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To what extent are you the product of your heredity and to what extent are you the product

of your heredity, and to what extent are you the product of your environment?

Heredity a process of transmission of genetic transmission from the parent to the offspring that determines many of their specific characteristics, especially those that affect development.

Plato championed nature. He believed that we are born with some knowledge. Aristotle championed nurture. He believed that at birth our mind is a clean slate (tabula rasa) and that life experiences provide us with knowledge.

Chromosomes the hereditary units that we receive from our parents and transmit to our offspring are carried by this colored bodies found within the nucleus of each cell in the body. Each chromosome is composed of many individual hereditary units called genes, which also occur in pairs.

Human genome The complete set of genes. Dominant genes takes precedence over recessive genes. Traits carried by recessive genes show up in phenotypes only when recessive genes occur together.

Genotype an individuals genetic inheritance. Phenotype overt expression of an individuals inheritance, which may also show the influence of the environment.

Maturation the completion of growth and development within the organism. The unfolding of an individuals inherent traits or potentials.

Environment includes all conditions inside and outside an organism that in any way influence its behavior, growth, development and life processes except the genes.

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