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Morgan Helton Meaghan Rand English 1103 15 October 2013 Inquiry Proposal !ub"ecti#ity !

tate$ent E#eryone struggles %ith their body i$age at e#ery age and stage in their li&e' (e are ne#er &ully satis&ied %ith %hat %e see in the $irror' It ba&&les $e ho% %e en#y e#ery other girl)s body e*cept our o%n' (hy are %e ne#er &ully satis&ied %ith our body i$age+ I ha#e al%ays thought to $ysel& ,i& I had her legs or ar$s then I %ould &eel better about $ysel&'- I $ight ha#e the sa$e si.e sto$ach as so$eone else/ but I %ill al%ays see their)s as $ore &lat or sli$$er than $ine' 0hese tric1s that our $inds play on us &ascinates $e greatly because it)s a ne#er ending cycle' I thin1 this topic is per&ect &or $y inquiry pro"ect because I ha#e al%ays %anted an e*cuse to loo1 &urther into the o#erall conte*t o& ho% %e percei#e our bodies' 2ot only is it appealing to $e/ but it %ill also be educational to learn about because it a&&ects our e#eryday li#es' 0he %ay %e see our bodies can alter our $ood and o#erall beha#ior &or the rest o& our day' I& I %o1e up to$orro% and loo1ed in the $irror and thought to $ysel& ,$y thighs loo1 huge today- I %ould then acquire a negati#e attitude &or the rest o& the day' I belie#e that using body i$age as $y topic &or the inquiry pro"ect $ay be challenging and easy at the sa$e ti$e/ because I ha#e dealt %ith it $y

%hole li&e but I still ha#e $uch $ore to learn about the sub"ect itsel&' It $ay be challenging to ans%er this question because o& the #arious ans%ers that could acco$$odate this topic' I belie#e inter#ie%ing se#eral people &or this topic %ill help $e to understand ho% other people &eel about their body i$age' I ha#e al%ays %ondered i& I %as the only person that has struggled %ith body i$ages $y %hole li&e' I can)t re$e$ber an age that I %asn)t sel& conscious about ho% body loo1ed in the $irror' 3 question that I %ould li1e to &ocus on is/ ,has our generation a&&ected the %ay %e see our body+- It)s i$portant &or $e to be able to ans%er this question because I %ant to see %hat has a&&ected all o& us to be sel&4conscious about our bodies' I ha#e yet to research &actual in&or$ation on $y question and topic/ but I plan on loo1ing through $any psychology boo1s to &ind ans%ers' I 1no% that I ha#e a %ide #ariety o& resources at this uni#ersity including the student health center or counselors at this school' Either o& those places could help $e &ind ans%ers or allo% $e to get a better understanding on %hat is that I)$ loo1ing &or' I $ay ha#e a &e% potential issues %hile doing $y research because I $ay not be able to ha#e counselors $a1e ti$e &or $e/ or I $ay ha#e a hard ti$e understanding the psychology boo1s relating to body issues' In case I run into these issues/ I plan on going to the psychology depart$ent and seeing i& I could as1 certain questions that are pertinent to $y topic' I plan on ha#ing a better understanding on %hy %e as hu$ans are

ne#er satis&ied %ith out bodies as %ell as ho% %e can &i* it' I %ant to be able to disco#er a solution &or this proble$ and share it %ith others' I 1no% that i& I use all $y resources/ I can learn to help $ysel& %ith this pain&ul issue' I %ant to be able to li#e a better li&e a&ter this pro"ect and understand %hy $y $ind $a1es $e &eel negati#e about $y body' I shouldn)t ha#e to li#e li1e this any longer because I 1no% I a$ beauti&ul and I deser#e to &eel that %ay e#eryday' 3nother outco$e that $ay sur&ace at the end o& this pro"ect is &inding $y passion in li&e' I ha#e al%ays %anted to test $y passion in health and science' I %ould li1e to see ho% I &eel about pursing this as a $a"or at the end o& this' (hate#er the outco$e is/ I 1no% that I %ill be happy %ith "ust trying to ans%er a question that has perple*ed $e $y entire li&e'

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