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TITLE: Develop ental Readin!: Ele entar" COURSE NO#EDUC $%& CREDIT: $ cr' Hr( PREPARED )*: +eanie Co,en( SEMESTER: -all &./$ I. COURSE DESCRIPTION FOR CATALOG: Educ $%& 0-1 S1 Su2 $ hr(' cr' E3plore1 (tud" and appl" a variet" o4 readin! (trate!ie( that provide under(tandin! o4 e44ective1 current te3t#5a(ed and e3perience#5a(ed teachin! practice(6 revie7 and co pile in4or ation 4ro 8ournal(9literature 7hich include( re(earch1 idea(1 trend(1 ethod(1 and e3perience( relevant to develop ental readin!6 evaluate variou( readin! approache( and pro!ra (6 con(truct readin! enrich ent aterial(6 and develop an attitude that 7ill po(itivel" a44ect the (el4#concept o4 children 7ith diver(e learnin! (t"le(1 a5ilitie(1 5ac:!round(1 and attitude( a( the" learn to read' Include( practicu ' Prere;ui(ite: +unior )loc:' Levels: Under!rad0Cour(e and (tudent2 Schedule Types: )lended 0IT< Plu( Internet21 Structured Cla((1 Co 5ined Method( 0H"5rid21 Di(tance Learnin! II. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: TEACHER AS A RELECTIVE DECISION MAKER The conceptual 4ra e7or: upon 7hich thi( cour(e i( 5uilt i( the pre i(e that ever" child de(erve( the opportunit" to learn to read in the ea(ie(t 7a" po((i5le and to develop a po(itive attitude to7ard readin! a( a lei(ure9li4eti e activit"' Included in the conceptual 4ra e7or: i( the idea that one o4 teacher(= a8or concern( i( the develop ent o4 literac"1 in accordance 7ith the purpo(e( (tate 5" the International Readin! A((ociation: >/2 To i prove the ;ualit" o4 readin! in(truction at all level(6 &2 to develop an a7arene(( o4 the i pact o4 readin! a on! all people(6 and $2 to pro ote the develop ent a on! all people( o4 a level o4 readin! pro4icienc" that i( co en(urate 7ith each individual=( uni;ue capacit"'? -ollo7in! i( ho7 thi( cour(e lin:( to the (u5(et co ponent( o4 the Conceptual -ra e7or:' Teacher as Reflective Instructional Decision Maker: @ith the !oal enhancin! the teachin! and learnin! o4 readin!11 (tudent( 7ill include a 7ide variet" o4 approache(1 7ith an e pha(i( on children=( literature durin! le((on plannin! and i ple entation6 7ill create a livin! literac" cla((roo 6 and 7ill include 5oth ;uantitative and ;ualitative a((e(( ent' Teacher as Researcher: Student( 7ill 5e!in u(in! The Readin! Teacher and other pro4e((ional 8ournal( to re(earch article( that (upport their Philo(oph" o4 Readin! and locate e44ective teachin! idea( related to develop ental readin!' Student( 7ill 5e advi(ed to con(ider pro4e((ional (ocietie(1 li:e International Readin! A((ociation1 a( one (ource 4or their 4uture role( a( Teacher as Lifelong Learner 0throu!h IRA=( pro4e((ional pu5lication( and re(earch 4indin!(2, Teacher as Change Agent 05" 5eco in! a44iliated 7ith other educator( 7ho(e 4ocu( i( readin! and 7ho have >connection(? 7ith (tate and 4ederal le!i(lator( 7ho can a44ect chan!e at a level hi!her than the local di(trict21 and Teacher as Provider of Service 05" pre(entin! (e((ion( o4 their o7n e44ective readin! practice( at (tate1 re!ional1 and national con4erence(6 con(ultin!6 and providin! (ta44 develop ent2' The cour(e i( de(i!ned to provide the education a8or 7ith :no7led!e a5out develop ental readin! in order to 5eco e an e44ective teacher' -urther1 the intent o4 the cour(e i( to develop in the education a8or an attitude that 7ill ena5le hi 9her to achieve (ucce(( in teachin! children 7ith diver(e learnin! (t"le(1 5ac:!round(1 attitude(1 and a5ilitie( in a anner that 7ill not onl" (tren!then (tudent(= :no7led!e and (:ill(1 5ut enhance their (el4#concept a( 7ell' Readin! i( pre(ented a( a via5le co ponent o4 the co readin!2' Throu!h e3perience( a((ociated 7ith the co /&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& unication proce(( 0li(tenin!1 (pea:in!1 7ritin!1 and unication proce((1 children o(t naturall" e3pre(( /

& the (elve( creativel"1 thin: 4reel"1 pro5le (olve1 thin: criticall"1 under(tand relation(hip(1 a:e deci(ion(1 reco!ni,e hu an ;ualitie( in other(1 develop an a7arene(( o4 (el41 i a!ine 7ondrou( po((i5ilitie(1 and 5e!in to (ee the (elve( in the >7orld conte3t'? III. MoSPE QUALITY INDICATORS

St !d "d #$ Co!te!t %!o&led'e !d pe"spect(ves l('!ed &(th pp"op"( te (!st"uct(o!. The te che" u!de"st !ds the ce!t" l co!cepts) st"uctu"es) !d tools o* (!+u("y o* the d(sc(pl(!e,s- !d c"e tes le "!(!'"(e!ces th t / %e these spects o* su01ect / tte" /e !(!'*ul !d e!' '(!' *o" ll stude!ts. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (%) The teacher is *re*ared and kno+ledgea,le of the content and effectivel- .aintains students/ ontask ,ehavior$0 Dualit" Indicator /: Content :no7led!e and acade ic lan!ua!e Dualit" Indicator &: En!a!in! (tudent( in (u58ect atter Dualit" Indicator $: Di(ciplinar" re(earch and in;uir" ethodolo!ie( Dualit" Indicator %: Interdi(ciplinar" in(truction Dualit" Indicator A: Diver(e (ocial and cultural per(pective( St !d "d #2 U!de"st !d(!' !d E!cou" '(!' Stude!t Le "!(!') 3"o&th !d Develop/e!t The te che" u!de"st !ds ho& stude!ts le "!) develop !d d(**e" (! the(" pp"o ches to le "!(!'. The te che" p"ov(des le "!(!' oppo"tu!(t(es th t "e d pted to d(ve"se le "!e"s !d suppo"t the (!tellectu l) soc( l) !d pe"so! l develop/e!t o* ll stude!ts. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (") Students activel- *artici*ate and are successful in the learning *rocess6 (1) The teacher kee*s current on instructional kno+ledge and seeks and e2*lores changes in teaching ,ehaviors that +ill i.*rove student *erfor.ance$E Dualit" Indicator /: Co!nitive1 (ocial1 e otional and ph"(ical develop ent Dualit" Indicator &: Student !oal( Dualit" Indicator $: Theor" o4 learnin! Dualit" Indicator %: Meetin! the need( o4 ever" (tudent Dualit" Indicator A: Prior e3perience(1 learnin! (t"le(1 ultiple intelli!ence(1 (tren!th( and need( Dualit" Indicator F: Lan!ua!e1 culture1 4a il" and :no7led!e o4 co unit" St !d "d #4 I/ple/e!t(!' the Cu""(culu/ The te che" "eco'!(5es the (/po"t !ce o* lo!'" !'e pl !!(!' !d cu""(culu/ develop/e!t. The te che" develops) (/ple/e!ts) !d ev lu tes cu""(culu/ 0 sed upo! st !d "ds !d stude!t !eeds. 3SB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (") Students activel- *artici*ate and are successful in the learning *rocess4 ( ) 5arious for.s of assess.ent are used to .onitor and .anage student learning4 (%) The teacher is *re*ared and kno+ledgea,le of the content and effectivel- .aintains students/ ontask ,ehavior4 (1) The teacher kee*s current on instructional kno+ledge and seeks and e2*lores teaching ,ehaviors that +ill i.*rove student *erfor.ance$0 Dualit" Indicator /: I ple entation o4 curriculu (tandard( Dualit" Indicator &: Develop le((on( 4or diver(e learner( Dualit" Indicator $: Anal",e in(tructional !oal( and di44erentiated in(tructional (trate!ie( St !d "d #6 Te ch(!' *o" c"(t(c l th(!%(!' The te che" uses v "(ety o* (!st"uct(o! l st" te'(es to e!cou" 'e stude!ts7 c"(t(c l th(!%(!') p"o0le/ solv(!') !d pe"*o"/ !ce s%(lls (!clud(!' (!st"uct(o! l "esou"ces. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (") Students activel*artici*ate and are successful in the learning *rocess'E Dualit" Indicator /: In(tructional (trate!ie( leadin! to (tudent en!a!e ent in pro5le (olvin! and critical thin:in! Dualit" Indicator &: Appropriate u(e o4 in(tructional re(ource( to enhance (tudent learnin! Dualit" Indicator $: Cooperative learnin! St !d "d #8 C"e t(!' pos(t(ve cl ss"oo/ le "!(!' e!v("o!/e!t The te che" uses ! u!de"st !d(!' o* (!d(v(du l !d '"oup /ot(v t(o! !d 0eh v(o" to c"e te le "!(!' e!v("o!/e!t th t e!cou" 'es ct(ve e!' 'e/e!t (! le "!(!') pos(t(ve soc( l (!te" ct(o!) !d sel* /ot(v t(o!. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (%) The teacher is *re*ared and kno+ledgea,le of the content and effectivel- .aintains students/ ontask ,ehavior4 (1) The teacher kee*s current on instructional kno+ledge and seeks and e2*lores changes in teaching ,ehaviors that +ill i.*rove student *erfor.ance$0 Dualit" Indicator /: Cla((roo ana!e ent1 otivation1 and en!a!e ent Dualit" Indicator &: Mana!in! ti e1 (pace1 tran(ition(1 and activitie( /&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& &

$ Dualit" Indicator $: Cla((roo 1 (chool and co unit" culture St !d "d #9 Ut(l(5(!' E**ect(ve Co//u!(c t(o! The te che" /odels e**ect(ve ve"0 l) !o!ve"0 l) !d /ed( co//u!(c t(o! tech!(+ues &(th stude!ts !d p "e!ts to *oste" ct(ve (!+u("y) coll 0o" t(o!) !d suppo"t(ve (!te" ct(o! (! the cl ss"oo/. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (6) The teacher uses *rofessional co..unication and interaction +ith the school co..unit-4 (#) The teacher acts as a res*onsi,le *rofessional in the overall .ission of the school$0 Dualit" Indicator /: <er5al and nonver5al co unication Dualit" Indicator &: Sen(itivit" to culture1 !ender1 intellectual and ph"(ical di44erence( Dualit" Indicator $: Learner e3pre((ion in (pea:in!1 7ritin! and other edia Dualit" Indicator %: Technolo!" and edia co unication tool( St !d "d #: Use o* Stude!t Assess/e!t D t to A! ly5e !d Mod(*y I!st"uct(o! The te che" u!de"st !ds !d uses *o"/ t(ve !d su// t(ve ssess/e!t st" te'(es to ssess the le "!e"7s p"o'"ess) uses ssess/e!t d t to pl ! o!'o(!' (!st"uct(o!) /o!(to"s the pe"*o"/ !ce o* e ch stude!t) !d dev(ses (!st"uct(o! to e! 0le stude!ts to '"o& !d develop. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ ( ) 5arious for.s of assess.ent are used to .onitor and .anage student learning4 (1) The teacher kee*s current on instructional kno+ledge and seeks and e2*lores changes in teaching ,ehaviors that +ill i.*rove student *erfor.ance$0 Dualit" Indicator /: E44ective u(e o4 a((e(( ent( Dualit" Indicator &: A((e(( ent data to i prove learnin! Dualit" Indicator $: Studentled a((e(( ent (trate!ie( Dualit" Indicator %: E44ect o4 in(truction on individual9cla(( learnin! Dualit" Indicator A: Co unication o4 (tudent pro!re(( and aintainin! record( Dualit" Indicator F: Colla5orative data anal"(i( proce(( St !d "d #; P"o*ess(o! l P" ct(ce The te che" (s "e*lect(ve p" ct(t(o!e" &ho co!t(!u lly ssesses the e**ects o* cho(ces !d ct(o!s o! othe"s. The te che" ct(vely see%s out oppo"tu!(t(es to '"o& p"o*ess(o! lly (! o"de" to (/p"ove le "!(!' *o" ll stude!ts. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ ( ) 5arious for.s of assess.ent are used to .onitor and .anage student learning4 (1) The teacher kee*s current on instructional kno+ledge and seeks and e2*lores changes in teaching ,ehaviors that +ill i.*rove student *erfor.ance4 (#) The teacher acts as a res*onsi,le *rofessional in the overall .ission of the school$0 Dualit" Indicator /: Sel4a((e(( ent and i prove ent Dualit" Indicator &: Pro4e((ional learnin! Dualit" Indicator $: Pro4e((ional ri!ht(1 re(pon(i5ilitie( and ethical practice( St !d "d #< P"o*ess(o! l Coll 0o" t(o! The te che" h s e**ect(ve &o"%(!' "el t(o!sh(ps &(th stude!ts) p "e!ts) school colle 'ues) !d co//u!(ty /e/0e"s. CSB !" Section "#"$%&'$ (6) The teacher uses *rofessional co..unication and interaction +ith the school co..unit-4 (#) The teacher acts as a res*onsi,le *rofessional in the overall .ission of the school$0 Dualit" Indicator /: Role(1 re(pon(i5ilitie(1 and colle!ial activitie( Dualit" Indicator &: Colla5oratin! 7ith hi(torical1 cultural1 political and (ocial conte3t I=. O>?ECTI=ES

>y the co/plet(o! o* th(s cou"se) the c !d(d te &(ll 0e 0le to reco!ni,e literac" a( an inte!rated proce(( that re(ult( in co prehen(ion9co unication a( a product1 en!a!e (tudent( in activitie( that pro ote intrin(ic otivation to read and 7rite 4or plea(ure and in4or ation identi4" co ponent( o4 a co prehen(ive literac" pro!ra in the pri ar" !rade(6 !ain an under(tandin! o4 ho7 the pri ar" !rade child develop( readin! and 7ritin! (:ill( in a (upportive print# rich environ ent6 de on(trate an e3panded under(tandin! o4 7hat a ("(te atic1 e3plicit (:ill( pro!ra 7ould contain 4or earl" reader( and (tru!!lin! reader(1 includin! ele ent( o4 phone ic a7arene((1 phonic( in(truction1 the role o4 di44erent t"pe( o4 te3t( and a((e(( ent 7hich in4or ( in(truction6 /&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& $

% identi4" techni;ue(1 (trate!ie(1 and aterial( 4or evaluatin! and eetin! lan!ua!e need( and 4or pro otin! readin! and lan!ua!e !ro7th 4or pri ar" !rade (tudent(' e pha(i,e the act o4 readin! a( an interactive9con(tructive tran(actional proce(( 5et7een te3t1 reader and 7riter1 involvin! !raphophonic(1 (e antic(1 ("nta3 and (tudent (che ata6 de on(trate an under(tandin! o4 the theor" o4 lan!ua!e ac;ui(ition and teachin! readin!9lan!ua!e art( to the culturall" diver(e and En!li(h Learner( 0EL2 de on(trate an under(tandin! o4 the Co on Core State Standard( 4or En!li(h Lan!ua!e Art( Add(t(o! lly) the c !d(d te should 5eco e :no7led!ea5le a5out the rich variet" o4 children=( trade 5oo:( and related decoda5le te3t( availa5le 4or cla((roo u(e and the !enre and application that the" repre(ent6 e3plore variou( authentic and 4or ali,ed a((e(( ent tool( a( a via5le 4or o4 evaluation 0i'e' retellin! !uide(1 :id#7atchin!1 anecdotal record(1 re(pon(e 8ournal(1 7ritin! (a ple(1 port4olio(1 runnin! record(1 and related i(cue anal"(e(26 !ain an under(tandin! o4 the (tructure and 4unction o4 earl" intervention odel( that are 5ein! u(ed to (upport (tru!!lin! reader( in the earl" pri ar" !rade(' V. COURSE OUTLINE

Thi( cour(e ha( 5een de(i!ned to eet pro!ra DI( de(i!nated 5" MoSPE 7hich relate to NCTE1 ACEI1 AND IRA' The 5e!innin! ele entar" education teacher 7ill de on(trate :no7led!e o4 and9or co petenc" in the 4ollo7in! En!li(h9Lan!ua!e Art( area( o4 (tud": /' -unda ental( and E44ective U(e o4 En!li(h: ACEI &6 NCTE $'/1 $'&6 IRA &'%1 &'A1 G'F1 B'$ /'/ under(tand( and odel( e44ective u(e o4 En!li(h1 includin! it( !ra ar1 ("nta31 le3icon1 hi(tor"1 varietie( 0cultural and lin!ui(tic diver(itie(21 literature1 and oral and 7ritten co po(in! proce((e( /'& under(tand( the interrelation o4 readin! and 7ritin!6 li(tenin! and (pea:in!6 vie7in! and vi(uall" repre(entin! /'$ teacher( the 4unda ental( o4 the En!li(h Lan!ua!e Art(1 includin! (e antic(1 ("nta31 orpholo!"1 and phonolo!" Lan!ua!e Develop ent and Literac": ACEI $1 %1 /A6 NCTE /'$'/6 IRA F1 /'G1 &'&1 &'$1 &'G1 $'/ &'/ under(tand( ho7 ele entar" children develop and ho7 the" learn to read1 7rite1 (pea:1 li(ten1 vie71 and vi(uall" repre(ent e44ectivel"' &'& under(tand( the i pact o4 ph"(ical1 perceptual1 e otional1 (ocial1 cultural1 environ ental1 and intellectual 4actor( on learnin!1 lan!ua!e develop ent1 and readin! ac;ui(ition &'% :no7( 7hat preconception(1 error pattern(1 and i(conception( to e3pect in (tudent(= under(tandin! o4 ho7 lan!ua!e 4unction( in co unication1 and help( (tudent( correct their i(under(tandin!( o4 the develop ent and u(e( o4 lan!ua!e' &'A u(e( :no7led!e and under(tandin! o4 4ir(t# and (econd#lan!ua!e to de(i!n in(tructional pro!ra ( and (trate!ie( that 5uild on (tudent(= e3perience( and e3i(tin! lan!ua!e (:ill( and that re(ult in (tudent( 5eco in! co petent1 e44ective u(e( o4 lan!ua!e' Readin! and Co prehen(ion Proce((e(: ACEI A1 F1 H1 /.1 //1 /$6 NCTE $'/1 $'&1 $'$1 $'%1 $'A1 $'F1 $'G6 IRA /'$1 /'%1 /'A1 &'F1 &'/&1 &'/$1 A'/1 A'&1 A'$1 F'/1 F'&1 F'$1 F'%1 F'A1 F'F1 G'/1 G'&1 G'$1 G'%1 G'A1 H'/ $'/ applie( theor"#5a(ed readin! proce((e( to 4o(ter (tudent literac" $'& u(e( a variet" o4 (trate!ie( to onitor and pro ote readin! co prehen(ion and the on!oin! develop ent o4 independent voca5ular" ac;ui(ition $'$ u(e( a 5road (pectru o4 narrative and e3po(itor" readin! aterial(1 includin! 7or:( 7ritten (peci4icall" 4or ele entar"#a!ed children1 that include di44erent topic(1 the e(1 (torie(1 poe (1 5io!raph"1 and non#4iction6 include( a ran!e o4 culture(1 7or:( 4ro a ran!e o4 !enre(1 ale and 4e ale author(1 author( o4 color' $'% teache( (tudent( ho7 to locate and u(e a variet" o4 print1 non#print1 and electronic re4erence (ource( $'A teache( children to read 7ith a co prehen(ive in(tructional pro!ra that include( an e pha(i( on u(e o4 phone ic a7arene((1 letter9(ound relation(hip( 0phonic(21 conte3t 0(e antic and ("ntactic21 and te3t that ha( eanin! 4or (tudent(' %



/&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/&

A $'F teache( (tudent( to read co petentl"1 to read 4luentl"1 and to en8o" readin! throu!h the u(e o4 ultiple in(tructional (trate!ie(1 availa5le in(tructional and in4or ation technolo!ie(1 and the 7i(e (election o4 authentic readin!' $'G help( (tudent( thin: criticall" a5out 7hat the" read $'H e pha(i,e( individuali,ed and per(onali,ed reaction( to readin! and the value o4 (harin! tho(e re(pon(e(' %' Thin:in! and Co unicatin! Throu!h @ritin!1 Spea:in!1 and Li(tenin!: ACEI //1 /$1 /%6 NCTE $'/1 $'&1 $'%6 IRA &'F1 &'G1 B'/1 B'& %'/ u(e( a 7ide ran!e o4 7ritin! (trate!ie( to !enerate eanin! and to clari4" under(tandin! %'& u(e( the proce(( o4 co po(in! to prepare in4or ation to (hare orall"1 vi(uall"1 and9or in 7ritten 4or at %'$ create( in(truction1 activitie(1 and e3perience( that develop varied and e44ective 7ritin!1 (pea:in!1 and pre(entation (:ill( to co unicate 7ith a variet" o4 audience( 4or a variet" o4 purpo(e( %'% provide( (tudent( 7ith an" di44erent 7ritin! and (pea:in! e3perience( in order to teach the (:ill( o4 7ritin! and (pea:in! %'A help( (tudent( develop their capacitie( to li(ten (o that the" under(tand1 con(ider1 re(pond to1 and di(cu(( (po:en aterial1 includin! non#4iction1 (torie(1 and poe (' COURSE OUTCOMES )a(ed on the MoSPE Pro!ra Co petencie(1 the Mi((ouri Ele entar" Education En!li(h9Lan!ua!e Art( Co petencie(1 and the cour(e outline1 candidate( 7ill co plete the 4ollo7in! outco e( to de on(trate co pletion o4 the cour(e co petencie(: The 4ollo7in! a((i!n ent( are to 5e co pleted 5" each (tudent and (u5 itted throu!h )lac:5oard unle(( other7i(e (tated' Each (tudent 7ill eet the 4ollo7in! cour(e re;uire ent(: /' &' $' %' A' F' G' H' Cla(( Participation: Each candidate i( e3pected to appropriatel" participate in cla(( di(cu((ion( and activitie(' 0MoSPE /'/1 /'&1 /'$1 /'A1 %'$6ELA /'&2 Practicu : Candidate 7ill participate in an a((i!ned nu 5er practicu period( o4 readin! in(truction in an area ele entar" cla((roo ' Thi( e3perience i( a re;uired part o4 the cour(e' 0MoSPE A'/1 A'&1 A'$1 F'/1 F'&1 F'$1 F'%1 G'/1B'/2 Practicu Re4lection: Candidate 7ill co plete a re4lection a4ter each practicu ' 0MoSPE $'/1 $'&1 $'$1 A'/1 A'&: ELA $'/1 %'$2 Each candidate 7ill re(earch 4ive 8ournal article( 4ro Reading Teacher 0pu5li(hed /BBA#pre(ent2' Each 8ournal ("nop(i( 7ill addre(( the identi4ied readin! co ponent( and 7ill 5e co pleted accordin! to a pre(cri5ed 4or at' 0MoSPE /'/1 /'&1 /'A1 &'$1 &'%1 &'F6 ELA $'A1 %'&2 Dui,,e(: Each candidate 7ill co plete ;ui,,e( over the cour(e aterial' 0MoSPE /'/1 /'&1 /'$1 /'$1 /'%1 /'A6 ELA &'/1 &'A2 E3a (: Each candidate 7ill ta:e t7o 0&2 e3a (6 one at id#ter 1 and one at the end o4 the ter ' Each e3a 7ill 5e a co pilation o4 ite ( 4ro the 7ee:l" ;ui,,e(' 0MoSPE /'/1 /'&1 /'$1 /'$1 /'%1 /'A2 Pro4e((ional Develop ent Te3t#Reading +ith Meaning: Each candidate 7ill read and co plete a re4lection' 0MoSPE H'&2 @e5(ite: Each candidate 7ill co pile a collection o4 aterial( collected durin! cour(e' 0MoSPE $1 %2


**The instructor reserves the right to alter assignments as deemed necessary.



Re!t l:
/&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& A

To p:in(1 I' E' 0&./.2' Literac- for the " centur-: A ,alanced a**roach$ 0A ed2' Upper Saddle River1 N+: Pear(on Education' Pu"ch se: Miller1 D' 0&..&2' Reading +ith .eaning: Teaching co.*rehension in the * grades' Portland1 ME: Stenhou(e Pu5li(her(' Student Su5(cription to Readin! A#J 4or K&F'BB' U(e the code: purple-un1f3v
VIII. REFERENCES AVAILABLE IN THE LIBRARY +ournal( includin!#The Reading Teacher 7ournal of Adolescent and Adult LiteracDevelop ental Readin! A((e(( ent :#$1 %#H Children=( Literature#Ne75err" A7ard( Caldecott A7ard( Mar: T7ain A7ard( IX. METHODS OR PROCEDURES TO BE USED The 4ollo7in! ethod( and procedure( 7ill 5e evident durin! thi( cour(e: lecture1 ( all# and lar!e#!roup di(cu((ion1 readin!1 co po(ition1 li(tenin!1 ;ue(tionin!1 cooperative learnin!1 re(earch1 (tudent pre(entation1 port4olio develop ent1 voca5ular" develop ent1 critical thin:in!1 deci(ion a:in!1 pro5le (olvin!1 individual9(el4 evaluation1 and content evaluation' X. EVALUATION Each (tudent 7ill eet the 4ollo7in! cour(e re;uire ent(: /' Attend cla(( eetin!('and practicu ' &' Co plete ALL a((i!n ent(' $' Participate in cla(( activitie(9di(cu((ion(' %' Co plete all e3a (' PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: Thi( cla(( i( one o4 the pro4e((ional level cla((e( in the Education pro!ra ' In order to attend thi( cla(( one u(t 5e accepted into the School o4 Education1 aintain the re;uired !rade point avera!e1 and 5e a 8unior or (enior in the de!ree pro!ra ' Teacher Candidate( are e3pected to di(pla" and aintain pro4e((ional ethic( 5oth in the univer(it" cla((roo and in the pu5lic (chool cla((roo ( the" 7ill 5e vi(itin! durin! their 4ield e3perience' The(e ethic( include practice( relatin! to 7or: ethic(1 interper(onal relation(1 inte!rit"1 re(ource4ulne((1 and re(pon(i5ilit"' All 7or: i( to 5e (u5 itted on ti e' All a((i!n ent( are availa5le on )lac:5oard and u(t 5e po(ted 5" )lac:5oard 5" the due date' L te &o"% &(ll "ece(ve 28@ "educt(o! (! po(!ts 4or up to the 4ir(t 7ee:' No c"ed(t &(ll 0e '(ve! *o" &o"% ove" &ee% l te. Point( 4or all 7or: 7ill 5e totaled and a percenta!e !rade 7ill 5e !iven 4or the cour(e' ALL a((i!n ent( u(t 5e co pleted' Attendance/Participation: Teacher candidate( are e3pected to attend all cla((e( on ti e and re ain 4or the entire period' I4 an a5(ence (hould occur1 the candidate i( e3pected to 5e re(pon(i5le 4or !ettin! all announce ent(1 a((i!n ent(1 note(1 and handout( i((ed in a ti el" anner' Candidate( are allo7ed t7o e3cu(ed a5(ence(' E ch 0se!ce *te" th t &(ll "esult (! "educt(o! o* $A@ o4 the *(! l '" de (! the cou"se. Stude!ts "e e.pected to 0e "espo!s(0le (! / (!t (!(!' "eco"ds o* the(" tte!d !ce th"ou'hout the se/este". A*te" *ou" 0se!ces) o" the e+u(v le!t o* t&o &ee%s) stude!ts &(ll 0e s%ed to &(thd" & *"o/ the cl ss. /&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& F



G All 7ritten a((i!n ent( that involve re4erencin! u(t 5e co pleted accordin! to the current Pu,lication Manual of the A.erican Ps-chological Association 0APA2' LLThe 5a(i( o4 4inal !rade( in thi( cour(e 7ill 5e deter ined 5" per4or ance on e3a (1 7ritten a((i!n ent(1 pro8ect(1 practicu 1 and participation in cla((' The !radin! ("(te 4or thi( cour(e i( 5a(ed upon the 4ollo7in! percenta!e(: B.M # /..M N A H.M # HBM N ) G.M # GBM N C F.M # FBM N D )elo7 F.M N Cell Phones: Plea(e 5e courteou( and :eep "our cell phone rin!er o44' I4 "ou u(t re(pond i ediatel"1 plea(e conduct "our conver(ation in the hall7a"' Te3t e((a!in!1 pla"in! !a e(1 ta:in! photo!raph(1 etc' are di(tractin! to "our cla(( ate( and there4ore1 not accepta5le activitie( durin! cla(( ti e' Borrowed Materials: Teacher candidate( are 4ree to 5orro7 aterial( 4ro the readin! li5rar" 5" 4illin! out a li5rar" card and !ivin! it to the cour(e in(tructor' Material( u(t 5e returned to the li5rar" prior to the end o4 the cour(e' Extenuating Circu !tance! Teac"er can#i#ate! -- If a personal emergency occurs during the semester, a written request for an incomplete, including a statement as to the reason for the request may be submitted to the course instructor. It is up to the instructor's discretion to determine if the request will be honored. (Computer problems are not considered emergency situations. B culty ## Accordin! to need( 0(no7 da"(1 pro4e((ional eetin!(1 etc'2 the cour(e in(tructor a" alter a((i!n ent( or due date( a( the (e e(ter develop(' ACADEMIC INTE3RITY: Mi((ouri Southern State Univer(it" i( co itted to acade ic inte!rit" and e3pect( all e 5er( o4 the univer(it" co unit" to accept (hared re(pon(i5ilit" 4or aintainin! acade ic inte!rit"' Acade ic 7or: i( evaluated on the a((u ption that the 7or: pre(ented i( the (tudent=( o7n1 unle(( de(i!nated other7i(e' Su5 ittin! 7or: that i( not one=( o7n i( unaccepta5le and i( con(idered a (eriou( violation o4 Univer(it" polic"' Cheatin! i( a (eriou( o44en(e that invalidate( the purpo(e o4 a univer(it" education' An" (tudent1 7ho ta:e( credit 4or the 7or: o4 another per(on1 o44er( or accept( a((i(tance 5e"ond that allo7ed 5" an in(tructor1 or u(e( unauthori,ed (ource( 4or a te(t or a((i!n ent i( cheatin!' Penaltie( 4or acade ic di(hone(t" a" include a 4ailin! !rade on the a((i!n ent1 a 4ailin! !rade in the cour(e1 and the (u5 i((ion o4 a pro4e((ional conduct concern 4or to the depart ent head' NOTE: I4 "ou are an individual 7ith a di(a5ilit" and re;uire an acco odation 4or thi( cla((1 plea(e noti4" the in(tructor or the Coordinator 4or Di(a5ilit" Service(1 at the Learnin! Center 0%/G#FAB#$G&A2'

In(tructor Contact In4or ation: Dr' +eanie Co,en( co,en(#8O ((u'edu O**(ce Cou"sDME $A:AAD2:AA) TTC $$:AAD$2:AA) B 0y ppo(!t/e!t o!ly Cell pho!eD6:<D296D;4<: Add(t(o! l Resou"ces:
Allen1 +' 0/BBB2' 8ords ,+ords,+ords: Teaching voca,ular- in grades 69" $ Portland1 ME: Stenhou(e )ec:1 I' L'1 McPeo7n1 M' I'1 Q Pucan1 L' 0&..&2' Bringing +ords to life: Ro,ust voca,ular- instruction$ Ne7 *or:: Iuil4ord Pre((' /&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/& G

H Collin(#)loc:1 C'1 Q Pre((le"1 M' 0&..&2' Co.*rehension instruction: Research9,ased ,est *ractice$ Ne7 *or:: Iuil4ord Pre((' -l"nt1 E' S'1 Q Cooter1 R' )'1 +r' 0&..%2' The :l-nt;Cooter Reading Inventor- for the Classroo. 0Ath ed'2' Upper Saddle River1 N+: Merrill Prentice Hall' -ounta(1 I'C' Q Pinnell1 I'S' 0/BBF2' <uided reading$ Port( outh1 NH: Heine ann' -ounta(1 I'C'1 Q Pinnell1 I'S' 0/BBB2' Matching ,ooks to readers: =sing leveled ,ooks in guided reading, >9%$ Port( outh' NH: Heine ann' -r"1 E' )'1 Pre((1 +' E'1 Q -ountou:idi(1 D' L' /BB$2' The reading teacher/s ,ook of lists, 0$rd Ed'2' Para i(1 N+: Prentice Hall' Ian(:e1 P' 0&...2' 8ord ?ourne-s: Assess.ent9guided *honics, s*elling, and voca,ular- instruction$ Ne7 *or:1 N*: Iuil4ord Pre((' +ohn(on1 D' D' 0&../2' 5oca,ular- in the ele.entar- and .iddle school$ )o(ton: All"n Q )acon' Moone"1 M' E' 0/BB.2' Reading to, +ith, and ,- children$ Patonah1 N*: Richard O7en' Opit,1 M' -'1 Q Ra(in(:i1 T' <' 0/BBH2' <ood9,-e round ro,in: Port( outh1 NH: Heine an' Pere!o"1 S' -l1 Q )o"le1 O' -' 0&../2' Reading, +riting, @ learning in ASL$ Ne7 *or:: Lon! an' Reut,el1 D' R'1 Q Cooter1 R' )' 0&..$2' Strategies for reading assess.ent and instruction: Bel*ing ever- child succeed1&nd ed' Upper Saddle River1 N+: errill9Prentice Hall' 1 effective oral reading strategies$

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/&9/.9&./$ A:$B a/&9p/&

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