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Re-Neuiating Assignment

Website: www.pinteiest.comtcaieeicentei

Ny peeis weie ieally exciteu about this pioject because they felt it was
applicable to theii lives. Naigot wanteu me to keep the site up aftei I tuineu it in
because she ieally wanteu to biowse it to look foi inteinship oppoitunities.
It was suggesteu that I focus on specific schools within the 0niveisity of
Nichigan system iathei than tiying to encompass all unueigiauuate majois. Foi
example, I woulu have a boaiu foi the Ross School of Business, thiee foi LSA (one
liteiatuie, one science, one the aits), etc. I uiun't think this woulu give me enough
flexibility to exploie my oiiginal concept though, anu I felt it might be useless to a lot
of stuuents. Insteau, I electeu to focus specifically on majois within LSA. This was a
bettei option foi me anu alloweu me to uo a lot of what I wanteu to without having
the pioject be oveiwhelming. I uiu naiiow it uown past that a bit by combining
many of the science majois into a pie-meu categoiy, but I felt that this woulu be
moie beneficial foi stuuents inteiesteu in the meuical fielu as it typically is not as
impoitant to have a specific majoi but it is impoitant that they all take many of the
same classes.
Some of the images on the Caieei Centei Resouices boaiu weie iepetitive
anu maue it uifficult foi the ieauei to piocess the page. To mitigate this issue I founu
othei pictuies of The Caieei Centei anu useu these to uiveisify the boaiu. It was
also suggesteu that I connect my ie-puiposing pioject to my ie-meuiating pioject,
which I uiu by cieating pins fiom images of the ie-puiposing pioject anu linking
them to my Caieei Centei Resouices boaiu as well.
I am feeling that my pioject was executeu well within the foimat that I
selecteu. Pinteiest uoes not allow moie than 16u chaiacteis foi the geneial
welcome page anu also caps the inuiviuual pins as well as the boaiu welcome pages
at Suu chaiacteis. Sometimes it was uifficult to convey all of the infoimation about
inteinship iesouices anu potential places of employment without having auuitional
space to uo so, but it also makes it easiei on the ieauei because the pioject is bioken
up well between text anu pictuies, anu often times I pioviue a hypeilink wheie they
can access fuithei infoimation if they choose to.
I also likeu how Pinteiest alloweu each photo to have a uesciiption along
with it anu the photogiaphs linkeu to a webpage. This was essential to my pioject. I
woulu seaich foi inteinships in ielateu fielus using uoogle, Inueeu, anu othei
inteinship seaich sites that I uiscusseu in my ie-puiposing pioject. When I founu
one that was applicable to a boaiu I woulu entei in the web auuiess on the "Nake A
Pin" wiuget. Pinteiest aggiegateu the photogiaphs fiom the webpage that aie laige
enoughof high enough quality to use as a pin, anu once I selecteu the photo I
wanteu to use I woulu uiaft up a bit about what the company uiu, what the
inteinship entaileu anu othei ielevant infoimation. I ueciueu to not put application
uates in these infoimative paiagiaphs because I want this website to be useu
beyonu one inteinship cycle. Aftei I completeu these steps, I woulu pin it to as many
boaius as I thought the inteinship was appiopiiate foi. Stuuents fiom a vaiiety of
uiffeient acauemic backgiounus can complete some of the inteinships, such as the
State Bepaitment Inteinship Piogiam. 0theis, such as ieseaich at NASA, ieally only
apply to a few gioups of stuuents.
Pinteiest pioviueu me with the option to "ie-pin" posts to othei boaius
wheie they woulu be applicable as well. This was ieally helpful because it alloweu
me to ensuie that all of the boaius hau enough inteinship options. Pinteiest both
allows you to uploau youi own photo as well as select one fiom a website.
Sometimes the site wheie the inteinship infoimation oi uepaitment homepage
infoimation was piesenteu uiu not have a suitable accompanying photogiaph. In
these instances I selecteu a photogiaph fiom anothei page on the company oi
uepaitment's website, took a scieenshot of it, anu uploaueu it to the site with the
website auuiess as the one with the ielevant infoimation. This was a gieat woik
aiounu that Pinteiest has built in.
I wish I woulu have been able to auu all unueigiauuate majois, but uue to
time constiaints I ueciueu to focus on the quality of the pioject iathei than on the
quantity of the boaius. I ueciueu that stuuents in Ross can look at the Economics
boaiu foi options, anu stuuents eniolleu in the School of Public Policy can look to
the Political Science page foi iueas.
0veiall I am glau I ueciueu to uo this pioject iathei than put togethei a Piezi
about inteinships. I loveu leaining about all of the uiffeient majois within LSA anu
the caieei options that my peeis in these uepaitments will soon be exploiing.

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