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Grand Haven Croquet Club Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2013 Attending: Cass Gaisor, Tony

Dos Santos, Bill Todd, Lindsey Brown, Elaine Worsfold, George Betz, Rich Burns, Annemarie Schutz President Cass Gaisor called the board meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. She asked for approval of the October 14,, 2013 Board minutes. Motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as read. Cass Gaisor - President Results of the golf croquet survey: There were 33 responses. 11 in favor of having more golf croquet time and 22 not in favor of expanding golf croquet time. Tournament website needs to be continually updated as more and more members play in away tournaments and need to be responsible for reporting the results. A website form is available for this purpose. There have been away tournament changes on the website: Two pictures and a concise summation of what happened, or just include the scores. If a player has not reported the results, it will not be posted on the website. Instructor Seminar. It was decided that rather than having a class for potential new instructors or coaches we have instructor assistants who will work with the instructors to learn how to instruct. It would be on-the-job training. Those who were interested were Bob Carlsen, John Fitterman, and Nancy Avera.

Bill Todd - Treasurer Prior Balance Deposits Expenses Sept. celebration Italian dinner Total Expenses Balance Brought Forward $13,848.43 480.00 17.70 589.17 606.87 $13,721.56

Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.

George Betz - Social Director An announcement to go out with regard to the Christmas party on Dec. 7 at Ginny Legge's home. Those who are attending need to respond as to what specific appetizer, entree or dessert they will be bringing. Rich Burns - Tournament Director Discussed Invitational Tournament with 24 players . Cost: $275. A committee is being formed. Treasurer, Social Director, and Membership Director, as well as Rich and Carol Burns, will be on the committee. A list of people, who attended the tournament in the past, is being developed. E-mails will be sent out, and then formal invitations. E-mail invitations will also be sent to other clubs in the southeast. The Invitational will follow the same template as it has in the past. We need to start looking at trophies, gifts, etc. We have to find a place for the welcoming cocktail party. The Club Championship to be discussed more fully. Plans are to make it a true Club Championship in the future. The Board members were shown the attractive memorial plaque. It now needs a location. Membership Director - Lindsey Brown 12 potential croquet members signed up for beginner classes. Grounds & Equipment - Tony Dos Santos Closed court on Friday for seeding. Missing and broken balls need to be replaced. Check warped balls for bounce. Magnetic pins are starting to disintegrate. CDD to replace. By-Laws Committee - Frank Benham, Barry Naus, Dave Yurk Discussed getting input from club members. Need 3-5 people to sort through comments from members and report back to By-laws committee. Discussed the pros and cons of the nomination committee. Went through By-laws and proposed some adjustments. Handicap Adjustment no report

Logo Wear Linda dos Santos, the Logo Wear Coordinator, has received 4 orders so far. She wants to give all new players the opportunity to order logo wear. She plans to place an order with the vendor in about two weeks. Sunshine Committee Old Business Croquet advisor program "Play Pals" to be a social as well as a learning experience for potential new members. We're looking for more members to get involved in the many jobs that are available within the club. New Business Motion was made and seconded for Board to donate approximately $250 to purchase two bikes, with helmets, for the Big Red Box charity drive at the Village Center. Sign to indicate that the bikes were donated by the Grand Haven Croquet Club. Christmas gifts for facilitators and others who help the club. New rules for court usage when the courts are not being used by the group that is scheduled to be there. Anyone can use an empty court but must wait 30 minutes after the scheduled play time before beginning a game. This should not require double banking on the part of the scheduled group. Before use of the facility, players should check the monthly calendar to see that it's not a scheduled play time. A reminder to the members will be sent out each month. Patty Stauffer, who writes for the Oak Tree, would like to do a write up on GHCC, along with photos. It would give the community information on the amenities available to residents in Grand Haven. National Croquet Day - event discussed There is a possibility that the court will be resurfaced after the Invitational. Discussion of permanent magnetic name tags that can be purchased by club members. We will look into the cost involved. There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Annemarie Schutz, Recording Secretary
no report

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