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Name Date /

No. / Evaluation Teacher Class


Look at this page of a calendar and ask or answer.

Olha para esta pgina de um calendrio e pergunta ou responde.

E.g. What day of the week is the second? Its a Thursday. 1. 2. Its a Friday. 3. 4. Its a Wednesday. 5. Its a Tuesday. 6. What day of the week is Christmas Day? What day of the week is the thirteenth? What day of the week is the fifth?

Match the dates to Harry Potter and his friends.

Liga as datas a Harry Potter e aos amigos dele.

a) Harry Potter 23/07 1. Her birthday is on the fifteenth of April.

b) Hermione Granger 15/04 2. His birthday is on the first of March.

c) Ron Weasley 01/03 3. My birthday is on the twenty-third of July.



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