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The inscriptions in archaic Neguev In the Neguev desert, sout-west of the Dead Sea, there is a group of very interesting inscriptions. hese glyphs are mainly near !ar "ar#om, a place already #nown by its traces of human occupation in anti$uity. %n its roc#s there are more than &'( engraved inscriptions . hese glyphs could be a ancient form of semitic script )*+,),+. Important researches were led in this place in &--. by /ames !arris et Dann !one. 0ccording to us, these symbols were engraved between &1(( and ,(( 2.3. heir graphism is very near of proto-sinaitic et du proto-cananean script. rying to decipher these inscriptions /. !arris was surprised to can read e4plicitly the name of the Israelite god : 5ahweh 6 The name of the god of Hebrews appears under different forms, often abbreviated : "Yah", "El Yah", "Yahu" et "Yahh". Moreover, this name is present in ! " of the inscriptions # $n several occurrences, he is preceded b% "El" which means god. There are also drawings of the seven&branch candlestic' or menorah, s%mbol of (udaism. Most of these te)ts were translated : the% are mainl% dedications and pra%ers in ancient Hebrew. 0ccording to /. !arris, the e4pression of god 5ahve is certain. he neat archaism of some of these inscriptions and the geographical situation in *ina+ peninsula could afford to connect them to 74odus. 8erhaps some day, it will be possible to ascertain they were really written by the people who followed 9oses.

E)amples of inscriptions found in Har ,ar'om. The one at left could means : "-amah .cult place/, spoil bring up b% the door of the house of Yah. .pictures : :;f;rences : )&+ - 3alvet <.-/. : =!istoire de l>;criture=. 8lon, 8aris &--,. )1+ - )'+ - ).+ - http://ny?!eritage/News/1(('/0pr/redsea1.htm )*+ - ),+ - )B+ -

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