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25 Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Hannah Lee Subject/ Topic/ Theme Layers and animals of the rainforest Grade Kindergarten/ irst Grade

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This lesson gi!es more information on "hat the rainforest is li#e$ %e "ill be learning about the different layers of the rainforest and the different animals that inhabit the rainforest

Learners will be able to#

'ecall "hat "e read about during our last lesson .ame and describe some of the animals that li!e in the rainforest *-plain ho" there are four different layers in the rainforest Discuss ho" many layers there are in the rainforest

cogniti!e& ' ( )p )n * +,

physical de!elopment

socio& emotional

' ' (

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
++SS$*L)&Literacy$%$K$/ 0 "ith guidance and support from adults1 recall information from e-periences and gather information from pro!ided sources to ans"er a 2uestion S$'S$345336$44 0 Demonstrate scientific concepts through !arious illustrations1 performances1 models1 e-hibits1 and acti!ities$ 5.ote# %rite as many as needed$ 7ndicate ta-onomy le!els and connections to applicable national or state standards$ 7f an objecti!e applies to particular learners "rite the name5s6 of the learner5s6 to "hom it applies$6 ,remember1 understand1 apply1 analy8e1 e!aluate1 create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Kno"ledge of "hat "e did in the pre!ious class session God made the animals in the rainforest and God also made all of us$
Pre-assessment (for learning):

)s#ing students "hat they remember from our last class session to see ho" much stuc# "ith them$ Outline assessment activities 5applicable to this lesson6
Formative (for learning): Formative (as learning):

'ainforest layer boo#let Summative (of learning69

Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation :ro!ide options for perception& making information perceptible Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression :ro!ide options for physical action& increase options for interaction &;ptions in the mode of physical response$ 5Students "ill be able to listen "hen 7 am spea#ing1 as# 2uestions1 dra" pictures1 and "rite the names of the layers$6 :ro!ide options for e-pression and communication& increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement :ro!ide options for recruiting interest& choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats &;ptions that reduce threats and distractions 5Students "ill be doing a thin# pair share1 "hich "ill ma#e sure that they ha!e an ans"er to gi!e if they are called on$6 :ro!ide options for sustaining effort and persistence& optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back &;ptions that e!ery le!els of challenge and support$ 5Students "ill be gi!en the choice to "rite or illustrate as much as they "ant$ Students get to choose the balance bet"een illustration and "riting depending on "hat they are comfortable "ith$ :ro!ide options for self&regulation& e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

:ro!ide options for language1 mathematical e-pressions1 and symbols& clarify & connect language

&;ptions that define !ocabulary and symbols$ 5Definitions of the names of the layers "ill be gi!en$6

&;ptions in the scaffolds for practice and performance$ 5Students "ill be able to dra" as much as they "ant$ Students "ill be able to decide if they "ant to dra" more or less$6

:ro!ide options for comprehension& activate, apply & highlight

:ro!ide options for e-ecuti!e functions& coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies


/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson 2 are t e( read( to use" How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 3 e Plan 4escribe teacher activities A54 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and6or !rom!ts. 7#88 &)s# students if they remember "hat "e did during &'espond "ith ans"ers based on "hat they /otivation our last lesson remember 5opening/ &)s# students if they #no" any of the animals that introduction/ 7#89 li!e in the rainforest$ 5including those that "ere in engagement6 the boo# "e read yesterday/the other day6 7#:9 &'emind students about the different animals "e &Listen carefully read in the boo# by *ric +arle &)s# students ho" many layers they thin# are in 7#:; the rainforest$ 5Thin# pair share6 &*-plain and describe to students about the four 4evelo!ment different layers of rainforest$ 5definitions6 5the largest &*mergent Layer component or &+anopy main body of &(nderstory the lesson6 &(ndergro"th/ orest floor &Gi!e students the rainforest layer boo# 7#<8 &%rite on the board the different names of the layers and the different animals in each layer$ &+olor and dra" "hat they thin# the layers of the &Students "ill be dra"ing and coloring the rainforest are li#e different layers of rainforest1 including animals if they "ant to$ 7#98 &)s# students to finish up and come to the rug &)s students finish up1 as# the first couple #iddos if &Aolunteer to share "hat they "rote "ith the rest of they "ould li#e to share$ the class$ Closure &.e-t time "e "ill be reading another boo# that 5conclusion1 ta#es place in the rainforest culmination1 &)s# students if they #no" "ho made all of the "rap&up6 animals in the rainforest and if they #no" "ho made them$ &%e "ill also be tal#ing a little bit about the reason God made us$ =our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 5%rite this after teaching the lesson1 if you had a chance to teach it$ 7f you did not teach this lesson1 focus on the process of preparing the lesson$6 ;ut of all the lessons 7 planned1 7 thin# this "as is my fa!orite because of the creati!ity that 7 put into it and the creati!ity that came out of it$ 7t "as a fun acti!ity "here students learned some ne" "ords and some students got to sho" off their artistic s#ills$ ;ne thing that 7 reali8ed didnBt "or# out so "ell "as the mini lecture "hen 7 "as introducing and e-plaining about the different layers and their characteristics$ 7 felt that students at times "ere definitely tuned out1 but tuned bac# in for most parts especially "hen 7 as#ed 2uestions$ 7 donBt #no" if it "ould be more effecti!e1 but to change it up maybe 7 could ha!e tal#ed a bit about each layer as the students "ere "riting do"n the names of the layers onto their boo#let$ Something else that 7 could ha!e changed "as starting from the top of the boo#let/layers instead of stopping from the bottom1 7 thin# the order of ho" 7 "rote things and "here 7 started on the boo#let made it easy for me to be confused1 thus confusing the students a bit$ 7 "ould ha!e also li#ed to ha!e told the students that they could loo# at boo#s to reference "hat certain animals loo#ed li#e1 as 7 felt many of them ended up doing$ 3ime Com!onents 7nformation on the different layers Different Layers boo#lets pro!ided for students Slo"ly1 slo"ly1 slo"ly said the Sloth by *ric +arle ?ar#ers1 crayons1 colored pencils @ig paper "ith animals in the right layers Students "ill be sitting on the rug$ %hen students are gi!en the assignment1 they "ill go bac# to their seats to "or# on it$ inally1 students "ill come bac# to the rug to share their "or# "ith each other$


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