtle on the smart %oard provided motivation and interest. =ou created a lesson that !as motivatin" for the students and related directly to the %oo they !ere readin". =ou planned for active en"a"ement for all the students. =ou ne! that the students learned and understood the concept of a prepositional phrase so they !ere a%le to apply their no!led"e in creatin" the poem. 4rovidin" a list of prepositions !as a "ood revie! and connected to prior learnin". 9onnects the literature to current topics in the student lives today. #>ullyin")


Ms. Jessica Horwitz


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Methods Evaluation Form effective fall, 2012

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Domain <: #earning 3nvironment The teacher candidate creates a learning environment that promotes high levels of learning and achievement for all students. ')STP =(

- 88

1. <reats all students fairly and esta%lishes an environment that is respectful, supportive, and carin". #*.1) 2. 9reates an environment that is physically and emotionally safe. #*.2) +&. Motivates students to !or productively and assume responsi%ility for their o!n learnin". #*.&) +(. 9reates learnin" situations in !hich students !or independently, colla%oratively, and7or as a !hole class. #*.() +*. Maintains an environment that is conducive to learnin" for all students. #*.*) /. Ma es consistent, appropriate attempts to respond to disruptive %ehavior in !ays that demonstrate respect for the student. #2) 3. $nderstands, esta%lishes, teaches, and reinforces classroom rules and procedures. #2) )%servation 9otes:

<he students listened to directions and !or ed !ell in "roups. <hey all seemed to %e contri%utin". <he transition from "roup !or to teacher instruction !ent !ell. <he students "ot 1uiet and listened. +emem%er at these transition times to ma e sure all students are focused %efore continuin" !ith instruction. =ou !ere %uildin" positive rapport !ith you spo e !ith students individually as they !or ed. =ou made authentic comments a%out their pro"ress. =ou set lo"ical standards as far as noise level. #-evel 1) Bettin" to no! names of students. Aome students !ere "ettin" silly, %ut they shaped up !hen the readin" %e"an. C"enda posted on the %oard to inform students of the activities of the day. $se of playin" cards to randomly call on students random callin" is effective in that it sends a messa"e that all students are capa%le and e'pected to participate.
Domain C: "ssessment and !nstruction The teacher candidate understands and uses varied assessments, and plans and delivers effective instruction to ensure all students learning. ')STP 01 >( -888

1. Ds no!led"ea%le a%out assessment types, their purposes, and the data they "enerate. #&.1) 2. Aelects, develops, and uses a variety of dia"nostic, formative, and summative assessments. #&.2) &. Cnaly,es data to monitor student pro"ress and to plan, differentiate, and modify instructions. #&.&) (. 9olla%orates and communicates student pro"ress !ith students, parents, and collea"ues. #&.() *. Dnvolves learners in self.assessment and "oal settin" to address "aps %et!een performance and potential. #&.*) /. Cli"ns instructional "oals and activities !ith school and district priorities and 0hio)s academic content standards. #(.1) +3. $ses standard oral and !ritten lan"ua"es. #2) 5. $ses information a%out students) learnin" and performance to plan and deliver instruction that !ill close the achievement "ap. #(.2) +8. 9ommunicates clear learnin" "oals and e'plicitly lin s learnin" activities to those defined "oals. #(.&) 10. Cpplies no!led"e of ho! students thin and learn to instructional desi"n and delivery. #(.() +11. Maintains appropriate pacin" to ena%le students to remain on tas and en"a"ed in learnin". #2) 12. Differentiates instruction to support the learnin" needs of all students, includin" students identified as "ifted, students !ith disa%ilities, En"lish -an"ua"e -earners #E--), and at.ris students. #(.*) +1&. 9reates and selects activities that are desi"ned to help students develop as independent learners and comple' pro%lem.solvers. #(./) +1(. $ses resources effectively, includin" technolo"y, to enhance student learnin". #(.3) )%servation 9otes:

E'plained to the class the o%:ective of the lesson. Ehy is this lesson important? ho! to use %oo to "et information, learn a%out sea turtles so you can %etter understand the story, use prepositional phrases. <he display of the poems D call Fpu%lishin"G !hich "ives further purpose and motivation for the students to do their %est !or . Atudents %rainstorm7 trac !ords from <he Hie! from Aaturday that relate to sea turtles. Effectively moved from "roup to "roup facilitatin" as students !or ed cooperatively. =ou !ere positive and made comments that e'tended thin in" and learnin". Fine modelin" and e'ample of the shape poem. Hery rela'ed and confident in front of the class. =ou !ere in control.

Methods Evaluation Form effective fall, 2012

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=our use of the smart %oard enhanced the lesson and learnin". <he students passed the microphone around as they read orally. #another e'ample of technolo"y)

Ms. Jessica Horwitz


;all -.+0

Domain D: Colla%oration1 Communication1 and Pro6essionalism The teacher candidate collaborates and communicates with other educators, parents, and students to support student learning. e/she also assumes responsibility for ethical behavior and professional growth as a member of a learning community. ')STP *1 ?(

+1. Ds prompt and dependa%le. #2) +2. 9ommunicates clearly and effectively. #/.1) &. Ahares responsi%ility !ith parents and care"ivers to support student learnin", emotional and physical development, and mental health. #/.2) (. 9olla%orates effectively !ith other teachers, administrators, and school and district staff. #/.&) *. 9olla%orates effectively !ith the local community and community a"encies, !hen and !here appropriate, to promote a positive environment for student learnin". #/.() /. $nderstands, upholds, and follo!s professional ethics, policies, and le"al codes of professional conduct. #3.1) 3. <a es responsi%ility for en"a"in" in continuous, purposeful professional development. #3.2) 5. Ds an a"ent of chan"e !ho see s opportunities to positively impact teachin" 1uality, school improvements, and student achievement. #3.&) +8. +eflects daily on lessons tau"ht to ensure student learnin" and achievement of "oals and o%:ective. #2) +10. E'hi%its enthusiasm for teachin" and learnin". #2) )%servation 9otes:

=ou "ained valua%le e'perience !ith the sound system and use of microphone. Fine volume #of course) and "ood tone and intonation. <he cooperatin" teacher is enthusiastic a%out you %ein" in the classroom and the pro"ress you are ma in". =ou !ere a%le to teach the same lesson t!o times in a ro!. Did you chan"e anythin" the second timeI -an"ua"e? >e careful a%out the overuse of F=ou "uys.G Finished vs. done

Domain 3: Specialt Pro6essional "ssociation 'SP"(,Content@"rea "ssessment 0888 !omain " focuses on the standards and performance outcomes that have been established by the #pecialty $rofessional %ssociations (#$%s) & e.g., the 'ational (ouncil of Teachers of )athematics ('(T))* the 'ational (ouncil of Teachers of "nglish ('(T")* the 'ational #cience Teachers %ssociation ('#T%)* and the 'ational (ouncil for the #ocial #tudies ('(##). The standards/performance outcomes listed in !omain " have been selected by "!U faculty and the +, !ivision of "ducation & and cover content- and licensure-specific items.
<he follo!in" list includes e'amples of performance outcomes7indicators that contri%ute to an overall ratin" for Domain E. +1. $ses a !ide ran"e of strate"ies for comprehension, interpretation, evaluation, and appreciation of te'ts. #&) +2. Cd:usts spo en, !ritten, and visual lan"ua"e to communicate effectively !ith a variety of audiences and for different purposes #() +&.Atructures the En"lish lan"ua"e arts holistically. #1) +(.En"a"es learners in transactions !ith literature. #13) )%servation 9otes:

J& and J(? <he students created shape poems on sea turtles %ased on the %oo ? Hie! from Aaturday. <hey used prepositional phrase to %e"in each verse of the poem. Demonstrates fluency !ith readin" aloud to students Did you set a purpose for listenin"I <he students studied %ullyin" in relation to the %oo they !ere readin".


Ms. Jessica Horwitz


;all -.+0

Methods Evaluation Form effective fall, 2012

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CandidateAs potential 6or %eing an e66ective classroom teacher.

Ms. Kessica Lor!it, demonstrates a fine potential for %ein" an effective classroom teacher. Ahe sho!s enthusiasm for teachin" and !or in" !ith the students. Ahe ma es positive connections !ith the teacher and does a "reat :o% enhancin" the learnin" that is "oin" on in the classroom !ith lessons that accomplish her university re1uirements. Ehen Ms. Lor!it, tal s !ith students her comments are authentic and e'tend student)s thin in" and learnin". Ler lesson plan and performance in the classroom indicate outstandin" preparation. Ahe !as or"ani,ed and ready to "o %efore the students entered the classroom. <he cooperatin" teacher is very pleased !ith Kessica)s fine plannin" and or"ani,ation. Ms. Lor!it, mana"es a classroom !here the students are the center of learnin". Ahe actively en"a"es the class in activities that correlate to the o%:ective and reinforce the learnin". D o%served classes !here the students !ere cooperatively !or in" in "roups, on tas , and enthusiastically e'tendin" their learnin". Ms. Lor!it, clearly e'plains the o%:ective of the lesson and the plan for the class period. Ahe connects the content to !hat the students have learned previously and connects to the students) o!n lives. C lesson on %ullyin" provided the learners the opportunity to read, !rite, dra!, thin critically, and recite. Ms. Lor!it,)s lessons sho! much creativity. Ahe chec s on student understandin" and completion of the o%:ective throu"hout the lesson. Ms. Lor!it, reflects on her teachin" and student learnin" and %rainstorms many possi%ilities for "ro!th. Ahe is ma in" e'cellent pro"ress in her first methods e'perience.

8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888,88888888888 Signature o6 Cooperating Teacher Date


Mr" David #ressel

Signature o6 College Supervisor


Methods Evaluation Form effective fall, 2012 88888888888888888888888888888888888888,8888888888

Signature o6 Teacher 3ducation Candidate Date

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Candidate B Chite Cop

Division o6 3ducation )66ice B :ellow Cop

Cooperating Teacher,Supervisor B Pin$ Cop

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