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Purpose a. Students are showing their understanding of flow charts by using historical evidence to create one b. Students are learning about the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange Input a. Students will construct a flow chart displaying the various things exchanged between the New and Old World during the Age of Exploration i. Students will be given a poster board ii. Students can either draw, print out, or cut pictures out of magazines to help illustrate their posters 1. Students will have access to magazines, computers, markers, scissors, and glue sticks iii. Students graphs must contain the different types of livestock, vegetation, diseases, and technology exchanged during the time period b. Once the student has finished their Columbian Exchange posters, they must answer the following question by writing their response on the backside of their poster board i. Question: 1. Interaction between cultures accelerates the pace of innovation in societies, but interaction can also spread diseases which can have devastating impacts on a societys economic, political, and social spheres. Which had a greater impact (positive or negative) on human progress: the exchange of technology and culture or the spread of diseases? Support your answer by explain why you feel this way. Responses must be backed by historical evidence. c. A few students will randomly be chosen to stand up in front of the class to share their Columbian Exchange poster and their response Time a. 1 1.5 class periods

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