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Surya College of Business Management

2nd Sessional Course: BBA Semester: 5th sem Name of Faculty: Pallavi Singh Time Duration : 2 hr (SET:B) Note: Attempt All The Questions. SECTION:A Q1: Short Questions(Attempt any five) Effect of smoking on health. Types of Hospital. Organizational structure of hospital. Goals and function of health care system. Expenditure on health services. Need assessment Activity. SECTION:B Q2. Long Question Answer: a) How economic appraisal of health services is conducted? What is the major role of need vs supply vs demand model. (10) b) . What is hospital administration? What are the resources and trends that are being Utilized in the changing role of hospital? (10) Q3. Attempt any two of the following: (5*2=10) a) Write notes on Tobacco Use. b) Focus on awareness of AIDS. c) Define the term policy policy. What is the variety of innovative concepts being adopted in pricing healthcare strategies? Q4. Attempt any One of the following: (10*1=10) a) Allocation of budget gives a clear view for how to allocate finance and price in health care. Focus on budgeting, survey and expenditure method. b) How health care decision making for mega problems is evaluated? Focus on the contemporary trends of health care? a) b) c) d) e) f) Subject: Health CareManagement Code : BBA 503 Session: 2013-2014 MM: 50



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