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Dominate and Subordinate Group Analysis Reflection Paper (Mini Assignment A) Christine Lindie Communication and Cultural Diversity Georgia State University

Dominate and Subordinate Group Analysis Reflection Paper

Never having to think about where I stand in society as far as categorizing myself in a subordinate or dominate group made this assignment very difficult to me. It took me a great deal of time to come up with three groups per section. I believe Im subordinate in this society because Im natural, a women and African American. In today times I think being a heterosexual, an American and being able-bodied makes me dominate Subordinate Straight or permed hair would be the dominant group in relation to me feeling subordinate with my natural hair. Natural hair is beautiful to me now; my view towards natural hair has changed over the years. When I was younger I did not think twice about ever becoming natural. At the time it was just not for me, so I thought. It took a traumatic incident for me to appreciate natural hair. In comparison with relaxed hair, natural hair is healthier. Though, it is healthier I feel like it is looked down upon. For instance, I believe that if a natural hair individual and a permed or straight hair individual were applying for the same job the straight hair person will get the job. I feel like straight hair is more accepted in today society. It is an easy look to familiarize with and for the most part people associate it with professionalism. Which leads to my next reason I feel subordinate with natural hair; people tend to stereotype just about everything I do based off my hair. I get questions like, is India Ire your favorite artist because you can relate with her hair journey? Or a comment like, you most listen to Erykah Badu because she gives off that natural vibe. I feel as if Im being prejudged just because I choose to wear my hair a certain way. Though, I love and enjoy my hair; Im afraid these preconceived notions will disallow people to know me for who I am, but just make assumptions based off my hair preference. Being a man will always overshadow being a woman in this country in my eyes. For some people this statement may have no significance, but I firmly believe it. My belief in this statement is why I feel that being a woman is a subordinate group when compared to men. Living in America I feel like a man is always showcased as the dominate figure when compared to a woman. He is the man of the house or the provider for the family and is also known as the protector. Women normally do not get these heroic roles unless they are a single mother. A mans pay is typically higher than a woman even if the same job title is given. I feel no matter how hard a woman tries to be independent she will never truly get the glorification as a man would if he accomplished the same goals as she did. I also feel in America men are treated with a higher level of respect. For instance, every woman knows not to go to mechanic shop or car dealership without a man present, because it is said you will be taken advantage of. Recently I had to redo my basement. Before the construction of the basement began, my mother and I did more than enough research about the job. Not having a man present when the builder arrive the

Dominate and Subordinate Group Analysis Reflection Paper

handy man insisted that our calculation were off and that we were not knowledgeable about the topic of reconstructing It took my Uncle to be present and to talk to the man in order for us to get our basement done at the price we estimated. From this experience both my mother and I took that, men will step over their boundaries or take advantage when they notice a man is not there to put things in place or take charge. If being a woman was not already a challenge to face in this world, being African American most definitely is. Continuing Injuries of Racism: Counseling in a Racist Context, is an article that covers the impact of racism on American people color. Many ethnicities other than African have gone through trials and tribulation within our society; thats why I want to clarify that it is my belief that being an African American is a subordinate group. Not only Caucasian, but other ethnicity are dominate group when compare to African Americans. There has been plenty of times where I felt mistreated by a different groups based off my skin color. For example, being followed in a store or being constantly asked if I need assistance when I state I dont. I think being African American is subordinate in general in our society, but for the sake of this assignment my aim is for how African American treats one another. By far my own people have been the ones that have kept me down by judging and stereotyping me the most. Ive dealt with self-concept problem all throughout middle and high school simply because of the way I was raised. Being raised by a Guyanese mother I was taught that my actions, attitude, appearance and behavior was a reflection of who my mother was. If I did anything in an adults eye to discredit her I would be looked down upon or scolded. Though my teachers never had any complaints; I dealt with problem form my fellow peers. I was considered an Oreo which is a black person acting or believing they were white. I had a hard time understanding why it was a problem to my African American friends to have things in common with difference races, cultures and ethnicities when I moved to Georgia. As a child it was not only confusing but hard to endure. Now as an adult I still fight not to be looked at as a race or groups, but viewed as Christine, myself. I feel like it will never happen, mainly because people will continue to judge a book by its cover. Ive came to the understanding that it easier to stereotype something you know nothing about rather than becoming knowledgeable about whatever youre judging. Dominate I would consider being a heterosexual dominant over being gay, bisexual or a lesbian. I think that any sexuality other than heterosexual are treated unfairly. They are not completely protected under laws. They still do not have certain rights and are still being told in many states that they cannot marry the ones they love. Being a straight individual I never have to deal with awkward stares when I want to hold or even kiss my significant other. Whereas other sexuality are shun for doing the same thing Im doing in public. I know for sure being an American is a dominate group compared to any other country. Im so certain because my mother reminds me almost daily how privileged it is to be an American. America is the country of possibilities. This is the country people come to, to have

Dominate and Subordinate Group Analysis Reflection Paper

better opportunities. My family came from a country in South America to come to the land of the free. Though, Im reminded how great it is to be an American I was faced with it when I went to Rome, Italy last summer. I met a young man that has been trying to come to American for over thirteen years and has been denied by his country. We had a conversation that lasted over two hour. Throughout this conversation he compared his country to my country and I must say after that conversation I felt honored to be an America. Finally, being able-bodied is dominate over being handicapped. There are endless advantages of being able-bodied over being handicapped. The article, Embodied marginalities: Disability, citizenship, and space in highland Ecuador, is an article over a survey that was done in Ecuador about the disadvantages of the disabled in their communities. Some advantage many include job opportunities, accessibility, and representation in our society. Im grateful for all of the advantages that come along with being able-bodied, but Im most grateful for my freedom. It has caught my attention while doing research that most handicapped individual wants a sense of freedom and individuality. I must say being a part of this dominate group I have my sense of freedom. Reflection Before starting this assignment I had a hard time coming up with subordinate and dominate groups I belonged to. Ive learned so much about myself while doing this assignment. Mainly, because in order to place myself in a subordinate of dominate group, I had to dissect myself into pieces. While doing this assignment I noticed how privileged I truly am. This assignment helped me to realize to cherish my life and not to be ashamed of anything. Simply, because if certain incidents did not happen I wouldnt be the person I am today. It wasnt until assignment I took heed to the power difference between social groups Im a part of and those of others. Acceptance is how I deal with the tendency to deny or resist awareness of the way we are oppressed or oppressors.

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