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Professor Devin, I wanted to write this letter of transmittal to you, to let you know that I have gained an understanding

of the concepts this course has taught. Since weve discussed target audience, and purpose I thought it would be important to include a list of the audiences that I was targeting, and the purpose of each major piece that Ive written. Literacy Narrative For this one my target audience was other writers, its purpose was to share my writing experience. Rhetorical Analysis This paper was directed toward an academic audience, and people who want to better understand the rhetoric used by Barbara Ehnreich in her paper The Criminalization of Poverty in America. Its primary purpose was to dissect something written by somebody else and inform my audience of what I found beneath the surface. Issue Exploration The point of writing my issue exploration paper on the use of time-out in discipline was to inform those looking to understand the different points of view included in that current conversation. It is directed at those who are in the position of disciplining children looking to better understand the pros and cons of timeout. I also think its important that you understand the process of editing for each of my papers, and why I chose the edits I did. Literacy Narrative This one began with just writing down everything I was a writer, and then writing my ideas again in the form of metaphors, from there I picked the metaphore that most appealed to me. Then came the basic outline and gave the very simplest shape I wanted this paper to take. After some research to learn more about Tornados (my chosen comparison) I was able to fill in the spaces and connect my metaphore more deeply with my writing process. After discussing my first draft with a writing lab tutor I was able to add some Narrative thoughts, and connect my metaphor to an actual instance of writing in my life. Then after talking my professor I was able to my paper read a bit more cohesively by mixing my two sections (the metaphor, and the narrative) together. Rhetorical Analysis This paper was different and had less of creative process to it for me. I read the article several times and marked it up. Then I looked at the rubric for the paper and accessed how I could incorporate what Id gleaned from reading the article over into my paper. I filled out the provided outline summarizing the article and then giving my analysis of the authors use of rhetoric. After meeting with the professor I was able to see how my summary was a bit more than a summary and could be shortened as well as how I could asses more deeply the authors use of rhetorical tools such as Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Issue Exploration The editing process of this piece was not very extreme for me. I found the required sources, was able to sort them into view points, and then summarize the view point with support from my sources. My first draft turned out pretty well minus some grammatical errors. This I believe happened because I often edit as I write, and make sure that everything sounds cohesive.

Finally Id like to tell how nice it has been to grow as a writer. Most specifically I feel like Ive been able to refine my pre-writing, and drafting skills this semester. As the assignments guided us through our research, and pre-writing techniques I was able to not only learn new ways of organizing my information, but also how to better utilize the information I obtained. Stephanie Folkersen

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