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Caryn Bedford Literacy Opens the World September 2013 Photography, Paper The genre I chose is a motivational poster

containing pictures representing the experiences that make up my literacy history that goes along with a phrase. Not only does the poster contain representations of my little narratives described in the literacy memoir, but representations of all of my different literacies and things that have shaped my literacy throughout my life. The intended audience is young learners and through this poster they would realize the potentials they have just by expanding their literacies I chose a motivational poster as my genre because it is a unique way to display my literacy narratives and can also convey how my literacy history was shaped with specific visuals. The audience can therefore see the symbols of my literacy the way I see them. I was able to include representations of my literacy history and a message about how they influenced me as a whole, such as the picture of dinosaurs which represents a paper I wrote in second grade that was about dinosaurs. Due to the constraints of this genre, I was unable to include actual descriptions and meanings behind each symbol. I also could not fit in every single event or memory that is in my literacy history because I could not find a symbol for it. I wanted to convey the importance of my literacy experiences to me and how they can assist others through the use of a motivational poster. The specific audience that my motivational poster is geared toward is young learners for the purpose of showing them how important it is to develop your literacy history with eclectic experiences, like the experiences I had. By showing an audience of young learners a poster with pictures and the phrase Literacy opens up your world it displays and reiterates the importance of expanding your literacy to help with future learning. The purpose of the poster is to be educational yet still intriguing to others not in the intended audience. The choices I made as to what pictures I included in the poster reflect the experiences that stand out the most in my memory. For example, the maps of France and Germany and the image of the Eiffel Tower represent my knowledge of the French and German languages. I took French classes for four years and German for two and both experiences stand out in my memory and have had a tremendous impact on my literacy. Luckily my most important experiences could be represented by pictures. This motivational poster relates to pieces of my literacy history through the representational pictures of my experiences. I felt that I would have rather display the memories of my experiences in a visual rather than write about them. I also felt that writing about my little narratives would have been too similar to the initial literacy memoir. Pictures are always intriguing and get a point across quicker than writing sometimes does especially for this project. Pictures are also a common way for people to exchange their experiences, which why I wanted to represent my literacy history in the form of pictures on a poster.
Comment [BW1]: It seems like a run on sentence. I think you need to reword this or at least add a comma.

Comment [BW2]: Split to two sentences or add a semicolon.

Comment [BW3]: You did a good job explaining who your audience was and why.

Comment [BW4]: Good job talking about your little narratives.

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