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Tutor:AshleeSimpson Tutee:DaynaPerry Grade:4th ReadingLevel: 3

Lesson# 2

Evaluation/Reflectionfromlast lesson I learned some useful information about Dayna that will help me in planning this lesson and upcoming lessons. One thing is that during the reading attitude survey she mentioned that she does not like to read aloud in class. I plan on addressing this in the next lessons. The CRI sentences provided me with the information that Dayna is reading at the end of level to level !. I plan on giving both levels this lesson unless it is found that level is really where she is. "rom the writing that we did I found that she likes the diary of a wimpy kid books and movies so incorporating that into the lessons would help keep her attention. One technical issue that I had was the app I was using for the spelling inventory was correcting her spelling so I will re#test the $lementary %pelling Inventory. I have fixed the problem so she is able to write in the app and it will no longer correct the spelling automatically. Goalsfor the session: The goalsfor this lessonare to completeall assessmentsnot finishedin lesson1. This includesthe CRI readingpassagesfor level 3 through4 if neededand also retakingthe ElementarySpellingInventory. Rationale: Administering the CRI passages will help with understanding of what level Danya is reading, her comprehension of the text, and her fluency. Administering the ESI will give me an idea where she is at in spelling and help plan for word sorts. The writing A writingassessmentwill alsobe givento assess portion of the lesson will provide me with useful information of how Danya sets up the understandingof sentencestructure. sentences to see if she needs help with it. By having Danya write the sentences it can provide me with the information of how she sees texts that she reads.


FamiliarReading/Fluency(5 min ): Dayna will be reading out loud the book "Someday" by Eileen Spinelli. This book ties in with the writing assessment of this lesson. If Dayna has trouble reading aloud I can alternate reading pages with her. Ideally I would like to hear her read aloud to see her reading habits and check fluency.

Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this based on what you have learned about your tutee and according to research? Include citation/references to professional sources): Having Dayna be comfortable with reading is important to help build her confidence in her ability to read. Dayna mentioned during the reading attitude survey that she does not enjoy reading aloud. Providing more chances for her to read aloud will change this for her. Having a text that is at her reading level to read aloud will help to get her to be comfortable reading aloud grade level materials.

InformalReadingInventory(Cooter, Flynt & Cooter - finishfromlast weekif necessary) [What will you do and how? List procedures and materials]: 20 min

Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this? Include citations): This will help in finding texts that are on her reading level so that she will be able to comprehend the text. Understanding the authors message is the essence of I will be having Danya complete the level passage of the CRI. &s indicated by the initial reading. Comprehension is purposeful reading passages she is at the end of level and active, and is enhanced by instruction. almost level !. %ince she is close to the level !' if (Cooter, Flynt & Cooter pg. 4) By finding necessary I will have her complete that level also. at which level Dayna is reading it will help to build her confidence and understanding of the text. Assessment (finishfromlast week) [What will you do and how? List procedures and materials]: 5 min Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this? Include citations):

The Elementary Spelling Inventory will help to determine the students knowledge of I am going to have Danya complete the key spelling features that relate to the spelling inventory again. When I had her different spelling stages. The spelling complete the lists using the iPad, the inventory also offers information about the program was correcting the words as she went. To better understand where she is at I students reading. (Words Their Way) This information will help to plan future lessons will have her write it out on paper. I have that target the students weakness in fixed the problem of spell check within the particular spelling stages. "pages" app to eliminate the problem happening again.

WritingAssessment [What will you do and how? List procedures and materials]: 15 min

Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this? Include citations):

Allowing Dayna to write will provide me with information about her sense of For the writing assessment I will be having sentence structure and her attitude Danya write about what she wants to be when she grows up. Previously we had read towards writing. I want to see if Danya is able to write using correct punctuation and the book "Someday" during the familiar in complete sentences. reading. By connecting the story and brainstorming some possible things that she would like to be, I will have her choose one to write about. I will instruct her to write at least 4 sentences of what she would like to be when she grows up and give a reason why. I will be letting her use the iPad to write using pages, she showed interest in using it in the last session to write. I will also be writing what I want to be. If time allows we will share what we have written. Insert any otherparts of the regularplanthat you mayhavetimefor wordstudy,guidedreading if you havetime! BookSharing [What will you do and how? List procedures and materials]: I will continue reading the book that Dayna picked out last session titled "Fourth Grade Fairy." I will read aloud the story and stop at various places to ask questions about the story and what she thinks might happen next. Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this? Include citations): Rationale/Purpose(s)(Why is it important to do this? Include citations): Providing Dayna a book that is on a 4th grade reading level will help build her understanding of grade level texts and introduce her to grade level texts that might be more difficult for her to comprehend when reading alone.

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