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Lesson Plan Name: Dani MacArthur Grade/Subject: Grade 2 Science Date: Wednesday, December 5th, 2013 General Learning

Outcome(s) (P.O.S) Specific Learning Outcomes (P.O.S.) Learning Objectives Topic: Hot and Cold Length of Lesson: 30 minutes

Recognize the effects of heating and cooling, and identify methods for heating and cooling. Students will: Measure temperature in degrees Celsius (C). Students will: measure temperature using a thermometer. identify how the numbers are placed on a thermometer. explain the steps in the scientific method. My Lab Book SMART Board Thermometer, tape, location for each pair. Assessment Methods Remind the class that yesterday we made predictions of what temperature different spots around the school will have. They should hang the thermometer at eye level with the piece of tape I give them. Today, we are going to hang up thermometers in those places. I expect all students should walk and be quiet in the hallways. They are not to disrupt any classes. They should be as quick as possible as we dont have much time. I have chosen the partners. When I call your name, come up and grab the thermometer, a slip of paper with your location and piece of tape. As soon as you have all of this, you can go hang your thermometer up in the proper location at eye level. Call students names that are furthest away from the classroom first so that they have more time. Students will go hang up their thermometer in the designated place. When everyone comes back, set a timer for 10 minutes so that everyone can see. While the 10 minutes is on we will review how to read a thermometer, specifically the thermometer they are using on SMART Board pg. 8. Ask: How is this different from the thermometers we looked at yesterday? There is only 4 lines between 20 and 30. Why is that? Explain that this thermometer counts by two. Colour in the mercury on the SMART Board Observation: Make sure that students are paying attention and engaged in the lesson so that they can follow the directions given to them.


Procedure Introduction (7 min.)

Body of Lesson (20 min)

Questions: Questions will gage if this experiment will work and if they can read a thermometer. Lab Book: By looking in their lab books, I can see if they understand the steps in the scientific method.

and have everyone read what the thermometer measures 3 times. Next, we will talk about the proper steps to take while doing an experiment. First, you need a questions and then you make a prediction as to what the answer to the question will be. Next, students will write out the materials and procedure for the experiment. The materials are: thermometer and tape. The procedure is: 1) hang up thermometer at eye level around the school. 2) wait 10 minutes. 3) go back to your thermometer and record the actual temperature. Explain to the students that we have to finish this before. When they are back, we will record the observations and then make a final conclusion on Monday. Once again, students need to be quiet in the hallways. Students should take their lab books and record the temperature in the proper spot on page 10. Record the temperature on a chart after students report their temperatures to you. The students should record the temperature observations on page 9 of their lab book. If there is enough time, have a discussion about what the data tells us. Was your prediction right? Did the temperature change from place to place? Questions: Students can see if their predictions were right. What do they notice about the numbers?

Closure (3 min.)

Notes from TA on lesson:

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