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Continuous Thread String Heddles

The usual method for making string heddles for an Inkle loom is to measure and cut many individual strands of string and tie them individually around a form that is the required size for the heddles. The result is heddles that are added to the loom as individual pieces during warping. This technique for creating heddles results in a complete group of heddles that are attached to each other. There is very little waste of string. 1. ind a form around which you can tie the heddles. The distance around must !e the right size for your loom. I start !y finding a likely pair of pegs on my warping frame" tie one heddle and test it on my loom !efore proceeding with the full set of heddles.

#. $easure off a!out a foot or so of string" pass the thread on the !all end around your form and tie off with a square knot. I use a %surgeon&s' knot where the first throw for the knot is a dou!le wrap so that when I pull the two ends tight the e(tra wrap holds the loop snug against my form. This keeps the heddle loops a uniform size.

). *otice which way the !all end of the string is pointing after the knot is tied and run the string that direction around the form" clockwise in this case" crossing the !all end over the free end.

+. Tie the first half of the surgeon&s knot and then pull the free end of the string toward the knot from the previous heddle. This seats the new knot right ne(t to the previous knot. Snug the first half tight then tie the second half of the knot. ,. -ass the !all end of the string around your form to make the ne(t heddle loop. *otice that the !all end of the string is leading you to wrap around your form counterclockwise this time. .. -ass the !all end string over the free end" tie the first half of your knot" snug down against the previous knot then finish the knot. /inse" repeat.

0ou&ll end up alternating which direction the !all end of your string wraps around your form from one loop to the ne(t. 1eep the knots as close together as possi!le.

Here&s what the knots look like after #2 heddles have !een tied 3 less than 12 minutes of work.

*ote that with this style of heddle" the warp must pass through the loop. Simply place the whole group of heddles on your heddle dowel and warp your !and as usual. It&s easy to pick out the %ne(t' heddle if you place the row of knots along the top of the dowel so you can see where the ne(t heddle starts. 4d Stevens 5pril #21)

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