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Service Learning Reflective Summary Report Ashley Lowe Ivy Tech


INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale

Standard !" #rofessional Learning and $thical #ractice The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his%her practice, particularly the effects of his%her choices and actions on others &learners, families, other professionals, and the community', and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner(

Name of Artifact" Service Learning Reflective Summary Report Date" Novem)er *!, +,*Course" $D.C *,*

/rief Description" 0or this assignment, I wrote a)out my e1periences at school 23( I wrote a)out how it affected me and how it will ma4e me a )etter teacher(

Rationale" To document my understanding of Standard !, #rofessional Learning and $thical #ractice, I wrote a)out my time spent at the school and how it has contri)uted to my professional learning(


Introduction I have the pleasure of not only wor4ing at 5eorge 6ashington Carver I#S 23, )ut having it as my Service Learning site( It is a 7ontessori school, one of three in I#S( The teacher that I have )een wor4ing with is 8uli Cooper( She teaches 9th and 3th grade( She has )een a teacher for *- years( She has )een a terrific mentor to me( I have learned so much this semester not only from 8uli, )ut from the students and other staff mem)ers at School 23( Relate Service Learning Experience to the Classroom In a 7ontessori classroom the Constructivism style of learning plays a ma:or role( In a 7ontessori classroom everything is hands on and student )ased( I had the great opportunity to sit and o)serve many great lessons taught )y 8uli Cooper( She has fun and uni;ue lessons planned every day and it was a real pleasure watching her teach( 8uli<s class reads a )oo4 every 9 wee4s( The students chose what )oo4s that they will read as a class( This 9 wee4s they read 0rom the 7i1ed=.p 0iles of 7rs( /asil $( 0ran4weiler( After the )oo4 was finished 8uli assigned a pro:ect for each student( They chose from a list( >ou could pic4 to draw a new cover of the )oo4, write a paper a)out a sculptor, perform a play or s4it, write a new )ac4 cover, pic4 a piece of sculpture or a painting and research it, and many other options( It was interesting to see the students pic4 their pro:ects( 0or the most part they all pic4ed different pro:ects( They wor4ed very hard and were very interested in learning a)out art( I loved all the different pro:ect that they created( I<m personally a fan of the )oo4 and have always had a love for art, so this was a great lesson for me to )e a part of(


8uli 4nows that every student learns with a different style( $veryone is different, and the way that we learn is different from one another( This was a ma:or theme in our $ducation *,* classroom( 6e had many discussions a)out this( I thin4 that it is one of the most important things to ta4e way from this class in order to )e a successful teacher( Personal Reflections I en:oyed the time that I spent in 8uli<s classroom, and I will continue to spend time in her classroom after this class is finished( I thin4 that the more time you spend in a classroom it will only help you )ecome a )etter teacher( 6hat you learn in a )oo4 will not cover what )eing a teacher is really li4e( To learn to )e a teacher you have to have hands on e1perience( I thin4 it<s a great idea that your first education class you spend time in a classroom( This is helps open your eyes to what teaching is really li4e( I li4e that you are put in an ur)an school setting( It is important to e1pose the $ducation students to a wide array of students( The service learning is )eneficial to help you create connections in a school system( It is important to get to 4now not :ust the teacher that you are wor4ing with, )ut all the staff mem)ers at the school( ?aving a good standing with a school and the staff mem)ers will only help you when it is time to finally apply for a :o) as a teacher( Future Teacher I<m luc4y that I have spent 9 years wor4ing at different schools with different ages of students( 5etting to 4now different students and teachers will only help me in the future( I want to continue to wor4 with variety teachers in different grade levels as I finish


school( I am luc4y that I wor4 with so many ama@ing teachers that want to help me along the way to )ecome a teacher( Their doors are always open to me( Ane of the )est things that I too4 away from my service learning e1perience was I do not want to teach 9th and 3th grade( The students are ama@ing, smart and sweet )ut this time helped me reali@e that I en:oy wor4ing with younger children( I currently wor4 with preschool and 4indergarten children( I love this age, )ut I<m still not sure what grade level I en:oy the most( I have time to figure that out( Ne1t year I plan on spending time in a different classroom with *st, +nd and -rd graders( 7y plan is to spend time with as many teachers as possi)le( I thin4 this will give me a leg up on other education students and will help me )e a much )etter teacher( Summary and Recommendations I found the service learning e1perience to )e very valua)le( I love the teacher and the school that I was at( I would love for everyone to e1perience 5eorge 6ashington Carver 23( I thin4 that it would )e great to add 23 as a new learning site( I thin4 that the future $ducation *,* students will fall in love with the school, students and staff mem)ers as much as I have(


Reference Boch, 8anice( &+,*+'( Teach( 6adsworth, Cengage Learning(

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