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Bush's Stalingrad is Baghdad's Revenge By Henry Makow Ph.D. April 03 !

003 Many o" the #S $arines stor$ing Baghdad were only %&years&old when Pappy Bush tri'ked Sadaa$ Hussein into invading (uwait and then in'inerated )ra*i soldiers when they tried to retreat. +hese young $arines were playing little league ,ase,all and graduating "ro$ high s'hool while $illions o" )ra*is endured a gruelling #S&led e$,argo. -et these $arines will ,e the ones to "eel the revenge o" an enraged people ar$ed provisioned and prepared to de"end their ho$es to the death. -oung $arines who signed to .serve their 'ountry. will ,leed and die in Baghdad alleyways so Bush Ro'ke"eller and their 'ronies 'an ,e $ore "ilthy ri'h. A$eri'an "a$ilies will $ourn their loved ones so Sharon and Roths'hild 'an have an e$pire "ro$ the /ile to the 0uphrates. +he devil is ru,,ing his hands in glee. 1n'e again he has pitted inno'ent peoples in a death struggle. How ,etter to degrade hu$anity and render it vulnera,le to his world govern$ent2 As ) write this #S sto'k $arkets are soaring on a tide o" nothing&,ut&positive news "ro$ the #S $edia. 1ur rulers ,elieve that .saying so $akes it so.. But it doesn't take a genius to "oresee that the #.S. is not going to 'on*uer Baghdad without levelling it to the ground and killing $ost o" its inha,itants. By pretending to .li,erate. the )ra*i people it 'annot very well turn around now and annihilate the$. A$eri'an leaders have ,een snagged ,y their own nauseating propaganda. Soon the hot desert sun will ,ear down on their deluded ar$y. Sand stor$s will 'hoke its $a'hinery a re,uke "ro$ an irate 3od. 0ventually in $onths or years the #S ar$y will straggle ho$e "ro$ )ra* under a ,arrage o" "a'e&saving ,luster. A $arine general said the #S had not .ga$e planned. "or a war like this. +he ga$e plan was A"ghanistan4 the reality is 5ietna$. )s this intended to ,e another A$eri'an de,a'le like 5ietna$ 'horeographed ,y the glo,alists2 Does the #S need to ,e weakened to $elt it into the new world order2 Already the #.S. has lost the world's respe't. +he )ra*i leadership appears 'al$ ,e'ause it did ga$e plan "or this war. Soon it will e6tra't "itting revenge.

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