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Learning Plan for ____DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ___(Lesson Day 4/U.S. ISTOR! "T #RADE$ Lesson Objective(s): O%&e'(i)e A* +.

S(,-en(s .ill %e a%le (o /. i-en(ify (er0s ,se- in (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e 3. %y (1e0sel)es 4. .i(1 456 a'',ra'y Assessment(s): +. S(,-en(s .ill ge( (1eir .ee7ly )o'a%,lary 2a'7e( %a'7 (o fill in an- re(,rn a( (1e en- of (1e -ay. I .ill re)ie. (1e )o'a%,lary (er0s an-efini(ions .i(1 (1e s(,-en(s so (1ey 'an fill o,( (1eir 2a'7e-. D,ring (1e lesson8 I .ill s(ress (1e asso'ia(ion of (er0s ,se- in (1e glossary .i(1 (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e. 2. I will reinforce the vocabulary terms we just learned by having students match words with their meanings. 3. S(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en a 9:e0ori;e for fill<in<(1e %lan7 =,i;9 on (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e. S(,-en(s .ill 1a)e (i0e8 in 'lass (o %egin s(,-ying an- 0e0ori;ing (1e In(ro-,'(ion8 .1i'1 .ill %e 2ro)i-e- (o ea'1 s(,-en( on a 2rin(e- s1ee(. Adjustments to the assessment: Reso,r'e s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en )is,al ai-s (o 1el2 (1e0 asso'ia(e .or-s .i(1 (1eir 0eaning. Reso,r'e s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en 0ore (i0e (o =,es(ions.

On (1e :e0ori;e for fill<in< (1e %lan7 =,i; on (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e8 s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en a 'on-ense)ersion (o 0e0ori;e.

Materials: C1al7 C1al7%oarA (i0er an-o,( s(,-en( 2a'7e( Le'(,re )o'a%,lary no(es :e0ori;e for fill<in<(1e %lan7 =,i; on (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e (+ 'o2y 2er s(,-en(8 a22ro>i0a(ely /" 'o2ies$ S(,-en(s .ill nee- (o %ring (1eir (e>(%oo7 (o 'lass. A .or- .all of )o'a%,lary (er0s an- -efini(ions for a 0a('1ing ga0e. Ta2e Content Core Standards, Objectives, Indicators: CORE NATIONAL STANDARDS: Standard 6 "Standard 6: Students will understand the structure and function of the United States o!ern"ent esta#lished #$ the Constitution%" O#&ecti!e ': E(a"ine the #asic structure of the Constitution% ?.3.a a% Identif$ the "a&or ele"ents of the United States Constitution% Purpose* @ :as(ery @Con'e2(,al @ In(er2ersonal @ Self< e>2ression T1e 2,r2ose of (1e lesson is (o fa0iliari;e s(,-en(s .i(1 +"(1 'en(,ry (er0s ,se- in (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e. Strate !: S(,-en(s .ill %e a%le (o -efine 7ey (er0inology as (1ey 2er(ain (o (1e -e)elo20en( of (1e Cons(i(,(ion of (1e Uni(e- S(a(es. I .ill re)ie. (1e (er0s an- -efini(ions .i(1 (1e s(,-en(s an- .e .ill -is',ss 1o. (1e )o'a%,lary .or-s 2er(ain (o (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e. "ime Learnin Activities (includin technolo !)# AB 0in,(e 'lass 2erioUse s(ra(egy s(e2s. A-a2(a(ions

+B 0in,(es

$# %andouts: an- o,( s(,-en(s .ee7ly )o'a%,lary 2a'7e(.

_____________ 3B 0in,(es &# 'eclaration "erminolo ! Cey i-eas an)o'a%,lary +4B<+"A as (1ey 2er(ain (o (1e -e)elo20en( of (1e Cons(i(,(ion of (1e Uni(e- S(a(es. Re)ie. (1e (er0s an- -efini(ions .i(1 (1e s(,-en(s. I .ill s(ress (1e asso'ia(ion of (er0s ,se- an- 1o. (1ey rela(e (o (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e.

Adjustments to the assessment: Reso,r'e s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en )is,al ai-s (o 1el2 (1e0 asso'ia(e .or-s .i(1 (1eir 0eaning. Reso,r'e s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en 0ore (i0e (o =,es(ions. On (1e :e0ori;e for fill< in<(1e %lan7 =,i; on (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e8 s(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en a 'on-ense- )ersion (o 0e0ori;e.

Terminology: 1. Preamble - a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction. 2. Prohibit - to prevent from doing something 3. Import - to bring into 4. Impose - to establish by authority . !arass - to annoy repeatedly. ". #epeal - to withdrawal by authoritative act. $. %uarter - to provide with lodging or shelter &. 'rievance - complaint or protest (. )ustoms - a duty or tax on

imported goods. 1*. +ssent - Expression of agreement 11. )oerce - to bring about by force. 12. ,andate - an authoritative command 13. #econciliation - a settlement, restoration of friendship 14. +llegiance - loyalty or obedience 1 . -vinces - to show clearly 1". Institute - to begin or start 1$. Invariably - not changing 1&. Prudence - good judgment 1(. .yranny - cruel and harsh government 2*. /nalienable - incapable of being surrendered or transferred 21. /surpations - Taking over 22. Preamble - a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction. 23. 0atural rights - atural and legal rights are two types of rights! legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system, while natural rights are those not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable. 24. +bolish - formally put an end to "a system, practice, or institution#. 2 . 1issolve - close down or dismiss "an assembly or official body#. 2". 1eclare - acknowledge possession of. 2$. -stablish - set up "an organi$ation, system, or set of rules# on a firm or permanent basis.

/B 0in,(es

3. Word-wall Vocabulary Matching: Prepared in advance a vocabulary activity will be put on the board. .erminology words and definitions will be properly placed for the term review2 1. I will provide a definition and as3 students to identify the wordwall word that matches the definition. 2. Provide the phonetic pronunciation and as3 students to say or point to the word. 3. Provide a sentence that has one word missing4 that word can be found on the word wall. The Game: +rrange the class into 2 to 4 teams. +s3 one of the 5uestions you prepared6 of the first student on the first team. If a student identifies the correct word-wall word6 that student earns a point If the student does not identify the correct word-wall word6 pass the 5uestion to the first player on the ne7t team. _____________ _____ +t the end of the game6 the team

/B 0in,(es

with the most points is declared the winning team.

Memori(e )or )ill*in*the blan+ ,ui(: S(,-en(s .ill %e gi)en a s1ee( of 2a2er on (1e in(ro-,'(ion 2ar( of (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e (1a( s(,-en(s .ill nee- (o 0e0ori;e for (1e ,2'o0ing =,i;. (See a((a'10en($ +B :in,(es Clos,re* !and out 37 card at end of class. +s3 students to write a response to the following 5uestion6 which is based on the inclass lecture of the day2 %hat is the purpose of a &reamble and what does the &reamble to the 'eclaration of (ndependence say) As7 s(,-en(s if (1ey 1a)e any =,es(ions. Dis',ss so0e of (1e )o'a%,lary (er0s an- 1o. (1ey rela(e (o (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e Assign s(,-en(s (o (a7e 1o0e (1e s1ee( 1an-eo,( on* ")e"ori*e for fill+in+the #lan, -ui*." (o s(,-y for 1o0e.or7

-valuation: S(,-en(s .ill %e e)al,a(e- %y (1e (ea'1er %ase- on (1eir 2ar(i'i2a(ion in (1e 'lass roo0. T1e 0ain e021asis of (1e lesson is (o 2ro)i-e s(,-en(s .i(1 an o22or(,ni(y (o %,il- on (1eir 2ro-,'(i)e )o'a%,laries8 .i(1o,( (1e 2ress,re of %eing gra-e- on (1eir gra00a(i'al 'orre'(ness. As 2ar( of (1eir 1o0e.or78 s(,-en(s are re=,ire- (o 7ee2 in-i)i-,al )o'a%,lary .or7 2a'7e(s for (1e ,ni( lessons. For ea'1 .or-8 (1e s(,-en(s are e>2e'(e- (o .ri(e a -efini(ion an- an e>a02le sen(en'e ,sing (1eir o.n .or-s. T1e )o'a%,lary 2a'7e(s are in(en-e- (o 2ro)i-e

an o22or(,ni(y for 2ro-,'(i)e ,se of ne. lang,age8 as .ell as f,r(1er reinfor'e0en( of (1e 'on(e>( of 1is(ory (1e )o'a%,lary is %eing learnefor (s,'1 as (1e De'lara(ion of In-e2en-en'e$.

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